Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4574 Escape


Outside the battlefield, still killing.

Number of eternal supreme, choose to fight for a battle, the last one is falling in the domain battlefield.

This killing, there las for three days.

Three days later.

There is a dead field outside the whole domain, and there is no countless residual limbs, quietly suspended in the void, as if the silent story is the fierce.

In the center of the battlefield outside the domain, a breath has been close to the oil, and the old people are smashing.

In his whisper, the stack of densely numbly has a number of endless universe, including the six traces of virtual respect, and there is also three distortions in the organization.

In the periphery, there are more virtual respects, and a face is griewing at this old man. Although this old man is already a strong end, I have come to the end of life, but still hesitating, I don't dare to go forward.

They have been sealed, and they are scared.

They have never been seen, can have people to fight against the entire universe with their own efforts!

Three days, this day the old ancestors have not retired half steps, and they can't enter one foot!

This, it's too horrific!

"The battle of the upper, the old man hides 100,000 chaotic discipline, hiding 100,000 chaotic discipline, and finally it is difficult."

The sky is sitting, and a name of the universe of the universe, suddenly smiles.

There is no one in the surroundings, just holding the blade, and a feudal look at the ancestor.

After saying, he lifted his headself, looking up, there was no stars, like smashing:

"Say, the old people who have once left, even the old leaf of the Zhen Zhen, this time."

"I am competing with him for a lifetime, grab a lifetime, he also leads my life."

"I can't think of it, at this last time, he is still a step."

A bitter smile, Feng Tianzu received his eyes low, and there was no movement.

Feng Tian's ancestors, gone.

It's until it has been a long time, and those who have raised the blade, and they will slowly swallow.


A five trace of virtuality, holding a long knife, big boring, and a brutter.

The long knife is inserted into the body of the sea, and there is no blood drops.

"Dead is dead! This magic is finally dead!"

Suddenly, this five trace-level virtual face puffed a mad horse, took back the long knife, and intended to completely destroy the day.

call out.

At this moment, a black army figure of a black mask stepped step down and appeared in front of Feng Tianzu.

He succumbed to a bomb, directly took this five trace-level virtual respect, all flew.

This person is it.

Subsequently, the one mentioned that the Tian Tianzu has lived his life, and the body falls, and the sound of the sound:

"Hull burial."


At the battle with Feng Tian ancestors, nine heads have already blown out eight, just only one head of the zombie, and he said when he said: "Phane, this person is almost destroyed. , Hurt my own source, but still have to be buried? You take the body to me, this seat should repeatedly rush torture, and you can get the heart! "

"This is the decision to do, when will you ask you?"

I saw him at a glance, and immediately pushed forward.

Suddenly, the autopsy of Feng Tianzu automatically suspended, all the way up, and finally disappeared in the universe.

"Born in the universe, died in the universe, rest in peace."

When I shook my head, I turned and turned around, and my eyes were re-exposed.

"Kill! Tu to complete all the power of the universe, reshuffle!"


The voice falls, the rest of the four blood organization members, and countless virtual respects, all single knees, and it should be.

Just in the process of playing his hands with the ancestors, I have used my own strength to conquer all the people!


Suddenly, countless virtual respects, flying towards the depths of the Shenli universe!


The universe, there is no stars.

The three gods are fasting fast.

These three people are the swords that escape from outside the battlefield, the nine robbery, the kings, and the blue.

"The sword is unparalleled, what do we do next?"

After a period of recovery, the mood of the blueness is better than before, although still immersed in grief, it is not a point where it is unclear.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled as the only one with him, and naturally it has become his, the main bone is in general.

The nine robbery is also asked next to: "The sword is unparalleled, now the Shenli universe is broken, only the people who are afraid of the universe, will not be invaded, and us, it is equivalent to the balance of the universe, they must never Will allow us to exist, so we have to do next steps to do it. "

The sword is unparalleled and hesoned to take a deep breath, and nodded and figured it out.

You don't have to think that he also knows that the next power of the universe will eventually face a big cleaning, all the forces will be stranded, all order collapse, even if there is no to be stranded, it will become a false dog of the universe.

The Shenli universe will face a reshuffle and open a new era.

"The only way, only hiding into the nine major restricted areas."

I thought about it, the sword did not have a double sink.

"Nine major banquets?"

The nine robbery wrinkled.

"Not bad."

The sword nodded, he replied: "Nine major banquets, Long Feng Qilin Three people, each occupied one, the ancestor of the ancestor, it is a grateful place, and the deep abyss of the descendants of the dark devil, there is still four Big penalty area, one more than a mysterious, even invincible, no guaranteed, there is no news from these four major residential regions, if we want to avoid this disaster, only hide into these four banquets among."

Nine robbery Wang Wen said that there is no reply, but a long time, he said: "The sword is unparalleled, the extent to which these four major restricted areas are unbeaten."

"If we enter these four major bankers, I am afraid that I will have a life of the country."

The sword is unparalleled and shook his head. He reply: "Now it is not to weigh the pros and cons. If you don't have the chess, if there is only our three, this universe is big, you can always find a hiding place, but you don't forget, the life of life is still There are thousands of disciples waiting for us. "

The nine robbery , no longer talk.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is the body shape, and the eyes look at the direction of life, and the light is flashing:

"Let's go, go back to life, we must go to the universe of the universe, to the departure of the homberg, all of the horn, all of which are all in the penalty area."

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