Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4555 Invincible Hell King


Hand-held giant ax, is preparing the dog head in the body, feel that the icy swords that are locked, quickly stab, do not help but move in the hand, slowly look back.

Suddenly, the dog's head is light, and the pupil can't help it.

At the same time, Long Qing, the nine robbery, including many people who are fighting, are all in hand, lift the head and look at the horizontal pressure sky, and cut the yin and yang sword light!

"this is?!!"

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

"The sword is unparalleled!"

Suddenly, the countless people of the Shenli universe were shocked, and they were exclaimed.

In the sword where there is no double fight for five thousand years, he has already rely on his strength, conquering countless people, and smashing a big name.


When a blink of an eye, this sword was boring, and he was squatting on the monster of the dog head.

"Weak small garbage !!"

The dog's head is in a monster, but it is not afraid to laugh, the long ax in the hand is swept away, and the sword is unhappy, the sword is hit together!


A sharp to the pole burst exploded, followed by a huge shock wave, from the two people, showing the fan-shaped horror power, directly smashing countless voids, set off the sky.


There are countless monks and quasiors that are fighting around, they are all changing, and they have repeatedly returned.

Then, everyone saw that the self-proclaimed 'Hell King', the body's strong dog head is like being hit by the hammer, and the whole person roses a pen arcion, from the rain to the dust, and the legs are The void is divided by two long traces.


The dust is gradually spread, revealing a black youth.

This youth black hair, face cold and indifferent, a pair of light golden double , does not include any emotions, the eyebrows 'Sichuan' the word is rich in demon.

His hands in the hands of the five bones, holding Ta Luo Shenjian, strong sword pressure forming substance, spreading the center, and prefesome.

"Sure enough, there is no double!"

"The sword is unparalleled, it is stronger!"

"Medium supreme! The sword is unparalleled to break through the middle supreme! So fast practice!"

Suddenly, countless people pupils.

They can feel that the sword is more powerful than before, but it is not only the powerfulness, but also the feeling of the whole person.

The current sword is unparalleled, just like the peerless sword of the nine days, a look, is full of great power, and people don't dare to see.

The sword is not a double gaze, and I went around and suddenly saw countless familiar faces.

Nine robbery kings, overlord, magic erosion, dragon ...

Too much too much, I have had a person who has been involved in grievances, at this moment, I'm hurt, and the wolf is married to the extreme.

"I am back."

I took a deep breath, and the sword was not in the eyes of the rolling war.

This battlefield is the place where he should stay!

Then, the sword is unparalleled, and it is seen toward the prince.

I saw that the prisoner was flying by the sword, but the breath did not have a half-time attenuation, and the deep could have a deep cockroaches on his chest, with the speed visible to the naked eye, re-annihilant, short If you restore it, you will recover.

"Weakful garbage, do you know, you are provocating a great existence."

The hell king smiled and opened, a more horrible breath, from him.

Feel this breath, everyone in the week, all the faces change, as if the dog's hell king, turned into the abyss of death.

" ."

The sword has no face to see him, followed by the whole personnel, makes the golden light, and then kill this prison king!

The vast sword, from the sword unparalleled hands, between the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the Toro Shenjian disappeared.

In the heavens and the earth, there is only the rest of all the darkness, bringing dawn to the sake of the sword!

Overbearing, fierce, Feng Rui, unable to use any words to describe the horrible sword.

This sword is beautiful to the extreme.

"Life is part of the reincarnation, and your part is over."

"Death blow !!!"

The hell king roared, the endless blue mood, all gathered on the ax edge of his long ax, and slammed the sword!

This hit, it is much stronger than before, it can be said that it has already been in the peak level of half-step invincible supreme!


Both burn down, suddenly shake it, as if there are countless big worlds to collapse.

A larger impact wave, instantly spread, enough to instantly annihilate hundreds of stars.

Zhou was fighting the two universe, the body has retrans returned, a three trace of virtual respect, the speed is just because of slow a step, and the remaining wave of the sword is unparalleled and the hell king, and stranded into a powder.

The sword has no double sword right hand, the tiger is mad, this ax is enough to explode the sun, and for him is a chaotic hegemony, and it feels slightly slightly.

This is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that this ax in the Hell King seems to have the power of swallowing. In a moment of hand, you want to swallow the sword unparalleled vitality.

Fortunately, the sword is unparalleled is a super beautiful chaotic life. It is only slightly moving, and the power of the phagocytosis is suppressed.

"Oh? It turned out to stop? It seems that you are stronger than those who are anthropo."

The hell king squatted his eyes, and his face was poured slightly.

But the next moment, his lips evacuated a little smile.

"However, in front of me, just just a little antique, there is a little antique, can't change your weak nature!"

"Death blow !!"

There are countless blue, once again gathered in the Hell King's Hand Holding Ax, !

"you are too slow."

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood of the dragon blood is directly urged. The speed has skyrocketed ten times, just a flash, appeared after the hell king, the Haruo Shenjian sword in the hand, heading toward the hell king head Slide!


"Urgent garbage only sneak attack?"

Hell's brow wrinkles, the speed is indeed his short board.

However, he also has a counterfeit method.


He first lifted the long ax in his hand, stop this sword, and then stepped forward, unparalleled with the sword.

Finally, he raised his right hand, and the sword was unparalleled, and the opening:

"Virtual, withered!"

The voice falls, and there is a lot of blue light in the void, and the dense Ma Ma will give together his palm, form a blue vortex.

Next, these blue lights, the moment, from his palm, piercing the sword unparalleled body.

Time, the speed of the sword, becomes slow, the whole body's breath is also the beginning of falling decline, like the flowers in the autumn wind, gradually wither.

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