The vast cosmic sky.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will go to the outside battlefield to go.

Soon, under the full outbreak of the sword, the big camp is here.

Obviously the sword is unloaming for a few months, but the whole base camp is full of the low breath of Xiaoer, all the faces are full of looks.

The sword is unparalleled, can't be frowned, and what happened to the month, what happened?

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled to enter the Zhenon Temple.

Today's sword is unparalleled. In addition to the two disciples under the nephew, the only person who is free to enter and out of the Head of Zhen.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are back."

The Zhenqi sword nodded.

He is still as a sword, a sword, a mild, a smile, but the sword is unparalleled but on his face, he sees a deep tired color.

"The sword is unparalleled, how is the situation? The Tian Tian Zu, can there be a sea flag to you?"

Zhen Zhenqi God, asked in the opening of the Zhenxi.

"Fortunately, he is insulted."

There is no double point of the sword, the right hand turns, a black flag, suddenly appeared in his hand.

"it is good!"

Seeing, the embarrassment of the embarrassment of the vision, and the heart is rare.

With this Tianqi, this time, he has some confidence in his heart.

After the moment, I said:

"The sword is unparalleled, there is a bad news to tell you."

There is no selling, the Zhen Zhen said with the opening: "The recent two months, constantly there is a virtan of universe the universe, from the void crack, come out, come to explore strength, in this short one month, have broke out Fighting, our friction with the void cracks is getting bigger and bigger, the old man guess, the battle of the Holocaust is likely to break out! "

"What? What?"

The sword is unparalleled.

Even if he has already prepared to cope with the battle of the catastrophe battle, he still feels some when he is really coming.

"So, the sword is unparalleled, please, you can't drive back the universe, waiting for the old man!"

"Once the battle of the catastrophe is truly open, when the core of the universe attacks our universe, the old man will send you, when you use the sea flag, in the blocked the barefall, break the road, broken down the road ! "

The Zhen Zhen expression is serious.


The sword is unparalleled to nod, and the face is equally grout.

The magnetic fields and laws between the two universes are not connected, and it is equal to that the people who have false the universe have taken the power of the universe, and they will consume the virtual power and will not be replenished.

For the battle of the hunger, the virtan of the universe is hard, because they will return to the virtual universe, and then attack again.

Once the sword is unparalleled in the void crack of the void ban, it will be blocked, and the 87th void crack is blocked, and they can break away their rear, and the virtansess of the universe will be divided into the universe.

At that time, under the leadership of the Zhen Zhen, even if you work hard, you can break it, then kill again.

The universe of the virtual, whether it is an individual strength, or the overall strength, it is better than the Shenli universe.

In this case, the Shenli universe needs to reverse the winning and losing, the defeat is better, this is the best countermeasure!

And the sword is unparalleled, it has played a heavy role!

"I immediately rushed back to the universe of the universe."

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled to walk towards the Head of the Heaven.

When I walked to the gate of the Zhenqian.

The sword is unparalleled, and the right hand is tearned, tight it down, make a pen, write a few lines of dense Ma Ma.

"The neighborhood, if I can't live alive this time, please help me with this cloth, transfer to my wife."

The sword is unparalleled with a sigh of relief, reflects a bomb, this cloth cloth, and suddenly fall in the hands of the Zhen Zhen.

The Zhizhen heard the words, not ignored.

He wants to say something, relocate a few words, but in the end, it is sigh, just nodded, it should be.

The sword is unparalleled to cut off the back of the universe, so you must have to go deep into the void, you can live the hope, it is simple.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled, and the Zhen Zhen also understands.

After leaving the big camp, the sword is unparalleled with one person, starting again, rushing to the void crack.

This time, the universe, the ram is not going, but left in the universe, waiting until the battle broke out.

The sword is unparalleled will be alone, and the universe of the virtual universe will open a different battle.


Come to the domain battlefield.

It is the sixth and seventh teams that are responsible for the guarding battlefield.

The two captains seem to have got a news that the Zhen God is notified. For the sword unparalleled to go to the universe, there is no question, but the sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, on the outside battlefield, there is war, so the sword is not rushing to step into the void crack, but waiting for the battle.

A small hill-like human face spider, covered from the void cracks, densely numb, will be filled with the whole sky.

It is better to have a lot of spiders, but individual strength is not strong, and its strongest, but it is the ultimate domination.

Therefore, these team members of the sixth team will also be relaxed.

According to Black Sate, these human face spiders are not a smart body. It should be a big can be manufactured in a virtual universe, and is the strength of observation and testing the strength of the universe.

After a while, the battle of this unilateral massacre pulled up.

A small hill-like human scalar, such as the rain, the universe is everywhere, the human scrap is broken, and the blood is broken.

The battle is over, naturally the sword is unparalleled.

Black source is awesome to the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are somewhat complicated.

Once the beginning of the senior generation, I met again, I have been able to pay attention to the life and death of the universe.

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat is waiting for you to return."

Black source said.

The sword is not a little smile, nod, back to two words.

"for sure!"

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled and did not hesitate, and stepped into the void crack in one step.

The sword is unparalleled, and gradually be swallowed by black holes.

No one has discovered.

I have already died, only the head of the human raft is left, and my eyes flashed a strange red light.

The sword is unparalleled into the void crack, and suddenly forms a picture in his complexation.

at the same time.

In a cave of the virtual universe, the void, the 87th cracks.

One is like a sculpture, and the body is full of dirt, the dishes are sitting in the depths of the cave, slowly open their eyes.

"Well? Someone entered the universe?"

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