Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4575 Arriving in the Harbor Palace

Cosmic starry sky.

The sword is unparalleled, the nine robbery, the blue, the three people are flying in the direction of the hometown of life.

Along the way, there are many top scorpions that have been known to the universe of the universe, and they have packed their home, and they are very far away from the universe.

Only those who live in the universe the bottom of the universe and some mortals, poor still don't know everything, I don't know the world has changed.

The whole universe, a big confusion.

Among them, there were a lot of people who were robbed.

Many of them are the mains of the forces, or a family ancestors, there is a big man with a face in the days. At this moment, it is the intellectual thief, crazy, searching all materials, and preparing for himself.

Therefore, in the road, the mourning is in the wild, and the war is flying.

When people have no order, they are not different from the beasts.

! !

The sword is unparalphed, and a secondary supreme, I want to rob the three people, and the filming, then the opening said:

"We have to speed up, I am afraid that there are many forces and we intend to hide in the forbidden place."

The nine robbered king heard that nodded.

Immediately, the three did not delay, all released the breath, flipped towards life.

Some of the Supreme, I feel that the three people's breath, I know that after the sword is unparalleled and the nine robbery king, they have depressed the incitement in the heart, and they are left.

Month after months.

The three arrived in the depths of the universe, and the hometown of life.

In general, the depths of the universe are still a bustling scene, obviously the news that the universe broke, and has not been completely conveyed here.

Responsible for watching two disciples in the gate of life, the gods of the gods, is still quite leisure, and I will talk to the sky.

Seeing the nine robbery kings and swords, there were two people came, and suddenly hit a machine, and they were busy standing straight:

"Unparalleled Supreme, Tain Broken Supreme."

The sword nodded, did not delay the time, but directly asked: "Where is the blood wave supreme?"

"Back to the unparalleled supreme, the blood wave, they are all in the temple."

"it is good."

There is no double point of the sword, and then the foot will take a pedestal, and the pen is reflected in the temple.

In the Supreme God, the blood wave is supreme, the giant ax is supreme, the sky is the three people, is talking about the situation of the war, and the words are quite optimistic.

Obviously, they have not yet known the news that the Shenli universe has already broken.

The sword is unparalleled with the nine robbery, and the three people just stepped in. They faced the gates of the sky and the giant ax, the blood wave supreme, I noticed three people.

"Hey? The sword is unparalleled. There is also a disciple of the neighborhood. How are you coming back?"

The sky is asked.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled. Do they have to be in the battlefield and the universe of the universe outside the domain?

Isn't it a universe that has been defeated?

"Yeah, how can you come back, cover your song?"

The giant ax is also asked.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is facing two people who have a slightly permitted and very well-low, slightly lower, sigh.

He didn't know how to make this cruel news and inform the triple.

Among the three, only blood wave supreme, noticed that the face of the sword is unparalleled, some is not normal.

He pressed down the press, indicating that the giant ax and the sky were quiet.

Inspired, he took a sigh of relief, and he was solemn to see the sword without having a double three. It slowly asked: "The sword is unparalleled, is it the outside the domain battlefield? You but said.

"it is good."

The sword nodded, he was not an indecisive person, knowing that this news will pass late to the depths of the universe, and now the most important thing is to grasp the time evacuation.

"Blood waves supreme, we have lost."

The sword has no double eyelids, and a word is spit out of this sentence.

This sentence is falling, and suddenly the same stone has aroused thousands of waves, and the blood wave is supreme three people, and the eyes do not dare to confuse the color.

"What? I lost?"

The giant ax and the heavens are madness, and the eyes are obeyed.

They thought that even if the universe couldn't overcome the universe in a short time, it is not possible to lose so fast.

Among the three people, only blood waves have a smile, there is not much unexpected color on the face.

When he saw the three people, he appeared here, there was a feeling of faintness in his heart, and he didn't expect that it would be as expected.

"That ... cover to the world?"

Blood wave supuncture continuous breathing three times, and forced the emotions in the heart and asked.

"Gangqi is full, but not only to cover the supreme. The" Zhen people are also dead in the domain battlefield. "

The sword is unparalleled to turn back.

This sentence fell, and suddenly, in the blood wave, the three people were re-lost, and a heavy bomb was left again.

Blood waves, three people heard words, actually a soft leg, almost falling down to the ground.

"How is it possible? How can it be?"

Blood waves on the top of the three faces, like a bloody gas, dare not confidence.

They have never thought about it, and they will have fallen days.

"Is that it is not a representative, and now people of the universe, is about to attack?"

Blood waves to lift their heads, watching the sword.

"Not bad."

The sword nodded, replied: "Feng Tian's ancestors dragged the virtual universe, but I was only afraid that I can't wait for a long time, how long does it take for people in the universe? universe."

In this case, the blood wavestacing three people live again.

Ok, the three are not a sense of essence, and only the soul is so long, and the spirit is revocation.

The past is not allowed to catch, the universe has been broken, the Zhen Zhen and others have already died, then, what should they consider the future.

"Blood wave supunation, my opinion is that we have all relocated, withdraw from the depths of the universe, and find him."

There is no double eyeliner, saying.

"All relocation? Do you see him?"

The sky is like a nickname, and the spin is suddenly shaking: "No, I don't agree, here is the root of life, the roots of my life, I have to go, I am going to live in life." Palace, big deal in the god of life, but a dead, what is the fear? "

The sword is unparalleled, not from the brow gradually frowned, saying:

"Tianzhu Supreme, now it is a matter of tight, and I hope you can be heavy in the overall situation."

"The sword is unparalleled, I know you are good, but unfortunately the life of the godberg has a big grace, I can't do it, you will leave, I will stay here, send life, I will send my life, I will wish and Life is a burial. "

Tianzhu Supreme Okay.

The sword is unparalleled, not from a burst of silence.

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