Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4541 Crisis

The virtual universe, the void, crack in the 87th, there is a deep cave that deeply.

This hole is covered with a spider web, a spider is smooth, climbed on the wall, constantly spitting the hair silky silver wire from the mouth, flashes with cold light.

And in this hole, a central location, a mud carving, suddenly shaking it,

Rotary, countless dirt cracking, raising countless dust, revealing a face full of ripples, full of monster old man with a spider fluff.

"Who is this child ..."

The old man slowly opened his eyes, and a brown light was flashing from his eyes.

Just now, he suddenly saw a picture when she created a little girl.

In the picture, a one-piece black robes, a frosty young man, step into the void crack.

"This matter needs to be reported to the virtual god."

The old man shakes his head, and the rotation will stand up.

Suddenly, countless spiders climb on the walls, all climbed towards this monster.


Motion, all of these spiders, all into the body of the monster.

The old man who has a face of blue and white, flashing a sick red.

call out.

He stepped foot, his body flashed, and instantly disappeared in this full of deep brakes.


Eighty-seventh cracks.

A huge building like a honeycomb, built it, covered with dense wormhole.

The monster's body is just a shackles, and it appears in this honeycomb building in an instant. The most in the middle.

Going in a big step.

Thirty-four virtual respects, and around the hall in the hall.

Thirty-four virtual respects, every one is six trace of virtual respect for repair, and it is also the main force of this hunger!

Among them, many virtual respects are the old monsters from the last catastrophe. There is still the main, immortal, and more people!

The last refining god is the rumor, which is also here, but his position is extremely rely, approaching the bottom.

And that leftovence, the aniferous on the right, and it was a white-haired old man who had had a border of the sword.

On the main hall, there is a silkworm wrapped like a silkworm cockroach.

In the silkworm chrysalus, constantly issue a heartbeat like a stuffy.

Seeing this monster into the main hall, the thirty-four virtual respects and two anifiables sitting on the seat, all the mouths were emitted.

"How is Tian Tian Si?"

"Hey, it is definitely in the dark and humid cave, I want to go up and walk."

Everyone smiled with fun.

This sky, the strength is superior, and it is one of the biggest to strong people in them, but it is unlikely, it is always unsatisfactory, and it is generally a dark nest in the depths of the place.

The sky is unfashionable, and there is no interest of these fun, but the white silk silkworm knee in the main hall is kneeling down, and the hand is speaking: "Tian spider, see God!"


Dramatic heart beats, sounding from the silkworm cocoon.

Then, he heard a man like a male, low and hoarse voice, from silkworm cocoon.

"Tian, ​​how do you tell?"

"The gods are hinder."

The sky is stunned, it is stood up, and the spin is stood up. "After returning to the gods, I just went to take the sky, I was responsible for exploring the gods of the universe, I died in the domain outside the domain, dying Before, it was a nice discovery. "

"Oh? Good discovery?"

The thirty-four virtual respects in the hall are all eyebrows, which can let the Tianneels come out from the nest to the deep pit, I am afraid that it is not just a good discovery.

"You and say."

Silkworm, once again issued a moving sound.


The sky is old, nodded, and the opening reply: "The gods are pleased."

After saying, the sky is strange, and then in the main hall, it automatically generates a picture.

The Shenli, the gods of the rain and the residual arm, in the outside battlefield, a young man wearing a large black robe, a head and hat, a cold and light and clear, a big step into a void crack.

Everyone saw this picture, and the heart god is a hop.

"What? The people of the universe come in?"

"Hey? What is going on? If we enter the universe of our universe, we should be aware that it will be perceived. Why didn't I induce our eighty-seventh cracks, some people come?"

"Why is this?"

Everyone said horrified.

And that silkworm, it is to fall into silence.

Until half a half, the silkworm mulberry has once again emits a sound.

"Turning out all cracks of voids, arrested the people of the universe."

In this case, everyone first slammed, and then reacted, and the eyes were shocked again.

Could this be used in this void, there are other void cracks, can you go to and from these two universal?


Thirty-four virtual respects, they have a loud life, then start up, act in the first time, try to check the void crack.

In the big temple, it quickly calmly, only left left and right, and the strange silkworms that constantly trembled.


Thirty-four virtual respect came out of the main hall, no one did not pay attention, then the riée of the end of the end, the face flashed in a cloudy and uncertainty.

"The man and fog are doubled,"

Eight wildness and deficiency, the eyes, silently idling one sentence.

Originally doubtful for the sword, there is no doubt, and suddenly pourd his heart again.

Inexplicable, he felt a disturbing.

However, he did not say this to the virtance, but in his heart, it was connected to one of the five major elders of the refining Shenzong.

This person is the backhand of the Eight Remaining Sign In refining the gods. Every time, it will report to him the size of the gods.

It can also be said that this dust is old, it is a chess piece of the Eight Wildness and Zunpai in the Shenzong Monitoring Sword Wushuang!

"Dust, this seat asks you, what is the abnormal foggy?"

After the communication is connected, the rumor has a low voice.

"End of the people, the fog has been shut down in the main hall, did not find abnormalities."

"Is it closed?"

Early Wildness is muttered, and immediately said: "Dust, you will go to the main hall to see the fog, see if he is still in the main hall?"

"Is it now?" The dust is old.

"Now! Immediately! Immediately!"

Early harmoniousness is a flaming.

"it is good!"

Suddenly, the sound of the elderly and the sound of the elders.

Hang up the news, the riped is really a happy, if the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled, and he can completely relieve his doubts about the sword.

And if it is not ...

Early harmonious eyes, killing the machine!

He wants to let the sword have no pairs, dare to deceive his price, and regret life in this world!

I licked the lips, rushing on the face of bloodthirsty.

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