Fast rotation of the field of view.

When the sword is unparalleled, he has been in a fairy, white fog, Xiandao, a row of rows, red top, white feather's crane, like elegant fairy, is leisurely Foot, step on the beach.

Surprised by the fish in the sea, they suddenly opened their wings, and they went through the road in the air to show their own beauty.

In sucking a breath, even the power became a lot.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is to fall before a bamboo house.

Bamboo house, sunshine and news, sea breeze.

On both sides of the chessboard, use two discs, full of black and white chess.

Feng Tianzu sat on the side of the black chess, see the sword unparalleled look at this island, not hurting his face slightly: "Little generation, old man asked you, old man is still okay? Oldee said with you, even The mortal stays in this small island in this island, which can be sent to Chengxian. It is not dying. It is also a trip to accelerate the speed of practice. The universe is the so-called top forces. Powerful. "

While talking, Feng Tianzu smiled while smiling.

However, the first sentence of the sword is unparalleled, so that he smiles on his face.

"I just sigh, the universe is fast, the seniors still have a thoughtfulness, and it is really heart."

When I heard this, I quickly poured a touch of jamming on my face, and I blew the husband.

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled. The small children's biting, and the mouth is still smiling.

"Hey, don't worry, come and go chess with the old man!"

Feng Tian's ancestors wooked toward the sword without double hook.

"it is good."

The sword nodded and nodded, sitting in the knee on the sea.

"Respect the old love, the old man first!"

Feng Tian ancestors took the black finger and took the lead in the board.

I saw a pointing down, and the game is the center, but it is a Tianyuan position!

After the fingers finished, Feng Tian's ancestors looked up to sword unparalleled, and the mouth took advantage of the color of the ocean, "said this trick, it is directly fixed the overall situation, the center of the game, just a sword, directly I live in your throat. Little generation, I see how you fight with me? "

When you hear this, the trail couldn't help but knew again.

The master has to move out of his stunned theory.

Establishing the talent, seemingly cool, the fact is the way the best chicken.

Slightly, you can see this, the master is a vegetable chicken.

Thinking of this, the small road children's worship is unparalleled.

To be honest, he hopes that the sword is unparallled. He is different from Feng Tianzu. Liang Zi, two, is also an angry with yourself.

But small roads, there is no such psychology.

Just in the shape of the sword, there will be a wrecked, fast knife, and gently will be defeated, and the young girl's expression is stagnant.

I saw the sword without double face looked at the chess game, brow wrinkling, a serious thinking.

next moment.

Just see the sword unparalleled, there is no downs to open: "The predecessors chess is superb, have been to the gods, I am afraid that in Go, it has been peak, this trick is very spicy.

However, the younger generation also has the way! "


I saw the sword where there was no double lifting white finger, falling on the top left corner of the board.

"The seniors have fallen to the central Tianyuan, but the old generation is to hold the four corners, and then slowly gradually, the first floor is surrounded, and it will inevitably form the !"


The trail is a child.

what is this?

"Good one is caught! Look at the old man how to kill the quarter, break the boat!"

I saw the scenery of the sea, the murderous, the murderous, once again set it, and fell in the lower right corner of the four sharp corners.

"Little generation, you have Zhang Liang, I have a wall ladder, and now I have already guarded a retreat, I see how you fight with your husband?"

Feng Tian's grandmother must smile and said that he did not have a high-minded, and he could not finish the routine.

"Hey, look at me again!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is one of the four corners.

The small road is standing on the side, looking at the rain, you come to me, the eyes are murderous sword unparalleled and the sky old ancestors.

He finally confirmed a little.

This special grandmother is two rookies!

If you don't have a small pass, he looked at the two people vowed to have vowed, and the truthful words were really deceived.

"This two people have a good way to say, I'm almost believed."

The trail is self-discrepared and inexplicably desperate.


After a while.

"Hahahaha, small generation, you lose!"

A checkerboard of Feng Tian's ancestors '', shocking the chess pieces.

"Happy! Late long, you are the old man, the chess game is played, the first person won for thousands of years! Hahahaha!"

Feng Tianzu loudly.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is a blue color of a white.

He did not expect that his own agencies, and finally actually played a trick, and he was stepped by the old ancestors, and blocked the last 'cave. '

The child is smirk, and I saw a little?

Obviously, the high-top chess game of the deduction is, in the hands of the sword and the old ancestors, but it has become a rude blockade, see who fills the gap on the chess.

It's a little spicy eye!

The sword has no double got up, and the heart sighs.

Losing is lost, he is not a person who can't afford.

In this case, then only the first line is retired, let the Zhicong want to take it.

However, this Tianzhu is not bad, what is it, or persuaded that the Zhen Zi wants to retain this ancestor one life?

I thought here, the sword was unparalleled towards the sky, said: "Senior, the late generations."

After that, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is not going to go.

Laughing, high screaming, immersed in the joy of huge victory, witnessing could not help but

He is looking for swords and no pairs, because you know that your chess is very bad, never win, I want to take it to the sky, I have to borrow the sword, so I have to protect my face, I have a step. Borrowed the sea flag.

The sword is unparalleled, isn't it a white plan?

"I really don't know how to say that you don't live, or older, I have recently played the chess, and it is too powerful. Hey, you don't want to find, lonely is like snow."

The heart silently sighs a sentence, the spin is, the Tianzhu looks up, and the back of the sword is unparalleled.


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