Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4571 starts from now, this war is taken over

boom! ! !

In an instant, the Zhen Zhizhi doubled, full of white hair long, and a pair of eyes sharply.

A hurricane, suddenly spread from the foot of the city, and the ball was pulled.

Then, the entire universe spreads out of the sound.

The sky collapsed, split.

Fighting star shift, sun moon, the whole starry sky is boiling.

An ancient breath from chaotic, filled the spread, shrouded the entire universe, as if to return all the chaos.

The face of the Zhenqi, quickly became pale, and it was constantly trembling.

However, in his eyes, it seems to have two groups of flames to start burning.

That is a dead!

There are countless two universe horses who are fighting for blood, feel the horror of this to suggest, from chaotic, all of which are giant, and the heart is full, and they are dead to the Zhen Zhen.

The sword is unparalleled in this ranks. When he saw the Zhen Zhen, the god and the blue Susu Blue, he suddenly understood everything.

"Is Blue San?"

The sword has no double heart.

This is he never thought.

For the candidate of 'inner ghost', he has guess, he thinks that will be a dragon, thinking that it will be too emotional, and even guess the nine team captains of the domain battlefield.

He didn't think of it alone, this inner ghost, it will be Blue Su.

This makes the sword unparalleled face, all flashing and mistakes.

This is really dare not confidence, Blue San can be the distant people, this universe is the status of the identity, just in the existence of the Zhenon!

"It's really bouting."

The sword has no doubles call out a breath, and at the same time, since the choice of the exposure of the identity at this time, then it is already a blue sustain!

Boom! !

A block of voids, forming a horrible void storm, like a dragon ribbing, and embarrassing in the void.

The sky is constantly fried, everything is collapse, and even the time and space begins back. It is necessary to return everything, returning to chaos.

"Reversing the yin yang time and space !!!"

"What happened?"

"How could this be?"

Time, countless people look up, even those who are in the episode of the peak, all are difficult to cover the color.

The spirit of the Zhenhe is too great, saying that it is not over, it seems that it is turbid to the world.

He is obviously shaking the whole universe with a power!

At this moment, the time began to go back.

In the eyes of the gods, the gods skyrocket, the face is the same.

"It's impossible! I am absolutely impossible! Even if it is, I have existed, I have a possible possibility, but I will never let the entire universe backtrack, forcibly revers the universe order rules."

"Delicious God, you are right, the old man can not reverse the entire universe, but enough to open the time and space channel, forcibly will be two people, and block the time and space."

The mouth is slowly opened, and a tangible smile is revealed.

Today, it is already a bureau of death.

However, he can also use his own decay to make the universe to make the final contribution.

"You are crazy!"

The virtual god heard the face change.

I don't wait for him, and the Zhen Zhen has been torn with his hands and suddenly torn the void.

The torn void is like a mirror, reflecting a corner of chaos.

"Go with the old man."

The Zhenqi drunk, the eyes opened, and the angered,


Next, the chaotic corner suddenly shot into Xuanhuang Guang, and the Zhen Zhen and the Gods were sucked.

The eyes flash in the eyes, then the cold open mouth:

"Zhenqi, 10,000 years, this is trapped for 10,000 years, 10,000 years later, this seat will return from time and space!"

"When I arrive, this is the whole power of the universe, and I will kill, and the grass doesn't stay!"

"And you will die in this chaos!"

Seni-cruel voice, from the mouth of the virtance.

When the god didn't return, but when it was about to be inhaled to be inhaled, the eyes swept from the people of the Shenli universe, and he was so excited:

"Remember, as long as my Shenli is full of fire, the inheritance is endless, then my Shenli's universe will have a day, will usher in the freshman!"

Donned, Zhen Zhen light, look at the Tian Tian Zu, open mouth: "Feng Tian, ​​you fight with the old man to compete for 100,000 chaotic discipline, I have hated the old husband 100,000 chaotic discipline, the old man is now sorry to say to you."

"Your guy ..."

Feng Tian's ancestors clamped his fist and took a deep breath, and shouted: "Lao Mi, you give the old husband, you want you as a whole, you will give me an apology!"

In the end, he is from the Zhen Zhen, which once is the closest friend.

If he is really a bad breath, how can it appear here at this moment, I am afraid that I have already thrown the universe, I can't hate the universe.

At this moment, the vitality of the Zhen Zhen is getting thinner and thinner, and the death is getting bigger and bigger. Those who have been unpleasant have long, and it has already disappeared.

The Zhen Zi smiled, he can feel that the origin of the god is already in his body.

I haven't been persisted.

"Feng Tian, ​​lead everyone to retreat, save the fire."

"They are the hope of our future."

In the end, the Zhen Zhen looked at the blue and glared, and he glared his tone and deeply saw a sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, the old man will send you a big creation, you and get good!"

boom! ! !

A group of white halo, slowly squeezed from the Zhenneng heart, then one shot, instantly drilled into the sword unparalleled body.

After you finish this, the Zhen Zhen didn't hesitate, followed by the god, entered the chaotic flow.

He will use his life, in the chaos of the universe, and suppress the gods!


Torn the sky, returning to peace.

I haven't waited for the sword and unparalleled look at the neighborhood. When I gave him, I saw the nine big snake gods, nine heads and junky pronunciation.

"The universe of the universe, kills!"

Roar! ! !

In an instant, the people of the virtual universe were riped again, and killing them from the Shenli universe.

Standing in the forehead, the old ancestors are sinking, are preparing to shoot.

Suddenly, a black beam of a brach is shot from the void, and it is actually wearing the shoulder hole of the sea.

Then, he saw the seven black robe people, showing a word, and slowly walked out from the void.

Walking in the first one is a red mask, just revealing a shaking figure of a right eye.


"From now on, this war is officially taken by us."

The sound is indifferent, spread.

Feng Tian's ancestors looked up and saw it. The pupil was instantly mad, and the face became serious.

"All, ready to escape."

Feng Tian's ancestor sounds, in the minds of everyone.

"My organization, you come out to sit and enjoy it, don't you really?"

And the snake god, the same face, and the opening said.

"My words, don't you understand?"

It's looking at the snake god.

next moment.

When I lifted my hand, I slapted the nine heads of the zombie, and slammed.

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