Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4557 kills hell princes, the organization is ready to shoot

boom! ! !

At the moment, the three power, all of the hell king.

The king of the hell is the burly body, suddenly the blood is arrogant, the thousands of swords will be the skinny, like a bloody rain.

The people of the two universe we were looking at this scene, all of which were very bad.

"Medium supreme, there is such a power! It is not good!"

"It's too strong! Headsmanne !!"

"The sword is unparalleled, horrible to the crack!"

Countless people have amazed.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is under the indifference of his eyes, and the body gradually lifts.

"Ta Luo Sword, the fourth style, four seasons!"

"Winter is spring, spring turn summer !!"

The voice falls, after the sword is unparalleled, there is a huge sunny day.

This is the area of ​​the big day, which is a huge, hot high temperature, burning this, a red light mapping the universe, and burning the flame flame, as if it is ten The sun fused with a big fireball, horrible to unclear.

next moment.


The sword is unparalleled, the hands are quickly smashed, and the king of the hell is down.

In an instant, this huge fireball is rolling toward the dog head!

In the empty, the roar explosion is passed.

The hell king looked up at this scene, and the face finally could no longer keep half a degree, but a roar.

"Give me !!"

"Death incarnation !!"

In this case, I saw that there were countless people feel horrible.

laugh! !

Countless blue flames, rushing from the skin of the hell, forming a thick flame armor.

His body, but also the speed of the naked eye, started to skyrocket, with the place where he was round, countless energy was drawn, and it turned into a nutrient he grew.

He is proud of the nine, holding a long ax, burning the blue bears flame in the whole body, the universe starry sky, while starting withering, just like the death!


His eyes flashed a mad color, first raised the long ax in his hand, squatting down, smashing the dusk of the feet, spin, he once again, moving toward the rolling, Send the roar of the nine days!

"Vanity - !!!"

laugh! !

I saw the blue flame whose burning, all gathered in his open dog mouth, formed a huge blue ball with a thunder, lightning shuttle!

This blueball appeared, suddenly emitted to the world of death, far more against all moves before he!

"This prisoner is forced to show the false explosion, it seems that there is no double forced by the sword to take the kill!"

"As long as the sword is unparalleled, hell king will die!"

Suddenly, countless power of the universe, tightened his fists, a heart to the eyes.

boom! !

I saw this blue ball, turned into a thick light column, sprayed from the hell king mouth, and I bled it on the falling edge!

In an instant, heaven and earth.

The bright light, from the two.

In the next moment, everyone saw the row of the rhymes, directly by the hell king's false blue balls through the middle, scattered four parties.


The sword is unparalleled, and there is no more panic in his face, and the fire is burning in the eyes.

The sturdy war, straight risks, shocking nine days!

"Ta Luo Xian Dian, fifth style, Ta Luo !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the cold is spit out of this sentence.

At present, there is a round of law behind the sword.

A left hand takes the wine pot, the right hand dance sword, the pace is awkward, but there is a beautiful young woman who has no enthusiasm. It appears behind the sword.

Not someone else, it is between the laughter of the world, who is the Loo to the Survey!

The previous sword is unparalleled, but it has not completely made the fifth style of this Toojian Dian Dian, and now, the sword has no double breaks the middle of the Sword, and the power of this sword is, it is no weak than the Toro Supreme True hit. !

As the sword is unparalleled, it lifts the movement of the Toro Shenjian, and the Suli to the Supreme Law behind the sword, and also lifted the Toro Shenjian.


The sword is unfashionable, cold and cold spit out of this word.


Tara Supreme and Sword are unparalleled!

A long-awaited sword, Changhong, instantly, was taken out by Ta Luo Shenjian, split heaven and earth, run through the day!

Before this sword, I have surpassed the distant enemy's supreme realm!

After this sword, everything is bleak, only this sword is left.

Even many enemy supreme and six trace supreme situations in the distance, they can't help but look down on the sword.

"This guy, the attainment to the sword, is it so high?"

The captain of the seventh team, the first person in the universe, black source is sung.

"The little guy is getting more and more shadow."

Wu Jianxian also flashed a lot of color in the same beauty, just now, she actually in the sword, unparalleled, feeling a few points of heaven.

This is not allowed to let her, my heart is hop.

"Hell is defeated."

And in the void, there is a place to stand.

Wearing a red mask, holding a golden card in hand, shaking his head indifferently.

next moment.

He is mock to play the movement of the golden card.

"This is growing, will become a trump card in the hands of Xuan, or bring him back to transformation."


boom! ! !

That's as Long Jianhong, finally with the blast of the Hell King, hit it together.

This sword, can be posishan, filling the sea, Zhu Xian, Fu Demon, Devil, and God! ! !

Almost in an instant, the percent of the eight-party, showing the fallen balls that destroyed and pulled the posture, as with the knife cutting, will be sloped by this sword!

When you have a sword, this sword is rumored, and you will come to the King of Hell!

"Do not!!!"

Hell's face has a large change, and the eyes are frightened in the eyes.

He just woke up from the sleep, he also had to show his hand in the universe, and he still had countless macultus.

How can he die here? !

Is it died in a hand of the garbage antite?

When he just wanted to go to escape, he saw that heaven and earth into a line, the most popular sword, obliquely on the hell king.

Tear ~!

In an instant, Hell Wang's magnificent body, from the left shoulder to the right lumbar position, there was a sword.

Follow it.

boom! ! !

The body of the hell king is separated, and it is actually divided by this sword!


Rotating, the body of the hell king, constantly struggling twisted, want to re-group resurrection, but that is the sword of the world, but the sword of the world, it is repeatedly crushed.

The life of the hell king quickly scattered, only the word hospice, the hell king was completely made a bunch of black gray, as the sword was stirred, it turned into a virtual.

One sword, the king of hell!

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