Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4547 Left Ear

This day, there is a turmoil in the universe.

Billion thousand miles of universe, the big star fields, there is a 'fairy "legend.

These so-called cactors may not grate on weekdays, form a forces, but like a single guest, and the cloud is in the universe, with a double feet of the earth, and feel the heart.

They are usually anything in the universe, they are not worthy of self, indifferent, but now, in order to universe the safety of the universe, they are all revealed with true, and they will be aided outside the field!

The hegemony old ancestral, old, huccin, Ling Tiandi, star old ancestors ...

A name has been arbitrarily arbitrarily, and he dominates ancient great energy in an era. It has recovered, step by step from the universe starry sky, tie the battlefield of the domain.

In addition to this.

The three major heads of the universe, the first of the Dragon, the first of the unicorn, the Feng family of the birds, the first of the three ancestors of their threeth family, and the strong people came out and shocked the world.

The first year of the universe, the chaos just opened, and the Long Feng Qilin three people in order to compete for the identity of the universe, the battle, the dead injury is heavy, and then didn't have to break up the battle again, and the dragon Zulong, which was winning in Longfeng Qilin. Following the Fengzu, the Fengzu, Qilin Wang, is also a battle in the catastrophe.

Long Feng Qilin threeth family, completely did not fall, and they can't stand it forbidden, and they will take a loss.

The spirit of the Zhenqi, won the battle of this cataugue, became the true universe.

Today, the battle of the catastrophe is again, even if the Long Feng Qilin three people don't want to force, under the call of the Zhen Zhen, I have to pinch the nose, and forcibly let several ancestors who have fallen into sleep, rush to the domain battlefield.

There are countless ordinary monks who don't know inside, although I don't know what happened, but my heart is also a cockroach.

To change it.

This is a bright world who has never been there!


At this moment.

In the virtual universe.

There is also a countless big can awakening recovery, but they did not like the universe of the universe, and the first time rushed to the void, but quietly waited for the field of virtual gods.

At the same time, in the temper, the temple in the temper.

The sword is unparalleled and the mountain knees are sitting.

"The sword is unparalleled, what should we do next?"

The old man is worried.

He stayed in the virtual universe tens of thousands of chaotic disciplines, and heard the strength of the universe.

The top of the universe, if the number is coming, it is not much better than the Shenli universe, but according to the actual combat, it is better than the Shenli universe.

For example, when that is sleeping, we dominate the zombie of the universe, the strength is not more than the fancy.

What's more, the virtual universe has the "alhiom" of 'myolism'.

"Filter, quiet, etc.

The sword is unparalleled, and there are eight words.

The long-awaited gantry, not helpful, some strange: "Don't we do anything?"

"Yes, you can't bear it."

The sword nodded.

Before this, he had not completely broke out, he was uneasy.

However, after the battle of this catastrophe, the sword was unparalleled, but his mood was inverted.

The mortal has a sentence, called a mountain, can't be two tigers, there is a rivers and lakes to have a fight.

This sentence is in the universe, the same is the same.

From the moment of the two universe to be opened, they are destined to end between the two, only the end of the one is completely victorious.


Mountain shakes and shook his head.

At the same time, he looked at an ancient well-unparalleled sword in his face, and his heart couldn't help but have a touch of emotion.

The sword is so young, and the indigenous kung fu is deeply awkward. The universe war has burst, and it can still be reasonable and calm.

This makes him feel a little.

"The sword is unparalleled, then the old man will go first, what happens that you first inform me that I first closed it this time."

It took a breath with a deep breath.

"it is good."

The sword nodded, he knew that the mountaineering is not calm, but not calm, it is easy to keep a tender and quiet thinking, and once it is not possible to keep the cold, it is not a morning and evening.

Therefore, it is the best practice at this moment. It is the best practice.

After the mountains left, the sword was unparalleled, and the knees were sitting on the seat, and the light was constantly flashed.

He knows that he is going to do now, there is only one word, then it is - wait!

Today, he will speak with the earth.

Zhen Zhen tells him that the battle of the two universe has not yet been a positive confrontation. It is still in the process of trying to explore each other. It is not intended to expose strength.

Nowadays, the Zhen Zhen is like a hunter who is carefully setting the trap. It is constantly under the universe of the universe, waiting for the universe of the universe, step by step into the trap.

After another, the sword is unparalleled.

I meditate for a while, the sword is unparalleled and the red whale gains.

"Little Lord."

Luo Ming respect came.

He has always pays attention to the void ban, for this catastrophe battle, the faint approval guess some.

Thus, the identity of the sword is unparalleled, naturally surfaced.

However, although he understood in his heart, he did not break.

From that day, the sword is unparalleled in the life of the life. He knows that his life is no longer attributed to this universe, and it is no longer attributable to himself.

Only belongs to one person, that is, the sword is unparalleled!

He will be a sword without a double, the most fierce dog, only the sword is unparalleled.


There is no double point of the sword, then I said: "Luo Ming, from now on, the red whale will help all the help of zero, all scattered, from all major top forces and voids to withdraw, the red whale should not exist Only the core personnel who have left the ban sneaked into the ground and changed a name. "

Today, the battle of the catastrophe is already on, this is hierarchical, the sword is unparalleled must find a way to receive all the tail.

"Is it dissolved?"

Luo Ming won a nod, then nodded without hesitation, replied:

"Lear, I understand, if you change your name, what is it?"

The sword is unparalleled, now Luo Ming and others, in the universe of the universe, act as his eyes.

In this case.

"This way, you will call you 'left ear' later."

"For me to serve me 10 million years, after tens of millions of years, I will relieve the ban, and you will be free."

The sword is unparalleled.

If you want to be 10 million years, the catastrophe battle between the two universe has been over, and they still have their freedom, there is nothing.

"it is good!"

Luo Ming smashed his fist and was excited with his heart.

"Well, I will contact you again."

The sword is unparalleled, and the news of Luo Ming, got up and got out of the main hall of the host, and came to the railings, and it was able to overlook the entire refining.

The sky has become awkward, a piece of goose is snowy, from the sky float, will refining the snow.

A snowflakes falling on the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, the main master is big, and the eyes look at the sky, muttering:

"Long winter has been coming, never arrives."

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