Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4577 Ready

"Fu Jun, you finally come back."

Cold as the cream is tightly holding swords, and the nails are in the sword. There is no double back, it seems to be afraid to let go, the sword is unparalleled.

"Okay, frost, let the doctor check check, how much is your repair in this time."

The sword was laughing and laughed and gently patted the back of the frost, letting it.

"Well? I will break through the supreme."

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately appreciate: "It seems that the cream is very hard during this time, you will catch up with the husband."

Cold as frost heard the words, forcibly squeezing a smile on his face, but the eyes are bleak.

She can feel themselves, and the help of the sword has become less and less.

Although she has exhausted, it is increasing, but the difference between the unparalleled unparalleled is getting bigger.

She is afraid of this, one day in the morning, two people will become two people.

"Fu Jun, have you come back this time?"

Cold as a frost opening.

"Will go."

There is no double point of the sword, pay attention to the look of cold as the frost, not for a smile:

"But this time, let us go together."


Time, cold as frost, a touch of jets, and the sword is unparalleled.

"of course."

The sword is not a double point, and immediately take the thing of the battlefield outside the domain, saying it with cold as frost.

Suddenly, the cold is like a frost, it becomes blind.

The two talked a few words.

At this time, the nine robbery of the six mountain range is also inhabited, and it is said:

"Sword ... Palace Lord, all disciples have been convened, gather in the mountain gate, waiting for you to indicate."

"it is good."

The sword is unparalleled light, bringing cold as frost, heading towards the mountain.

Before the mountain gate, tens of thousands of life gods have already gathered.

After 10,000 years of recuperation, the life of life has been recovered, and there is a slight increase in strength than before, there is a lot of prosperity.

If it is slow to grow, it will become very likely that the future will become the first forces of the Shenli universe.

"I, please see the unparalleled palace master!"

Seeing the sword without a pair of foot, the disciples came down, and they shouted.

The sound is shocking!

Just now, they already know that the sword is unparalleled as the owner of the Land, the godberg owner, and the news that the Shenli universe defeated.

At their face, it is full and dignified at this moment.


The sword nodded, after him, standing is the top of the top, the height of the top, the top of the top.

"All, I want to come to you, I already know the things of the Shenli universe. Now, we only have a way out, then you are looking for him, the development, you have opinion?"

"Everything is in compliance with the palace master!"

The bodians of the life of the godberg will respond.

"it is good."

The sword has no double points, look back to the nine robbery Wang:

"Nine robbery, trouble, you will release all the inventory of my life, the cosmication of all stocks, arrange the disciples to board the ship."


The nine robbery nodded and turned to prepare.

"Tianzhu Supreme."

The sword is unparalleled to continue to see the Supreme Supreme.

"You are responsible for all books, gods, gods, weapons, and cosmic stones!"


The sky is awesome, and the same is a stream of flow, and the pavilion will be thrown.

"Huge ax."

The sword has no double-eyed light to reverse, and then look at the giant ax, one or one command is sent.

Suddenly, the whole life of the godberg begins to act quickly.

Then, the sword is unparalleled, and it is coming to Wu Dao River.


The sword is unparalleled, standing on the top of the Wu Dao River, drinking lightly.

Time, staying with two beards, but heights but the three-foot gnome old people, swaying from the Wu Daohe.

"The sword of the world is no ....."

He saw the sword is unparalleled, exclaimed, a sentence has not been finished, just see the sword is unparalleled, and the head suddenly stops, and smiling: "Unparalleled."


The sword nodded, this river spirit should be the only one in the life of life, and the people who don't know his identity, as well as those who have lost the north of the world.

"Packed up things, leaving me the life of life."

"Leave the life of the godberg?"

I was still full of smile and charming rivers, I suddenly glared at the sword. I was like a cat that was stepped on the tail, called a channel:

"Okay, you are unparalleled, eat the exidered thing, the release of private enmity! You are not very powerful now, I want to report the adults of this river?"

"I tell you, today, my river spirit, even if I killed here, even the life of life, I won't go! I want to have a life and death in the god of life!"

This is said, the righteousness, righteous words.

The sword is unparalleled, and I suddenly laughed, a sleeve: "Then you are here to prepare to die."

After finishing, the sword is unparalleled.

Wu Dao River is oblique to the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and it is cold, and it is disadposed.


Just then, a disciple of the life of the life of the bag, brushed from the high-altitude, see Wu Dao He Ling, could not help but stop, landed from the air, quite unexpectedly:

"Holler adults, are you still not ready to leave?"

"Leave? Why do I leave?"

The river is the nose, pops up a nose, take it to the ground, disdain.

This life, Shen Qing disciple, heard that it is more horrified, drive: "He Ling adult, don't you know? The Shenli universe has fallen into the north, the universe of the universe, will soon play this "

After saying, this disciple is no longer more, step foot, and suddenly walks towards the mountain square, and several of his brothers can be boarded, and they can't delay.

"What? The Shenli universe is defeated? The people who have a virtual universe will come to attack?"

The movement of the river is hysteresis, and the whole person is glimp.

Switch, he smashed a sprite, strange, 'Mother! '


Next moment, the river is tied into the Wu Daohe.

After a few interest, the little gnife is like a river, carrying a bag like a flirt, a smoky rushing out.

"Hey, the front of the little guy, wait for the adult !!"

He shouted loudly.

Go to the special life and death!


After a time, all preparatory work is all ready.

Ten thousand disciples in the god of life, have been launched in the universe boat.

This makes the sword unparalleled, and it is not a slight relief.

In this way, there is only the last problem.

"The palace master, what should I do?"

Blood wave supimity station after the sword, whispered.

Yanshan Supreme, the figure has already been cultivated as a mountain, rooted on the land of life, which is integrated.

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