Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4570, changing (below)

"How could this be?"

The Zhen Zhenyi has a breath.

Just now, when he is planning to run the power, it is actually that he is enough to make the universe explosion, chaotic restart of terrorist power, become extremely slow.

In his body, it seems to have countless souls, and the spirit is biting his body, which makes his strength, at least half of it.


The Zhen Shen took a sigh of relief, looked at the god, and his face became the first time.

Although he doesn't know his body, why do you have this change, but he can be determined, this is certainly a virtual God.

This battle is only afraid of danger.

"The Zhen, don't look at me, this seat is still disdainable to use these means to deal with you."

The virtue shrugged, and smiled and smiled:

"All this, you have to blame you yourself, even your closest person, you can't stand your practice, it seemed the general trend."

The "He God did not move the surface, but the heart is a sink.

Immediately, he thought about what I thought, turned back, slowly opening:

"It's you?"

In the void behind the Zhenon, the blue and blue and the blue are placed in parallel.

Among them, the eyes of the Zhen Zhen fall on the body of Blue Su.

"Master ..."

Seeing the eyes of the Zhen Zhen, the heart of Blue San consciousness is afraid, and I will retreat again.

"I ... I don't."

Blue San did not dare to face the eyes of the Zhen Zhisheng, and said some panic.

"Master, what happened?"

Blue and blue are a glimpse, and some confused asked.

The god did not answer the blue, but he took a sigh of relief. He looked at the eyes of Blue San, and there was a little low. "Xiao Su, you have a habit from small, you will be lying. Look at it everywhere. "

"So don't lie with the Master."

"Come, follow the teacher, are you from the temptation of the god, betrayed the Shenli universe, you said, be brave enough, don't blame you for the teacher."

The voice is falling, not waiting for the blue Soviet, the gods are like listening to what is funny, ridicule, smiled: "Hahaha, Zhen, this seat can not confuse him, is your disciple to run to virtual The universe came to me and let this seat give him a drop of my own origin. "

In this case, there is still what happened to be in the blue sky.

I saw the blueness of the blue, and she looked at Blue Soviet. It seems that I didn't dare to confuse the blue sassa. I was shocked: "Brother, you actually betray our Shenli universe?"

And the heart of the Zhon is completely sinking.

Home source!

The source seed is a need to gather thousands of blood, and the party can integrate a native seed, and the power is endless. Once who is specifically generated, it is equal to the people who have been controlled by others.

Our apprentice, good heart!

"Teacher! I do this, it is also good!"

Blue San seems to be somewhat overwhelmed by the spirit of the Zhen and the blue, and slammed the teeth and stood up.

He enforced himself to lift his head and look straight to the gods.

"Master! You don't blame this, you have to blame you too much, too obsessed!"

"Do you still can't see it, we can't see it, our Shenli universe, is no longer the opponent of the universe, the universe is a universe, which is already a general trend!"

"With it to the corpse, it is innocent life. Why don't you make a wise move, choose to surrender?"

"Master, the disciples said that it is difficult to listen to it, you organize everyone to resist the universe of the universe, not for your hometown? For your own air transport? Because you know, once the Shenli universe chooses to surrender, then you alone It will be hard to support the wood, not the opponent of the gods! "

"But the master, your life is life, our life is not a life? Why do you want to be accompanied by yourself, let everyone be accused! Master, you are too selfish!"

A series of words, as if the bead bomb is like it, from the Blue Suizu.

As if these words, he has already depressed it for a long time, that is, in order to break out this moment!

After saying these words, it seems that all the strength of Blue San, he holds his knees, slightly, and the eyebrows are some.

The Zhishen looked at Blue Soviet.

The origin seed from the virtual god has taken into effect in his body, as if there are countless bugs, and there are countless bugs. .

However, this pain of this drill is far from the discourse of Blue San.

The discourse of Blue San is like a knife, and inserted into his heart and constantly cut.

Blue and blood are squatting, a pair of dare not confidence looks in Blue Soviet.

Is this a brother who is humble and gentle, and Gong Qian?

At this moment, in the blue eyes, Blue Subei is distorted, and the devil who chooses people!

Blue Soviet, after a while, I took a sigh of relief and looked down on the Zhen Zhen, and my eyes became sincere:

"Master respect, the gods adults have promised me, as long as you are willing to cut the repair, exhale, he is willing to terminate this battle, and there is two universe a peace."

"Master, you can rest assured, your educating, no tooth unforgettable, as long as you are willing to do this, the disciples will let you support our later years, peacefully."

After saying, the Blue San is looking forward to seeing to the Zhen God.

And the gods heard the words, it was more than the face, and the eyes were slightly twisted, and he looked at the Zhen Zi smiled and said:

"Your disciple is correct, the Zhen, as long as you are willing to do it, this seat immediately stops this battlefield?"

The Zhishen did not answer, but it was very disappointing to see Blue San and shake his head:

"Blue Soviet, you are too big."

"You think that I am dead, this war will really stop? I told you that the whole of the people of the universe will become the pork dog servant of the universe, once the people slaughtered. The road to the practice of the universe, when they arrive, they are really difficult. "

"And you, when you really have to live? You can't live."

This time, the Zhishen is the name of Blue San, no longer called teacher.

What mean, it is already clear.

Blue Su Wen said that his mouth is tightly looked at:

"No! No! The god adult agreed to me, he won't do this!"

However, this time the Zhen Zhen did not take him again, but suddenly turned, he was looking to the virtance of the god, and his eyes flashed a decision.

"God, you can't win."

"Oh? Is it?"

The virtual god is void, the mouth is slowly evoked.

"I am here, or is it a mood?"

The god didn't return, but he took a deep breath, a word:

"The ancestral, chaotic !!"

PS: During this time, Card Wen is too serious. It took two hours before the computer, he wrote three hundred words. He can't write it. I have been going out for a long time before, but I can't go out this time. I have been carding, I can't write completely, so this time update is completely weak, I can only try to update, today I will bare code, I hope everyone will forgive me, I am sorry!

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