Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4560, I am not willing to regret!

"Don't use the old man."

If you have no swords, you have no double reach yourself to support the Roeway to respect, you will see that the Supreme is swaying towards the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but I have to stop the hand in my hand, but my heart is a sink.

Gaido Supreme Body ... I am afraid that I haven't supported it.

Gaqi Supremely saw the sword unparalleled look, couldn't help but squeeze out a smile on his face, comforting the opening: "Sword is unparalleled, you don't have to worry, you don't have to worry, life and death is a human life, the old man saw you have today's achievements I have already worried, even if the old man is really gone, I want to come to the future, I will take the life of the honesty, and the hometown of life will be better than in my lead. "

After finishing, he lifted his head and looked at the battlefield of the invincible and six trace.

For the universe, the situation is not optimistic.

Although in the war of ordinary supreme and trace, because of the joins of the sword, there is basically a victory, but I really want to reverse the winning and negative between the two universe, or I have to see the invincible to respect them. Fighting, and ... The battle between the god and the Zhenon.

The Shenli universe under the eight parties, invincible to the number of people, compared to this thirty-four virtual respect, but not bad, but in the war, it is a difference.

The hegemony old ancestors have just fierce, and every fist is all the power of explosion, the left and right bows, and she is bombarded, and the right deficiency of the thunder is defeated.

But except him, other invincible supreme, almost unity.

Wu Jianxian, who was still still invincible, after the war, and suddenly fell into the wind.

Guheng Xiangzun, this once marked a time in the universe of the virtual universe, and in the years, it is an ancient person who is twice a few times of Wu Jian fairy, and all kinds of killing gods emerge from his hands, will force Wu Jianxian. The fight, and there is no power.

The most critical, or the Guheng Xiangzun hand has a pair of copper rings, which is hard to be hard, strong and unusual, and there is an enlargement of zooming, the two copper rings are angle, and the left and right pulls the extreme.


Guheng Xiangzun handshey ten, suddenly smashed.

Time, this is a yellow light on the copper ring, actually like the rope generally extended, one of the copper rings first lives a sword of Wu Jianxian straight, ordering a copper ring, is from Wu Jianxian Under the body, then smashed, and bundled Wu Jianxian.

Wu Jian fairy face change, want to break free, but this copper ring is like the five-way mountain of the suppression of the granddaughter monkey, and the Wu Jian fairy will become bigger, and the martial arts will shrink and do not give her an opportunity to escape.

"Hahahaha, little girl, ,, this site looks like you are well-behaved, as long as you are willing to do a boast of jade women under this seat, this seat has not yet spared you, or even hears some, stay This universe can even be discussed to the virtual gods, and you can't do it. "

Gu He Xiang Zun Haha laughed, but there was no meaning in his hand, and the copper ring of the martial arts of Wu Jianxian, slammed the short blade of a long short blade, and wanted to go directly to Wu Jianxian.

"court death!"

Wu Jianxian heard, and suddenly a pair of beauty blinks, and the murder was rich in extreme.

" , transforming."

Wu Jian fairy coldly spurped out this sentence, after the voice fell, I saw her body, and she didn't look at her, and she aggregated with her.

! !

The Wu Jianxian who was tied by the copper ring, and suddenly was thoroughly stranded by the copper ring, turned into a headshot.


On the face of Wu Jianxian, it flashed on a moment, then he took a sigh of relief, and then the sword killed the ancient virtues.

The other side of the battlefield.

There is a double-wing behind a back, and the six traces of the waist is sang, and the knee is hanging down.

Subsequently, his hands were distorted, and it was turned into a narrow knife with a different hand.

"Dragon? , eat you !!"

This six trace level is a feet, and suddenly a jump, like that flying, taking a three-generation dragon.

He made a knife with a sharp knife, flashed in the air, and it was enough to get the star.


The three-generation dragon of this vectors, the eyes flashed a panic color, and the mouth was spit, and the purple venom of a planet was directly spit.


Invincible and the battle of the six trace levels have become more and more fierce, enter the white heat.

Although not there is not a false, it is seen that the invincible supreme, the universe of the universe is just a morning and evening.

At that time, once there is an invincible sustain, then the balance between the top of the two universe will break, and the universe can make a hand, producing a two-way situation.

At that time, it will lay the defeat of the Shenli universe.

The painting is full, re-put back to the sword, unparalleled and defeated the supreme body.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire."

It took a sigh of relief, flashing in the eyes, muttered:

"That's the body of my old man, turned into the fire!"

If the voice is falling, it is the first fire that is burn himself, and becomes the first fire of the universe of the deficiency. Suddenly be taken by the sword.


Gangqi is awkward.

"For the predecessors, what do you want to do, you don't stop you, just before this, the younger generation wants you to see something."

The sword is unparalleled.

Rotary, he turned his right hand, a trowel, appeared in his hand.

This token is that the sword is unparalleled in the place of the gods. The main road of the palace of the life of the godberg is derived.

Gangqi is looking at this already rusty token, first is one, and then the pair of turbid eyes, suddenly the eye is red.

100,000 fake!

The life of the Shenqi Palace is unknown, and the Supreme of the Supreme is lifted by the big flag.

The world only knows that the god of life is opened by Dao Derry, and then protects the supreme care.

I don't know.

In that year, Gaqi is the shadow behind the Dao Dan, the most loyal old servant.

"Less Lord ... still alive?"

Garate to the respected opening.

His title is not a palace owner, but a young master, perhaps it is already in extremely long time, there is no call of 'Shao Lord', so these two words have been said from his mouth, and they seem to have a hard time.


The sword nodded.

Get the confirmation of the sword and the unparalleled, and it is sucking.

The first time laughed, laughing as a weight, laughing without hanging.

"The sword is unparalleled, since the number of the Lord has given you the palace master to you, then you are the second generation of the palace of my life."

"I ..... I am not willing to regret!"

The voice falls, and the song is to respect the new lift, look at the battlefield of the invincible supreme and six trace.

A powerful breathing that has never had had had, from his body!

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