Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4561, Gangqi Supreme, Fall


"what happened?"

"This breath is .....? !!"

In an instant, the universe of the universe, the universe of the universe, the invincible supreme, and stopped the battle in his hand, and the lower head of doubts.

So they saw the Supreme of the Great and Iburned.

"It's him!!"

"This is a guy !!"

"He actually alive?"

Some people who have participated in the top of the top, and the people who have met the supreme, and they have a panic.

The Supreme of the year, is still young, but it is one of the absolute strengths of the Shenli universe, almost in this realm, rare hostile.

To this end, the virtual universe is also specially sent a number of six traces deficiency to kill the volts, they clearly remember that the Supreme Head was seriously injured, and it was about to fall.

"Remove! This madman is going to be with us!"

Suddenly, a six trace of virtually the pupil is shrinking, it seems to be aware of what, and then frightened.

In this regard, these six trace-level deficiency were suddenly changing, and they had retraced them later.

Some of the invincible supreme of the Shenli universe is also a shock, and the eyes are not dare to confuse the color.

"Gang this guy ..."

The Emperor Emperor ended the battle, slightly asthma, and the eyes were complex to look at the Supreme.

He and the relationship between the Yiqi is also the relationship between the Yi Yi friends. In the past, the two had a lot of hatred, but with the battle of the catastrophe, the two became a comrades in parallel. .

Even on the battlefield, Gaqi Supreme has also saved him.

Therefore, he is quite complicated to the emotion of the rich.

It is precisely because this complex is in the first sword. The sword is almost killed. He is only mentioning a sword without double. It doesn't have it to kill the killer, but I have left the universe with Ice. deep.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Too God, even if you can't kill the sword, the life of the life is not a way.

"The sword is unparalleled, the old man went, this world is the young man after all."

I took the sword where there was a woman, and I went to the end. I deeply saw a nine robbery, and then I didn't hesitate. The right foot is heavy, and the whole person turns a lot of fire, it is like the horizon, dragged The meteorite Mars of the tail flame, hits the number of six traces that are retreating in violence in a righteousness.


The nine robbery kings crossed his fist, arrogant is like him, and it is ruthless as him. It is also at this moment, it feels the nose, and a deep feeling.

It is a respected, which will be asked to bring back from the remote star field as Xiaoyan, gave him a home.

For the first time, the first time I wake up the special life level, the first breakthrough, the first time known as the first day of life, the first day of the godberg ...

All of this is all of him.

For him, perhaps he truly let him wast at the moment, it is not a hundred millions of people in the universe. It is not the people of life, but he wants to see, Gaqi Supreme to his perspective.

This look, he finally saw it.

But his heart is only sad, but not happy.

boom! ! !

In a variety of various eyes, Gaqi to the respect is hit to the number of six margins!

This hit, Gangqi supreme breakthrough, returning to the peak!

This hit, it is the final jump of the Supreme in life, the strongest blow to the outbreak!

This hit, unstoppable, devastating and pulling! !

"Do not!!!"

Guheng Xianzun made a horrified roaring.

"Van !!!"

The whole body climbs the spider, but also the strongest magical fumet, the time, all blows!

There is also more six trace virtues, and the exhibition is exhibited.

However, in front of the opposite, these are useless, all this is useless!

These gods, just just hitting the fire of the embrace to the eviction, and it was not crushed in an instant.

They retired, want to fracture through void, returning to the universe of the virtual, and avoiding this.


What they desperate is that when they just want to enter the void crack, when they return to the virtual Yu å, they have discovered that the void cracks between the universe and the universe, I don't know why, it is closed!

"What is going on? Why is this?"

"Void crack, what happened?"

"The damn death is dead !!"

There are countless six traces of virtual face, blue, watching the pupil, the more the big flare, the heart is a liver and gentle!

Escape! Overall!

Even if the cavity is crack, I have no reason to be closed!

I can't think about it.

laugh! ! !

The raging fire of Gaqqi, in an instant, swallowed these six traces, all swallowed!

In the fire, the desperate roar of these six traces of virtual respects, and horrible.

This is a respected, burning life, the blow, , gorgeous, and shocking.

boom! ! !

After a while, it was like a splendid huge fireworks in the unfamous starry sky.

It is so huge, so beautiful.

Numerous people look at this fireworks, all forget the breathing, and live in a loss.

The fireworks gradually dissipate, and the wind is so disappeared. It has disappeared, and there is a minimum of three six traces of virtuality.

It is like being deleted by the world, and there is no breath.

The burning of the sky, turning the whole body into the fire of the sky, but not only burned the six trace of the universe, but also burned the Supreme himself.

Garate Supreme, falling.

Countless people stayed, just like being laid-like, it is so hard to look at this scene, only endless shock and admiration in his eyes.

With your own body, the zoom is angry, broken Ling Xiao, stepping into nine quiet, not willing to regret.

"Old friend."

The ancestors of the ancestors were complex and sighed softly.

He has once in the sea of ​​Hoqi, and he has a chessboard with a starry sky with a starry sky, and a deep friendship.

"Gangqi Supreme, Visit."

The smile and asked the big dream, the end of the year 's, the Taoist Hulu, which was deeply sucking, unparalleled from the gourd from the hand, poured a crystal clear wine, sprinkling into the stars.

"Unfortunately, I know you in this way."

He did not meet with the Gard to Estate, but at this moment, he also convinced the power of the Supreme and the fearlessness.


The face of the nine robbery becomes pale, and the whole person is dried and hard, and the legs are soft, almost fall from the air.

The sword in the crowd is unparalleled, although there is no speech, but it is like a heavy stone on the chest, heavy to the extreme, and even the breathing is slow.

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