Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4536, Ning in the rain, high songs, do not go to the fence

Decorating under the nesting egg!

The country is broken, the home is not!

You should understand these truths! !

When the sword is unparalleled, his voice is already as a thunder, and it is rumored, and then aroused the sea water!

At this time, a small boy has been able to control the light from the distance!

"Little generation, you can't humiliate me ?!"

After this, the sky was shaking, and the finger was trembled, and the sword was unparalleled.

I want him to catch the Tianzhu, born in the universe, chaotic, and when someone dares to be his face, to accuse him?

"I see you are looking for death!"

Endless Hong Kong Xuanhuang is angry, from Feng Tian's ancestors, is surging to the extreme.


At this moment, the driving of the scene was driving, and I grabbed the old ancestors of the ancestors. I quickly advised: "Master, you disappear, disappear, you are so old, go What do you do with the junior? It's not worth it! "

On the other hand, the small road boy didn't make a pair of eyes on the sword, so that the sword was unparalleled to quickly and tighten it.

"Tear, you must also provoke the teacher and is very angry! Let go of the teacher!"

Feng Tian's ancestors glared in the small road.

On the other hand, I looked at the sea of ​​the old ancestors and crazy, and the sword didn't have a half step. I took a breath and I didn't humble it.

"The predecessors, the younger generation did not insult you, the younger generation is just in the innocence."

Donned, the sword is unparalleled to continue the opening:

"The predecessors, the next words, the younger generation only said it once. After listening, you will not borrow a natural flag, all with you, and you will not force it again."

I heard this, the anger of the Tianzhu's heart is a bit, but still is still overcast,

"Hey, small generations, olders have to see, what do you want to say."

"it is good."

There is no double point of the sword, I didn't hesitate, say:

"The predecessors, I know that the people of Zhen Zhen have grab your opportunity, let you lose the opportunity of impacting the step, so I have been hateful, so I am cold, living in a heart, no longer the universe."


The sword has no double step, the words are turned, and the tone has become a bit more.

"But you can know that the gods of the Zhen Zhenzi are in the town, sitting alone hundreds of millions of years, do not teach the universe, the exaggeration, take a step?!"

"Do you know, among the catastrophe, the wind and rain, countless universe, in order to guard the universe, Ning in the rain, the high song, do not go to the fence ?!"

"I used to fight for five thousand years in the field battlefield, I saw countless days, arrogant in the world, the former servants went to death, only to block the empty universe footsteps!"

"I used to know the sword. Too Luo, I have invincible in the world, and a sword is suppressed in nine days, but in order to resist the universe of the universe.

"I once greeted Tianjiao, with the dominant body, it was the world's arrogance, and there were no more than ancient times, but they died in the hands of the whole, before dying, I didn't have to retreat!"

"I also saw thousands of universe men, they were a big energy, they were the Lord of the Holy Land, they were the world, they were the world, but they went to death for the universe, no half a complaint!"

"And why they are willing to die, because they know that this universe is their home! They know, behind them, they are their family! Disciple! Wife!"

"So this is only one way to choose, that is, it is - dead war !!!"

When I said, the sword was unparalleled, and the tone became a little bit, and the eyes were straight to see the Tian Tianzu, and said: "But they, no one is obligated, must die for the universe, they This can be like you, live in a place, do not ask the world, wait until the heaven is arrived, it is casually to hide it. "

The sword is unparalleled, there is no generous and singing, not so sad, just the most dull narrative.

However, this is the stunning narrative, but it is very surprised, as with a heavy hammer, squatting in the heart of Feng Tianzhu.

Feng Tianzu is silent.

He looked at the sword and did not speak.

He is not a person who is ruined, otherwise he will take the life of the bonus with the sword, threaten her appearance, he is in the surprise, and the sword is unparalleled.

Just, there is a knot in his heart.

This knot is due to the appearance of the Zhon, and he is firmly locked by himself.

The sword is unparalleled, still does not unlocked his knot, but in another position, we have a bigger knot again!

"Master, I see ... I have to see the sea flag, lend him, if the horizontal is falling, and finally unlucky is still us."

The trainee tricks, some tears, whispered.

"To shut up!"

Feng Tian's ancestors glanced at the small road, and then looked at the sword. Although his heart was shaken, but his face was still in a strong look, it was muttered: "Hey, they are willing to die, that is them Stupid, what is the relationship with the old man? Have a big righteousness to press me! "

After saying, he glanced at the sword and unparalleled, seeing the sword without a double one, I have to go, and I shouted when I was busy and ruined:

"Kid, you will park the old man!"


I haven't been hoping for the sea, I plan to let the Sword of the Zhen Zhen, the footsteps suddenly, and look back to the Tianzhu, frown: "Senior, what else do you have?"

I saw that the sky and the old ancestors were unparalleled, looked up, from the nose. He said: "Little guy, you don't have to go, the old man didn't say it. This way, you will accompany your husband, as long as you You play chess to win the old husband, and the old man will lend you the sea flag. How? "

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled, and the trail next to the Tianzhu, and the face was suddenly ecstatic.

What is the level of your teacher, he is too understand!

That is the daughter, pure home!

He is busy with the sword without double, so that the sword is unparalleled.

The sword has no double dark and frown. Although I don't know which one is playing again, I don't help but nod, I can't help but take a picture next to him.

"it is good."

"That kid, you will go to South Yumi Island with the old man, we have high!"

Feng Tianzu snorted, and immediately grabbed it. One invisible big hand put the sword without double, step, turned into the sky, disappearing on the sea of ​​the South China Sea.

When the sword didn't have a double eye, when the reaction came over, he had already reached a small island of a fairy, and the bamboo forest.

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