Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4556 Hello King

In the void, the whole universe has been split.

Invincible and six signs are the most embarrassing, hitting the stars, stepping on the silver river, every respect is an oldest existence, only the snoring of the body is enough to annihilate three thousand worlds.

In addition to the fight against the Supreme and the Six Trace Supreme Dragon, the most eye-catching is that hell princes and swords are unparalleled.

The hell king is the depths of the virtual universe. The evil spirits affected by the people have been falling into sleep until this universe has burst into went to sleep.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is the first day of the Shenli universe.

Taking two people in hand, the square is in the middle of the miles, and it is directly to a vacuum zone.

The hell king is holding a long ax, and the face is unpaid, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Your life, here to go to the head."

"Just as I, the great hell king, come to the end of your life!"

"Death blow !!"

Audio, the hell king is stepping, turned into a blue shadow, holding the giant ax again toward the sword!

The sword is unparalleled, and the face is slightly lighter.

He is already in mobilizing the power of the power, suppressing the decisions of the decisions, but if you want to completely clear it, at least you pay.

And the 10th time, in the duel with the King of Hell, is already born!

"Ta Luo Sword, third style, dusk."

"Toro Sword, fourth style, four seasons."

"Talent Universities, the original universe!"

The lips are light, and the sword is unparalleled and spurped out. Then I will use the three major magics!

For a time, the hell king who came out of the original shot, the movement of the feet could not help but fell into the mud Tower, and the speed is like slowed, it turns into slow motion.

This is the talent, the original universe!

"Well? And the martial arts of this king?"

The hell king is a narrow, and he does not wait for him to react, an extremely horrible suction, suddenly spread out of his feet, it is like a big hand, grabbed his feet, and pulled down!

"this is?!!"

On the face of the hell, the first time I was surprised.

I saw it under him, a concave giant pit, like a black hole, rotating.

The dark matter in the universe is also good, or a variety of energy remaining, all of which are attractive to this dusk pits at the same time, and fall towards the concave huge pit.

At this moment, it seems that the universe rinsed.

In this pit, the vitamous sword is like a big grinding, and no sound is stranded.

Just instantly, this is the feet of the prisoner, it is grinding countless flesh.

As early as nearly 10,000 years ago, when the sword didn't have the first to respect the realm, I got a trick with this trick, I almost kill the prison king as the five traces of the five traces, now the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is strong. ten times.

And this, it's still not finished!

Tara's fourth style, four seasons, it is over!

There are countless swords and rain, and they are bombarded by the King of Hell, and the whole universe changed the way!

At the same time, the three gods simultaneously showed the moment of power, it was actually a voter of faintly collapse.

At this moment, whether it is a person who is the universe, or the people who have a virtual universe, look at this scene, all are stunned, and the tongue is stunned.

"This is the battle between ordinary supreme?"

"I am the top supreme, but I have intuition, in the three wilders of the sword, I can't even have time, I can't even have a good time!"

"Too strong! Look at the battle between the two people, don't look at their realm, I am afraid that the enemy is so good, it is almost the same!"

The people of the Shenli universe looked at each other and was so open.

The nine robbery is a shrinkage, and the face flashed a complex color, quietly clenched his fist.

He is self-responsible for him, and only the sword is unparalleled as an opponent.

However, only more than 10,000 years of time, the beginning of all aspects is not as good as his sword, the attack out of this moment, but it is not as good as it is in your heart.

That degree, I pressed him, so that he was desperate, he was in his hands in his hands, and it was almost killing at this moment.

And the emotions are more complicated, and the dragon's dragon is.

"This guy, why is it growing so fast !!!"

He looked at the sword and was unparalleled, and he was jealous in his heart.

The original sword was unparalleled, but it was just a fire in his hand, but now, the combination of swords has no double performance, but he is expected to be able to exist!

Compared to the shock of the Shenli's universe, then the universe is frightened!

"Hell King But our universe except six trace-level supreme existence! Isn't it the opponent of this person?"

"If the hell king is defeated, what do we get to stop him?"

Many of the names are all flashed, and they are hesitant. Do you want to launch a virtual explosion directly to support hell king.

Don't mention the reactions of everyone.

In a void.

Seven black people wearing a black robe, the foot turns, and stands for hand.

He is a geeks who wearing a red street mask, just revealing a geeks.

There is a three-pointer in this eye, a triangle, and it is only seen, and it feels that it is full of cold.

", that little guy ..."

Suddenly, the seventh of the seven, the eyes were slightly reversed, and they looked at the swords and hulies who were fighting.

Switch, he narrowed his eyes:

"I remember it is right, the little guy who uses the sword ..."

"What happened, what happened?"

Packed with a red mask, pay attention to the strangeness in the Packed Six, asked in a faint opening.

"My little guy, the little guy with the sword, seems to be a bit related to Xuan, I originally wanted to arrest him, then the universe's supreme shot will save him, I don't want to make things big, put it. I have passed this person. "

"I can't think of this person, this person is so fast, and it is so fast that he is still the first-class dominant realm. It has now grown to this point."

The seven opens.

I am sidewai, I have no fluctuations, just point to nod:

"There is no impossible person with Xuan, there is nothing impossible."

"Then do we want to catch him now?"

The seven continued to open.

I thought about it, I mighty and swelled: "Don't worry, first look at this person's performance again, I estimate this person, may be a key chess piece of Xuan and a big plan."

The voice falls, a gold card, appears in his hand, gently fuse.



On the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled in the hell king who is trapped in the dusk. The cold is over, and the three gods will be turned to the extreme.

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