Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4538 Feng Tianqi


A explosive drink, in Nanzhao Xiandao!

I saw that the Tianzhu's anger is full of grace, waving, suddenly countless surgery, forming a huge shield, like an intangible glass, stopping the sword unparalleled.

"Pre-Day, what do you want?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the expression is helpless, and the expression is helpless.

The chess also lost, and the Tian Lao Zu is proud to be proud. Suddenly, I still want to do what?

Don't you want to humiliate him?

"Little generation, the old man is here, you want to come, want to go?"

Feng Tian's ancestors opened the sword and did not have a pair, and he said.

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled.

Is this ancestor?

Just in the sword, there is no passion, and I am going to break away. When I break this, I saw the Tianzhu big sleeve, cold and cold.

"Little generation, this Tianqi you don't borrow today and want to leave?"

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled first, and the face is rampant.

"Thank you for the predecessors! Today you borrow the grace of the flag, the whole universe will feel in the five, grateful!"

After saying, the sword has no double step, and it has fallen in front of the Tianzhu.

At the same time, the sword has no sense of emotion in the heart.

It is no wonder that the Zhizhen said that the old ancestors are quirky. Now, this seems to be true.

This faces are simply faster than the book.

"Pondecting it is not allowed."

The sword shook his head without double heart.

"Don't worry, thank you, you can lend you to you, but the old man is required."

Feng Tian's ancestors once again smashed the sword and didn't say it.

In this regard, the sword is not a double point, and it is not refuted.

Feng Tianqi is one of the seven-handed ancestral ancestors, powerful, unparalleled in the world, and the sword is unparalleled, and there is no point to the empty mouth.

The ancestral ancestors, the representative is the most extreme power in the world.

Ta Luo Shenjian, the representative is the most extremely energetic!

The Yellow Yellow Chaos, the representative is the most extremely created!

And this natural flag, the representative is the most ultimate seal suppression!

"The predecessor but said nothing."

The sword was unparalleled.

"it is good."

Feng Tian's ancestors took a sigh of relief, and the expression became solemnly and seriously, and he stretched a finger. He pointed out that he was hanging in the sword.

"Little generation, Feng Tianqi is the ancestral ancestor, you want to borrow the natural flag from the old man, and you can also exchange the same one of the ancestors of the ancestors. If the old man is not mistaken, your waist Sword, is the ancestral ancestor, representing the killing sword attacking the killing attack? "

After that, his eyes stared at the sword.

This is a transaction and a test.

He wants to see the sword and unparalleled, is it true that he has said in the sea in Nanhai before him before he is willing to pay everything.

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled.

It can be said that he is now able to fight, in addition to his extremely powerful magical and swordsman talent, there is half of the reasons, it comes from the Toro Shenjian, giving him the horror power of him.

If the Ta Luo Shen sword is handed out, the sword is unparalleled, at least to make a discount.

If it is usually, it still doesn't matter, now the catastrophe will start, he wants to kill the enemy, and it is absolutely less than Ta Luo Shenjian.

After silence, it is half.

"Senior, sorry, I can't."

There are countless swords to absolutely suck a sigh of breath, and the sound will open.

I heard this, and the ancestors of Feng Tian ancestors were, and then they laughed and laughed.

Oh, what a shit universe, what is willing to die for the universe.

But just say it is good, stand and talk, don't breathe!

Once the interests are involved, it is prone to the original shape!

Thinking of this, Feng Tian's grand eyebrows are cold, just prepared to let the sword are unparalleled, he heard the sword is unparalleled to continue:

"The predecessors, the Ta Luo Shenjian is my weapon, a swordsman, if there is no sword in his hand, how do you play your own heat?

If you want to be too sword, you can promise you, wait until the battle of the Holocaust, I can give you the Johor God.

As for the seniors, you said, to be the ancestral ancestor as an exchange ... "


The sword is unparalleled, a bronze Ding, which is full of brunette lines, falls in the hands of the sword.

"Seniors, what do you see about this thing?"

" !!!"

In an instant, Feng Tian's grandmother is shocked!

Wuxu's chaotic Ding, can be said to be a seven-handed ancestral ancestor, the most precious ancestor!

Because, the representative of the chaos is created!

The murder is very simple, but created, it is difficult!

If you want to step out of the spirit of the Zhenhe, a key factor is to understand!

"You ... how can you have the Yesi Ding?"

Feng Tian's eyes have skyrocketed, and there is a slight tone.

"The predecessors don't have to tangent, I have come from this chaos, and the predecessors only need to tell me, can I change the natural flag with you."

The sword is unparalleled.

Feng Tian's ancestors heard the words, deeply saw the sword unparalleled, said:

"This is a chaos, see if there is any conflict right? However, even so, it is enough to change the heaven with the old man."

Say here, Feng Tian Zhu suddenly suddenly, Shen Sheng said:

"Kid, the old man does not account for you, tell you the truth, this is a key factor that breaks through the last step, but your current realm is temporary, you are purely in the hands."

"So, the old man committed you with you, after this over the battle of this Holocaust, this went is chaotic Ding, the old man will return it to you, even the Tianqi, all give you, how?"

After saying, the Tianzhu's right hand, a black flag, appeared in the hands of the sea.

He took the lead in pushing and pushed the sea flag to the sword.

"it is good."

The sword nodded.

As Feng Tian Lao said, this is a good thing for him, but for him, it is not very much in use. It is currently the most urgent need now.

After picking up the Tianqi, the sword is unparalleled, and the ...

"The predecessors, now the catastrophe, the younger generation, there are not many things, there will be no more, leave."

The sword is unparalleled to the sky.

"it is good."

Feng Tianzu nodded and knew that there were many definitions today, and there was no more sword.

"Senior, then we will see you again."

The sword is unparalleled towards the Tianzi old ancestors and the small children's patterns, and then footstep, and suddenly makes a sharp sword light, such as the smoke, rushing to the sky, disappearing on Nan Yu Xian Island, only left a long White marks.

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