Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4542 Crisis is released, Ta Luo godbreak


A breeze blows, rushing to look at the sky, the height is getting cold.

In his mind, the foggy figure, and the black robe that he just saw in the hall, the shadow of the black robe, which continued to overlap, and then separate.

"Fog double, I hope you don't let this seat down."

After a while.

Communication with the dust, connect with him.

"Dust, how is the situation?"

Early Wildness is reluctant to ask, the sound does not penetrate the feelings.

"After returning to the people, I have just seen the foggy double in the main hall, and there is no abnormality of the fog, but also it seems to be refined, and the mental state is also good."

The sound of the dust, the sound of the rumor, and then said some doubts: "Is there anything in the big man, the fog is there?"

"Is there no abnormality?"

The rumor is not to answer the dust, but squatting his eyes.

Originally in his mind, the sword is unparalleled and the black robe is constantly overlapping the separate figure, completely separated.

He is heart, quietly loosen.

If the sword is unparalleled, it is a kind of suct that the universe is sent. He will naturally kill, but at the same time, they will refine the gods, and the rumor is virtual, and they will be completely a laughter.

Let a supreme in the universe of the universe, become a gender of the geniology?

This is simply absurd.

Moreover, the Barn is really a hop, I am afraid that the gods will think that the refining god is colluding with the Shenli universe, and the trouble is big!

Ok, the sword is not doubles in the refining attraction, it seems that there is no dry system with the black robe.

Astringent, the Eight Remaining Sound Sound Indifference: "Don't ask you, don't ask, you continue to stare in Zong, anyone has any abnormal situation, you have to give this seat to this Report. "

After saying, the Early Wildness is hung up, and the footsteps will work, and it is a stream that starts to investigate the void crack.


Void is prohibited.

The sword is very fast, and there is a thousand miles between the blink of an eye, completely disappear in the sight of the void ban.

After several days.

Refining Shenzong Mountain Gate.

Responsible for guarding the door, or the last time two disciples.

"Hey, cold and clear and miserable, this look at the door, you can end."

The disciple called Luo River on the left side of the neck, shook his head and sighed.

"Hahahaha, this is how good this is, and no one is coming, the picture is quiet."

The disciple called the waves on the right is an uncomfortable laugh.

Just chatting in two people, when I was smashed.

They suddenly spent a flower, seemed to have a black film, brushing from their eyes.

I didn't see anything when I went to see again.

"Hey, depending on the waves, you said that I am not going to keep the door every day, I have always been blooming."

Luo River muttered a way.

"Maybe it, don't say you, I am a little bites now."

"Hey, let's take it."

After the two shook his head, he continued to play up.

Just now, it is completely behind them.


At the same time.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has stepped into the main hall.

Reach your hand and push your hood.

Suddenly, the black robe disappeared, and it was replaced by him. It turned into a white shirt that represents the main position of refining God.

His five senses changed, the ear became sharp, suddenly from the sword unparalleled, changed, turned into a refining attitude main fog.

After reaching forward, behind the main hall, a raised stone, the wall behind the temple, sent a sullen, the wall automatically opened on both sides.

The sword has no double step.

Behind the main hall, is a dark room and his palace.

Yin and Yang gossip array is constantly rotating, in the middle of the yin and yang gossip, one is the same as him, is practicing on the knee, is the god corpse.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, the god corpse will start up and down:


The sword nodded, and the big hand was on the head of Ta Luo Shen, and he was aware of his consciousness. He was inserted from Ta Luo, and returned to the sword.

Suddenly, the face was still flying, and the eyes were quite smart in the eyes, and the glory was quickly faded in the eyes, and it was stiff and stiff.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is closed, and feels the memory of the consciousness.

These memories are all the things that the gods of Ta Luo Shen, who happened.

"Oh? The dust is old and old? And the support did not leave two sentences without marginal words, and then hurriedly left?"

Seeing this, swords are unparalleled.

He and the folk have no time to make a good time, and even if you haven't got it, how can this dust come to him? What is the fake story?

"Some weird."

The sword is unparalleled for a moment, and I didn't want to see you, and I would like to think about it.

However, when he looked at memory in front, his face suddenly flashed an angry color.

This is too Luo godder, or said that he is controlled by his consciousness, and there is almost given Jiuku!

In memory, Mo Luo NG came to stand in his appearance, everyday held early, after the end of the meeting, now the identity is the nine musk of his maid, it is about to clean up the Palace for the Mo Luo, but is the god corpse I have a few words to open, and I will have a fire, and the red wave rolls.

"Mix !!!"

The sword has no shivery, and the forehead blue gluten is jumped.

He looks coldly to the god corpse, and he wants to lose his temper, but all this is his own consciousness in the control.

That feeling, just like wanting to make temper, but there is no object of temper, when it is really wrong.

I think that his sword has no double one, why have this kind of laminar?

"It seems that this god corpse is divided into the future, it is best not to use it, otherwise it will not make any moths."

The sword shakes his head in the sword, and this secret is blocked in the heart.

Grand hands, swords are unparalleled to explore the body of Mo Luo, this time, his face is brought a little smile.

Ta Luo God, breaking!

Before he left, the Mo Luo goddess was the first supreme, and he just viewed that the repair of the Taolo goddess, Hedge has reached the medium supreme!

"This is a goddess that is too late to die, the potential is amazing, and the speed is so fast."

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately looks to the eye on the yin and yang gossip. "" The potential is one thing, there is a large part of the gossip, because this yin and yang gossip is too horror, absorbing the whole refining Shen Zong's corpse is integrated, for its practice. I am afraid that this is the goddess of God, until it is upgraded to the top, will be unimpeded. "

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