Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4558 Gold Card, Designing the Watch!

The hell king fell.

His body, quickly defeating, turned into countless black gray, stirring the wind that was stimulated in the air, and completely dissipated in the air.

Due to the vacuum band produced by Hell King and the sword, there is only one of the swords, and the sword is standing, the face is proud, and a piece of black robe does not touch the dust, it is like a gap, and it seems like a peerless sword.

Everyone is all stunned to watch the sword.

They did not expect that this battle would end so fast.

They have been in the sword, but they have never thought that the hell king who has just made a false burst, and they are directly swords with a sword.

This victory has come too fast, and it will react if they come to them.

"Sword, sword is so winning?"

Nine robbery kings, overlord, and countless power of the universe, all of which are opposite each other, and there is no shock on the face.

One time, the audience was dead.

After three interest.

The whole piece of universe, boil! ! !

"God bless the universe!"

An old name is supreme, holding a fist, all body because it is too excited, and excited trembling!

"God bless my Shenli universe! It was born to be born, there is no double, such as arrogance!"

"I want to the original, too deficient temple, dragon, Dali Temple and other six top sciences, but also to strand swords, but also the sword is unparalleled, otherwise this time, I am waiting for dangerous!"

"The sword is unparalleled is our universe, and it is the hope of our universe. Don't have a half-point for him!"

Countless people feel excited.

And then I would like to be killed under the hell king ax, and the results were unparalleled by the sword to save a few supreme, even the eyes were angry, and I watched Long Qing, the meaning of the meaning:

"The sword is unparalleled is my ironing old savior. From now on, my iron feng march is looking forward to the sword."

"Yes! If there is no sword, there is no parallel, I have already died in the hands of the dog head in my own monsters. If you dare to say that the sword is not a double sentence is not good, it is an enemy with me!"

"Laozi is also! The sword is unparalleled, and the life is you given. If you have any differences in the future, if you say a sound, you can't say Huangquan, I'm going to say a word, I will fight the thunder. Don't die! "

These people have opened their mouths.

Long Qing shrilted on the side, looked at the sword with his eyes, and the eyes were flashing in the eyes.

The sword of the sword is unparalleled, the heavens and the earth are split, chaotic separation, run through the sun and moon, and is too horrible.

He asked himself, he is absolutely unable to take this sword.

"This guy's strength will improve so fast."

Dragon is muttered.

He practitioned a hundred and thirty chaotic discipline, as a half-step invincible, put in the universe, it is an incredible existence, even in the dragon, it is also a history of the four generations of Dragon.

And the sword is unparalleled, so far less than one million years, it has exceeded him in the war.

This gap is simply to make him desperate.


In the empty.

With the sword, there is no double killing the hell, the morale of the entire Shenli universe has improved a bit, and the opposite is, it is the people of the universe, if the face is dead, and the body is shaking.


The sword is unparalleled, flying, and proudly void, cold and cold spit out this sentence.

The voice falls, the sword has no double step, and then once again, it will take the Jianhong who runs through the sun and the moon, and goes to the camp of the universe.

After him, the Supreme of Shenli's universe has roared.




"Kill kill and kill!!!"

Countless medium, higher, top, and even half-step invincible supimity, the sword is unparalleled, and the murderous murder is burst, and the camp of the universe!

They are like a sharp knife, embarrassed into the virtan of the universe, and the sword is unparalleled, it is the most sharp sword tip of this knife!

" !!"

The sword is unparalleled, the cold, the cold and the sky, lift the sword, squatting!

In an instant, a buddha is low, the trembling of the demon is passed out from the Toro Shenjian.

The sword blade of Ta Luo Shen suddenly trembled tens of thousands of times, formed a silver Silk Sword, who grew up!

This sword, across the day, the hegemony of the stars, faint, as if there is nine days of immortality.

Boom ~! !

One sword, kill the defenses!

The whole virtual universe camp, a sorrowful.

Even if there is a strong, it is not dead in this sword, and is also tightly followed by the sword without double, the iron fence, Overlord and others caught up.

After a moment, the battle between the gods and the Zhen Zhen did not mention the battle of invincible and six trace-level virtual honors, the victory between ordinary supreme and ordinary virtual respects, gradually tilting this side of the universe. Come.


In the empty, the place of the blood.

"Phase one, do we still don't shoot?"

The five frowning.

One of the sideways of the red mask, no rollover, but only the right eye, watching the sword.

Inside the ancient well-free, it flashes slightly colorful.

"Xuan Yi ... grasp the hand of the hand."

It seems to be sigh, I am sighing and sighing.

Switch, the golden card in your hand, the slightest direction is lost.

Time, this golden card, spinning from his hands out.

"Then you do it."


On the battlefield.

The sword is unparalleled, and suddenly, he is like a notes, and slamming in the direction of the void. It flashes a shot, and the whole body is sweating down!

next moment.

I saw a gold card, jumping from the void, and constantly enlarged in the sword.

A big horror between life and death, in the sword, there is no double heart, a cold, from his ridge straight!

On this card, there is a dangerous sense that has never been there!

"this is?!!!"

The sword was shocked, and the next consciousness wanted to shoot far away.

However, it is not waiting for him to raise your feet.

A strange force, slamming from this golden card!

In an instant, a power of a folding time and space, from the gold card, the entire universe starry began to tremble quickly!

next moment!

The horrible thing happened.

It's like a three-dimensional time and space becomes two-dimensional time and space. Whether it is a sword is unparalleled, or the starry sky in the universe, or other two parties who are fighting, all the actions stopped, and it has become a picture.

The sword is unparalleled, including countless stars, all disappeared.

There is only one picture left, floating in the void.

And the sword is unparalleled, all turned into a person.

This is ... Designated and blows!


PS: I wish you all a happy new year, all the best ^ _ ^

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