Time flows away, three days.

For monks, three days but just blinking, but for today's virtual universe and the universe, it is extra slow.

Although in the Shenli universe, there are major top existence, far away from outside battlefields, resigning the ambitions, but the Zhishen did not choose to go directly to the universe of the universe, but to retreat back.

The universe is a step-by-step, compress the living space of the Zhenhe and others.

At this moment, outside the domain of the Shenli universe.

The virtan of the universe is already in peace, and it is completely occupied.

A tent located in the middle of the camp.

Surrounded by endless black fog, it is not true to cut the body shape, sitting on a big chair.

On both sides of him, it is an anifulse, and it is a thirty-four virtual respect.

They are discussing the next steps.

A virtual respect for countless tentacles, quickly walking from the account, and she is half a feet of the gods, and she said:

"The people who are gods, the people of the Shenli universe are still not working on our front, but a hitting, constantly shrinking line."

I am sitting in the primary place, not talking, but lifting the head and squinting, can't understand what he is thinking.

The right deficiency, standing next to him, is a thin bone, the old man wearing a shaman's hat, he said, "God's adults, there must be a demon, this Shenli universe does not confront us, It is back to retreat, I am afraid that there is something conspiracy. "

In this case, other virtual respects are also frowning: "Yes, the gods, this Shenli universe, obviously makes the enemy's in-depth plan, it is estimated that it is not far from the front."

In the big camp tent, a discussion has been talking.

The virtual god looked at them, full of magical sounds, sent from his mouth.

"What is the ambush? How do you do it? One force drop ten will be."

After that, he shook his head and waved forward:

"That told, now I see the people of the Shenli universe, don't leave the test, directly kill, the people of the universe, do not want to fight with us, we will show a battle with them."

"The initiative is never in their hands, but is held in your hands."

This is dull, but in the line, it is full of terror-old domineering that does not place anything in the eyes.

Let you have three thousand counts, 100,000 yuan, I just drop ten people! Strong crushing!


The Shenli universe.

Everyone is full of sputum, and all take the keel tits.

The Zhenzhen station is on a keel's trick, and the hand is looked at the distance.

Between the strong, there is a sense of inductive, he can induce, before 100,000 frank juris, the imaginary universe is existence, is from where he is not far away, and he is too expensive.


His enemy!

"The people of the universe, the people of the universe, seem to be aware of us in hanging them, recently attacking, no longer rushing."

The eighth team captain, the Supreme Supreme, the universe of the universe of the universe, stood next to the Zhen Zhen, whispered.

In his eyes, you have a worry about it.

As the virtual god said, their Shenli universe is in the big camp of tens of thousands of miles away from the outside world, and has already smashed the countless killing of !

This kills, not only powerful, but the Zhen Zhen uses the Sword unparalleled to give him the status list, and every killing is in the presence of targeted restraint attributes.

Once the people of the universe are enrolled, then wait for them, they are a violent rain-like thunder!

"Wonderful, I understand this person's character, always advocating power, you are invincible, you can rest assured, he will not retreat, it will increase the offensive."

The Zhen Zhen said slightly.

For this enemy entangled in 10,000 chaotic discipline, the Zhen Zhen's heart is very familiar with the heart.

not to mention......

There are countless killing, for the Zhen Zhen, but just a scorpion, used to attract their attention, the real kill, is the sword!

As long as the sword is unparalleled to insert the natural banned toilet, the back of the universe is broken, so that they can't get up, then even if there is no number of killing, he can slowly grind, all of the universe dead.

However, these plans, the Zhishen did not say to anyone.

"Okay, then I hope so."

The eighth team captain Xixi, and he took a breath.


Three days later.

"The people of the Zhenqi, really as you, the virtan of the universe is shot!"

The eighth team of the captain, rushed over, and the face was excited.

In the case of countless killing, the current spirit of the universe is not afraid of the universe, I am afraid that the universe is cautious!

Nowadays, the universe launched the attack, chasing them, just in the middle of them.

"Ok, don't fight with them, drag them into the killing."

The nephell nodded, then waved to let the river arrived away, open the sword unparalleled message.


Refining the gods.

The sword is sitting without a double knee, is being practiced.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The words of the Zhenon are ringing in the sword.

The sword is unhappy, and the eyes flashed a gods.

"Is the Zhen people, is it planned?"

"Yes, swords are unparalleled, you can rush to the void to ban, and arrange the sky."

The god nodded, then took a deep breath, the expression became serious:

"The sword is unparalleled, this time your task is crucial, only the success is not allowed!"

"it is good."

The sword nodded and nodded, and the eyes flashed a firm color.

I am afraid of nine deaths, I don't regret it!

"At last."

The villain suddenly became soft and said deeply:

"The sword is unparalleled, after completing this, live back, the old man is waiting for you in the universe."

The sword is unparalleled and laughs, and the opening: "Don't worry, I will live back."

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled, and the news of the Zhen Zhen was hanged.

Inside the temple, it becomes quiet.

The sword is unpaid to stand up, and the eyes are placed as water, and I will go out of the main hall.

Some slight cold winds, blowing the sword unparalleled brunette.

"Work up."

The sword is unparalleled to look at the sky and mutter himself.

next moment!

The sword has not been taken out, and it has arrived outside the star area where the artifact is located.

Standing in the starry sky, the sword is unparalleled to replace the big black robe.

He bowed his head and saw the gods, the heart, I was only afraid that I wouldn't come here again.


Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled to pull the big hood with the bag, pull the hood hat along the hood hat, only to the chin.

! ! !

The sword has no double shape, and it is shocked by the void!


The nearest plot is the biggest climax of the 'universe'. It is also the most important part. It is related to the end of the 'universe'. Therefore, it takes more time and heart, in order to achieve the best results. Constantly repeated scrutiny, resulting in late updates every day, say sorry to everyone.

Later will be found, burst more compensate for everyone.

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