"Weak weak weakness! It's too weak!! Right imaginary, it seems that these 100,000 chaotic discipline, you have not long!"

The hegemony old ancestors swallow the thunder, hard-selling electric light, every punch is enough to explode hundreds of sun, and greatly sink to the extreme, hegemony to the extreme.

"Drunken 36,000 games, with the Tong Ten". "

It's like the old wine madman, directly put a galaxy, the sound of sunflower, the waves, and the sound of waves.

The battle with this is constantly occurring in the stars.

Whether it is the invincible supreme, or the six mark of the universe, each of them is leading the peak people who dominated a era.

At this moment, these ancient cans are awake from the sleep of sleep, and hand together, it is very good.

Some people pointed to the star month, some people stepping on the Yinhe, and some people are incarnation of hundreds of millions, swallowing thousands of miles.

The remaining wave generated by them, as if there are countless big worlds, chaos should be boiling, and the heavens and the earth must crack the collapse.

It is said that it is died, and it is not too late.

The strong people of Longfeng Qilin threeth people also revealed that they have dominated the ability of the universe, and the eight claws, and directly swallowed a starry galaxy, the most pure energy, and shoot a destruction of the dragon. .

A seven-color phoenix, the Qingming is also rushed to the sky, and the burning of countless avenues, will be a million-dimensional starry sky, and it will be ignorant to the void, burn the .

A five trace of virtual respect, falling into this no sea, directly gray, and the slag is not left.

Kirin family is more horrible, a three unicorn, every step, all stepped into the flame imprint in the void, exudes the endless king's power, and people can't help but bow their heads, and worship.

And the opponents of the three people are from the Shengdi of Tianyao, from the ancient times to the present, the first ancestors and the second ancestors, and a little mock that is not weak than the two people.

In the face of these three people, the strong people of Longfeng Qilin three people did not win.

"Sword is coming."

The Shenli cosmo is the first person in the world, the first person Wu Jianxian, a sword, tapped thousands of star rivers, traversed the stars.

Her eyes blinks, although it is a woman's body, but it is not weak to anyone, and when a sword opens the sky, sometimes the sword is rushing.

Her strength has been unknowingly, reaching the level of Na Luo, maybe not reached.

There are also several major captains, too emotional, Zero Supreme, Xiuxi Supreme, Black Sate Supreme and others, the same outbreak of rays.

This fight is simply universal!

Under such a battle, who dares to be invincible, which dares not say?

A name invincible, six traces virtuality, each showing the world, shocking the world.

One time, they also killed the difficulties. After all, they arrived at these levels. In the war, it is not too much, each has their own compatible killing, it is difficult to separate in a short time. Winning.

And some ordinary trace deficiency and the power between the supreme are more and more.

One place was in the universe, and it was a trace virtue and supreme. Under this battle, it can be said that the anthon is not over, and sometimes there is a strong person falling, and the avenue is lament.

The injury between them is almost rising in line.

The most unmoid, the situation between these ordinary supreme and virtual respects, and begins to tilting the universe of the virtual universe.

All of this comes from a dog head, holding a monster of the giant ax.

He is wearing a broken molter armor, whispering around a secluded blue light, there is no eyeball pupil in his eyes, only a blue mood, staring at his eyes, just like staring at the abyss.

He is not covered by the molten, thereby exposed the left shoulder position outside, five long traces to the extreme.

In the battlefield, he is simply a war machine, the dead god returned in hell.

No one can block!

I saw his hands like a giant ax like the law, and the blue light surrounded by the whisper formed a halo, slammed, but it was directly invented by a Shenli universe, instantly spike!

It is even more weird that this half-step invincible Supreme was killed by this dog's head, but it was turned into a long skewers. It was automatically felt into the monster mouth of this dog's head, and was swallowed by him.

And this dog's head is a monster. It is still a slight injury, which is actually recovered in an instant, and the atmosphere is skyrocketing.

I am afraid that he will give more people to kill some people, they can reach the hierarchy of invincible.

It can be said that this dog head is in a monster, and one will affect the entire battle!

"Not only is the injury to recover, but the strength is strong, what is this monster?"

The whole body dragon scalates, the wolf has gone to the pool, and the face is frightening, and there is no one in the eyes, but it is very fear.

He is a half-step invincible, and it is a strong person in this realm. It is not directly to be killed directly, but it will not be able to go, directly by this dog's head, and the dragon corner is cut off. One cut, the whole body has a deep wound that is deeply exposed.

In his distant, the nine robbery's face is equally yin to the extreme.

He is not the opponent of this dog's head.

If he is in the same realm with this dog's head, he can defeat this dog's head in the body monster, even kill, however, his cultivation is too low, it is too low, it is still a good one from the higher level. .

"Will then go on this, the ordinary supreme in the entire universe will be killed by this person, turned to grow his strength, when it is waiting for this person to grow up, there is a short-term balance between invincible and six traces It will be broken, when it is very likely to be lost. "

"What should I do now, how to deal with him! Who can be his opponent?"

At this moment, the nine robbery of the lon arrogant is also in the mouth, and I am desperate.

"Trash from Shenli universe, come to me the hell of hell!"

The dog head is a monster, laughing, looking to the eyes of the nine robbery and Longqing and others, full of contempt and disdain.

"This is the strength of the Shenli universe. When it is a weak, it is very afraid."

The dog head is shaking his head, and immediately stretched out his tongue and lick his lips, and he was a greedy cruelty.

As long as the opposite people are all killed, they will make their own nutrients. If you want to come from yourself enough to break through the six traces?

Thinking of this, the dog head is in a monster, and the hand holds the giant ax, and then move towards the ordinary supreme to the Shenli universe.

He lifted the giant ax in high height and was prepared.

Under his giant ax, several high suits, the top supimity, the eyes, if the face is dead.

I haven't waited for him.

Ding--! ! !

A sword, like a Tianhe roll, cross-pressure sky, suddenly come from distant cross-domain!

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