Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4546 Chapter Heroes

"Gairo ?!"

Blood wave supimity, giant ax supreme, Tianzhu Supreme, three chief supreme, everything is looking back.

I saw a look at the old, the face was full of old people, and the old man turbid, and stepped from the depths of life.

Do 10,000 years of sleep, Gangqi Supreme whole person The decayed breath is more strong, the whole body is dry, and the eyes are deep, and the skin is slim.

But his appearance is like a custom sea of ​​the wind wave, and the blood waves of the moment is in an instant, all calm down.

From them to the god of life, it is actually the year and the year of the life, and the land of life is far from the landlord.

In their hearts, they have long been defeated to the elders.


Blood wave supreme few people walk a few steps into a few steps, reach out to help the end of the contest.

It is not a smile, saying: "The old man is not old, you have to help the point."

Blood wave supreme and other people heard the words, not from the nose.

When I wanted to be, I had a sense of enthusiasm, and the results were sent to the battle. The result was a great victory in the world, and the number of distants and ancient six marks were virtual honors, causing serious injuries, and life is destroyed.

Originally, if the SHF Supreme was directly closed, these injuries had already done it, but the life of the godberghan palace was only strong in the hometown, and the Shiqi is only strong, from the life of the godberry, 100,000 chaos Ji, not being made by the autumn.

Finally, when the six-party forces encircle the life of life, in order to sword unparalleled, with a pair of people, the dragon, and fell into sleep.

It can be said that the Life, the Gongqong Palace, has created the life of life, but the people who really let the lives of life, the people who are universal, is the Supreme!

Gangqi Supreme, for the god of life, paying his life.

Let the whole life, the god of life, respectfully.

"The sword is unparalleled, the little guy?"

Gaqi Supreme smile and ask.

"After returning to the big people, the sword is unparalleled in the early years, and it has already went to the outside world."

Blood waves to reply.

"Oh? The battlefield outside the domain is not only the supreme! This little guy breaks through the supreme?"

Gangqi to the avant shot is gently picking, and it is surprised.

"Yes, after the end of the universe, the sword has broken the supreme, and it has already taken six great power, except for the dragon and Daewoo Temple, other big days, etc. It is all desirable. "

Blood waves and nodded.

When I said that the sword is unparalleled, his face is not coming to the heart of the color.

The sword is unparalleled, it is the life of the life he brought into!

He is a sincere pride for the achievements of the sword.

Gangqi is silent. After a long time, I have said a word:

"it is good!"

This word is very simple, but it is full of incomparable, and is unparalleled with the sword.

After that, I've been standing, looking up, looking at the sky, my mouth smiles:

"So since this, the old man can be completely relieved. As long as this is over, the life of the life is in the wilderness of the sword, and it can really send it, such as the day."

This sentence is falling, no one has noticed that the eyes of the Estabuses have been flashing.

His body, he is the most understanding.

I have already arrived at the point of weakness.

Now, he is only willing to use his own, for the universe of the power, and he will strive!


When you step, you will get rid of the sky, and you will go through the battlefield outside the domain.

Blood waves Supreme and the giant ax supreme, etc.


at the same time.

In the universe, the glacier is prohibited.

Here is the place where hegemony old ancestors.

The glacier is prohibited, a thrift.

A naked upper body, the muscles, not angry, full of overbearing old people, sitting on a knee.

He seems to be a furnace fireball, a very cold glacier, can't be close to him half a minute, the thorny cold, and the ever eroded, and he was melted by this old man.

"The garbage of the group is beginning to be embarrassed again ..."

Low logging, from the ancestral mouth of hegemony.

Switch, he slowly opened his eyes, a blazing to the pool of golden gods, sputum from his eyes.

"The virtual makes it, escaping from the old man, this time, he can't escape."

The shoulders are gently shock.

! ! !

In an instant, Wangang is like a glass mirror who falls, and starts to climb out a crack, then smash!

A picture of the sun-like blazing, rushing up, flying towards the battlefield of the domain.


In the remote star field, a planet living in a mortal.

The street, He Xi, countless mortal people walked.

A guest house.

A ragged, and the thin, it is an old man in a star robe. Relying on the threshold of the inn, holding a dusty alcohol, looking up, half-drunk, half-awake:

"The big dream is three thousand years old, what year is this year ..."

The passers-by who came to go and walked, it was a face of the madness that was disgused, even a child, smell the taste of this old, and ran away.

"Hey, you are almost old, you have to lie down, don't block your business."

The store is a small second, covering his nose, and the saddestleman who is abandoned is playing this old.

"Hey, this will go this ....."

Old Nats smiled in the middle of this store, and smiled and laughed, showing a mouth that lacks a front teeth.

Rotary, he stepped out and his figure was straight to the nine days.

"This this......"

The passers-by around, and the buddies that are displaced, the expressions are all stagnant.


Suddenly, countless people are squatting, and they will worship.

And that old, step second step.

Today, he will enter the invincible supreme realm!


In the center of the universe.

A Jian Mountain suspended, under the door of Jianshan Mountain, a piece of plaque, golden hook iron painting, pen is a sharp write four big words!

Star Sword!

On this day, the thirteen shank flying out of the mountain, like a leaf flat boat, vast, drove into the stars!

On this flying sword, thirteen strong clothes fluttering, showing the sword.

Standing on the first handle, the hand stands and stands with a red squat armor, the hair is inserted, inserted with a wooden hand, face the indifferent high picking woman.

She is Wu Jianxian, and she is the first person in the world!

The sword is full, and there is two halves that have been passed by the sea.


Similar to this scene, constantly occurring in the Shenli universe.

This day.

Whether it is from sleeping in the sleep, it is still the drunken eyes, laughs and ask 'big dreams 36 years old, this year is the old man, or the sword, Tianshan, the first person of the world, the first person of the world Supreme Wu Jianxian ...

Their destination is the same place.

That is, outside the domain battlefield!

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