Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4545, big can awake

There is no double eyes in the sword, countless gods flow.

He can see that there is no gas transportation of the virtual universe, all of which are prohibited towards the void.

"This ... Is it possible to start?"

The sword has no double heart.

Immediately, the news of the Zhen Zhen, there is no double connection with the sword.

"Adults of the Zhenon, is there a battle of the catastrophe?"

The sword is unparalleled, and I asked.

"Yes, the gods have been completely awakened, lead the army of the universe, and attack the Shenli universe!"

The villain has never been heavy.

"So, what should I do?"

The sword is unparalleled.

The Zhen Shen went on a moment, then said: "The sword is unparalleled, you can't move first, wait until the people of the universe, let go of the universe, and then enter the Shenli universe, you will contact you, you will cover the Tianqi Plug in the void forbidden places, block out their back!

At that time, your mission is complete, the old man will complete our best, and they will kill them! "

This voice falls, even if it is just a message, the sword is unparalleled can also feel the soul of the Zhitian!

Silent, the sword has no double focus:

"it is good!"

Although the sword is unparalleled now, it is returned to the outside battlefield to kill the four squares, in the heart of the heart, but he knows that his current shoulder is more important.

On the field outside the domain, you can have a number of swords, and will not affect the battle.

But he will make the things you have to do, but you can a large extent, and completely laid the life and death of the two universe!

"Well, the sword is unparalleled, the situation is urgent, the old man does not say more, wait until you need to arrange the Tianqi, you will naturally contact you."

After that, I hang up the news.


Just a long time, the end of the long-term, too old donkey, too long, old dust, too old and old, the mountains, etc., all the sky, one step, standing next to the sword.

They went to the high altitude, they were caught in an intravag gas machine that constantly rumored to the void.

The dust, the moon, the golden cliff is too old, and it is the excitement of the excitement of the eye.

Only a long life is old, and it is soft.

"Holocaust will be started, how is the victory, the defeat, we will pay a painful price, but why is it?"

After that, the dragonflies were gently sighful.

He is in the universe of the universe, is not the main battle part.

The sword is unparalleled and the spotted mountain is not talking, and each other is right.

The two people know each other will change one stop of the fate of the two universe!


at the same time.

I don't say it first, I will borrow the sword unparalleled list, and I have already set a variety of cisofess programs, and fight against one.

In the universe, because the battle of the catastrophe battle, the Shenli universe is the main battlefield, so the might of the universe is almost a few more than the virtual universe!

On this day, the whole of the universe of the universe, the avenue, the avenue, the sky, the sky, and it will lower the rain.

Big rain covered, covering the entire Shenli universe, countless thunder blows, silver snakes like electricity.

The whole power of the universe is like the end of the wind and rain.

Countless monks, the expression is shocked to the sky, and it is aware of the abnormality, but can be thought about how they think, and they can not come.

The top of the Shenli universe, similar to the nine emperor, Da Yu, the hometown of life, etc., all in the first time, got the news of the Zhen Zhen.

So those who have fallen into the ancient ages, they wake up.


Life is the godberg.

After tens of thousands of years of recuperation, the life of life is finally completely slow.

Not only that, the blood wave is still a hundred feet, but also breaks the bleak, breaking through the half-step invincible supreme realm, in today's life godberg, is the first person.

The worship of the giant ax is the injury to the original, completely recovered, and it is like the body of the body after removal, it becomes more powerful than before, if it is placed, it is afraid that it will not be used for half a step.

In addition, in the past, there were the largest supreme in the battlefield of the Life, the battlefield of the Life, which was also completed in these years. For example, the magic of the sword has a conflict contradiction with swords, and I won't be expected in the past. Break through the first supreme.

And, maybe because the Daxia Shen Temple is grateful, busy recupply, the hometown of life has poured into a lot of fresh blood.

Although there is no such thing as the sword, the perfect level of the nine robbery is not, but the special life of the hierarchy is broken through the number of hands.

It can be expected that the future life, the godberg will be vibrant, all kinds of arrogance, will take out the spring bamboo shoots.

By then, the Harbor Palace will reach a new peak!

At the same time in the second highest hobbar, the first supreme, the blood wave, the huge ax, which is currently being discussed, and the face has changed, and the body is sliding out, and it is coming to the empty hall.

I saw the nine days, there were no aggressures, the violent Thunder continued to blow, and the ribs of the ridiculous, a piece of electric snake shouted in the dark clouds, emitting incandescent electric light, the wind like a behemoth , As if roar in the ear.

Blood waves and other people suddenly changed their faces.

Several people are the strong people who have participated in the war battle. Although they were still weak at the time, in the battle of the Holocaust, they did act as the role of shaking flags, but this scene, they are too familiar.

This is precisely because the rules between the two universe collides, the universe of the universe fluctuates, resulting in the scene!

"The giant ax, the sky, you are responsible for the swing of the god of life, so as not to enter the field, I went to the domain battlefield."

Blood waves suck a deep breath, and the sound said.

The giant ax is supreme and the sky to respect the words, and each other is looking at the eyes, and the downsides nodded.

The battle of the catastrophe, and the universe is division. If the Non-life Shentai must send people to guard, they don't want to go to the domain battlefield.

"Well, then I will go first."

Blood waves are heavy, and the footsteps will be turned to the sky.

I haven't waited for him to rush out, an ancient Guangyu, at the same time, and gently dragged him down.

next moment.

A vicissitudes of vicissitudes, lighter in their ear.

"Blood wave, you are also left behind, you can go before the old man."

I heard this voice, the blood wave supreme, the giant ax, the sky is on the face of the three people, first is a moment of wrong, and then suddenly pour a lot of jets, look back.

"Gairo ?!"

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