Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4544, the big world will start, dark flow

The universe, six or five two years.

The second highest in the world called 'changing the battle!

On the same day, the gods led the thirty-two virtual respect, left and right, via the 87th cracks, attacking the Shenli universe!

There is a shock in the world, countless clouds are turning, and the world is like a long night.

The mountain river reversed, the sun and the moon are colorful, even the Tianxing Chen is also bleak, and the sound of the avenue of the avenue is mysterious.

In addition to some low-level dishes, do not know what happens, those who have not arrived at the 87th cracks have a spirit.

Their eyes are looking at the void damage, and the eyes are flashing, muttering:

"Great world will be."


Sheng Yao Holy Land, suspended tower.

The suspension tower is built in the deepest place in the Sheng Yao, except for the contemporary Holy Lord of the Shengyao, and no one can enter the suspension tower.

Because of the suspension tower, it is the place where the three ancestors of the Sheng Yao is.

Sheng Yao, the reason why it is able to force the group, saying that one of the universe of the virtual universe is because these three Tian Yao's existence.

These three Tian Yao ancestors, every old monster who survived from ancient times, in the six traces of virtuous realm, have enacted countless annual month.

They are three, usually sleep in the suspension tower, only when the sky is facing the life and death crisis, they will go straight.

Nowadays, everyone doesn't know that in the three ancestors of Tianyao, at this moment, in addition to the third ancestors, the first ancestors and the second ancestors have long been to the void forbidden, become a virtual kan. One of the four virtues.

Just in the horn of the god, the horn of the battle of the catastrophe, officially attacked to the Shenli universe, in the top of the suspended tower, a green coat, the whole person full of decay ancient times, slowly Open your eyes.

A sharp streamer, it passed from his docked eyes.

"Is the catastrophe began?"

This person, is it, it is the third ancestor of the sky!

"I hope this time is not so fast, the old is waiting too long, I want to play ..."

The third ancestry muttered, and immediately closed his eyes again.

This time, the battle, the god can be described as a top-war battle of the entire virtual universe, and the boat is willing.

However, the god did not let all the top battles, all gathered in the void, but divided into countless waves, non-stop conversions, if there is a strong in front, let it refund, replace the people on.

The third ancestors like Tianyao Holy Land, the palace of the palace, is the substitute forces responsible for several waves behind.


at the same time.

Another place in the virtual universe.

Here, I have been embarrassing the black fog of the bones here, but it is the Jedi of the universe. Even if it is a trace of virtuality to come here, it is shrouded by this black fog, and the bones are not available, Gray.

Therefore, the virtual universe talked about the color of this, never dared to step.

However, the one who is the most peak of the universe is to know that this is forbidden, but the most mysterious organization of the entire universe, the mentality.

At this point, there is a central location in this.

A bronze crucible is in the air, quietly suspended in the starry sky.

This bronze, full of blood-like ancient mystery textures, a silk black fog and the yinge, spread the gap of this bronze octopus.

If people see this, it will inevitably take a look, and the look is shocking.

That enough, the black fog, the bones of the marks, and the origin is just the district.

In this bronze, there are more than ten men and women wearing black, and the powerful men and women are sitting quietly from the knee.

If the sword is unparalleled at this moment, it will find that more than ten kinds of breath, some of them, which is in the universe of the universe, and chasing his mystery.

Just led many virtual respects, when attacking the universe, these closed-eyed men and women sitting, it seems to be inseparable, and they also opened their eyes.

"Giggle, the guy of the god, finally want to do it to the Shenli universe?"

A hair is tied to a double pocket, and the socket is only covered with hips. It is very large in the chest. It is printed with the beautiful "beautiful" demon woman in the lefthead of the light and translucent.

She is bolding four. It seems to be a playful and cute, like a girl who gathers a girl, and actually died in the two universe of her hands, adds up to all disciples of refining Shenzong.

"Oh, the two universe is really calm, this time has a good show."

Another person in the organization, I smiled and said.

Soon, more than ten black people discussed their whisper, and the face was a very excited, there was a ward, whether it is awe-resistant to the gods or the Zhen Zhen, no fear.

Just in the discussion, a demon evil voice came from the bronze ancient arms.

"I have one, I have two, my three ... I'm seven, you go to the two universe to see."

This sentence is clear, but the sound is full of charm, as if there is a tens of thousands of accents, constantly repeated in the ear.

"Yes, the emperor."

I heard this person, from my life to the seven, seven people stand all.

Everyone in this seven is unable to say, and that is called a man, it is a man who has been like the prison, and even the six trace of virtuality is in front of him, it seems that Xiao Wizhou is a big witch. The breath should be weak.

His face wearing a red mask, just revealing an eye, this is actually a three.


It is like a strange sound wave that is combined with a number of sounds, and it has been passed from the quirk of bronze.

Next moment, from my own to the seven, a total of seven people, the body is beginning to start from the position of the foot, constantly ablation.

After the seven people left, it was forbidden, gradually returned to calm, leaving only the bronze ancient causing, and poured a smile.

"Xuan Yi, these two universe you choose, so I will give you the result."

"Let's appear, this emperor can't help but take your head, screw it down!"


With the opening of the second catastrophe, the whole virtual universe is a wind, countless ancient great energy, all awakens.

The sword is unparalleled in the knee sitting in the palace of the Shen Shen, and he opened his eyes.

"what happened?!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole person will disappear immediately. When it is once again appeared, it is already on the high altitude of the refining attraction.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the sky, and suddenly it is seen something that can't be seen, and the pupil fierce a madness.

PS: a bit card, today is more

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