Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4578 moves

"Yan Mountain Supreme ..."

The sword didn't look at the mountains of life, the mountains of the gods of the gods, and the brow did not hit the lock.

Yan Mountain Supreme, his body has long been connected with the whole life, just like deep roots in the land in the land, the land under the foot, is the river of Yanshan Supreme, the flowing river is an inflammation The blood of the mountain is full.

He, long-lasting, god, honesty, is not divided into each other.

"The palace master, don't have to consider me."

On the huge mountain, Yanshan Supreme Face has emerged, he looked at the sword unparalleled, slightly smiled: "In these years, I can't move, but I have already repaired a moving magic, I just don't actively expose the breath, Even if the enemy is coming, it is absolutely unable to see my body, only when I am a general mountain. "

"You, although you are going to leave."

The sword was unparalleled and silent, and then nodded later.

Regardless of the true or false, just to comfort him, he must only be true.

Today, he is not a person who is full of people, the whole family is not hungry, he must pick up the whole life of the godberg, responsible for the life of the hometown.

It is not allowed to be indecisive.

After a while.

All disciples are all mounted on the universe boat, only the four major supremes of swords and neutral kings.


At this moment, the life of the godbergarche, suddenly came back, and the whole land was a little trembling.

The sword is unparalleled, and the twist looks. I saw the Tianxi to respect the hidden soldiers, pushing a huge dragon head gun like a mountain.

This dragon head can reach the huge giant, the light is the gun, there is a pond, high-income, dark gun body, full of hot stamping.

"this is?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the face is overwhelmed.

He actually got a sense of danger of fear of fear in this field.

You must know that some ordinary invincible supimitys cannot bring this dangerous feeling.

"The palace owner, this is the killing of our life gland pressure box, destroying the dragon ghost, is a head bone after the death of Zulong, although only one blow, but can kill Invincible Supreme. "

Tianyi said with a smile.


The sword is unpaired, replied: "There is such a big murder, why do you have a six major forces, when you infringe on the life of the honesty?"

Blood waves, explained: "The palace master, although this dragon cannon is enough to instantly spike the enemy, but only one hit, the life, the godberg is critical, but it has not really reached the door. The extent, it is unfortunately used to use this object. "

Hard smile, blood wave supreme continuation:

"Two, we can't use this dragonfly, this dragon head can have to use the special key to start."


The sword is unparalleled.

"Not bad."

Blood waves nodded, reach out to swords, there is no double hanging on the waist, representing the identity of the goddess of the godberg, like Jade Xuan Tie token, drive: "The palace master, the key is the palace of life. Token, the last old palace is not returned, this palace master is also disappearing, this big killing device, she has been put down in the Tibetan soldier. "

"It turns out."

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled in the blood wave supreme, using the palace master, unlocking this dragon head, income in the Qiankun.

At this point, the relocation plan of the Life Shentai has been finished.

Rumble ~~! ! !

With the roar of sound engines, dozens of universe boats are suspended in the stars, send a roar roaring, and then take a bubble, take it in the north direction of the universe.

On the deck of the first cosmic boat, the wind is fierce.

The sword is unparalleled and stands back, looking back in the direction of life.

With the fast speed of the cosmic boat, the honey palace has become smaller and smaller, and it is getting smaller and smaller until a small black point.

"I will be back, I must!"

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled and not hesitated. He suddenly turned it out, no longer went to see the god of life, but the light flashed, and he looked at the front side.


Three months time, swaying.

In these three months, a big man in the universe, finally all killed the depths of the universe.

They walked all the way and killed all the way, the whole of the universe, a fire, smoke, and sorrow.

The stars in the past, all have been dyed in the blood color.

Ask for ambassador, screaming, roaring, not dead, becoming all the melodies of this universe.

In just three months, the big size of the fallen, has exceeded the number of hundreds.

There are universers, the whole is the universe of the universe, and the grass is removed from the universe.

There is a top potential, and the universe of the universe, it has not been self-conscious, and it is manipulated.

At the same time, in the universe, there have also been an outstanding battle.

There is a part of the country, the antique of the gods, the gods of the gods, the gods of the gods, the supreme gods, all the death, the last moment of life, even if it is the last moment of falling, the whole country billion It is also silent, and there is no half a sentence.

They only have one sentence.

Born, it is standing!

Death, still standing!

There is also a top potential, one party, the Lord of the Holy Land, only retains a variety of fires, after sending the most talented disciples in Zong, personally leads the whole eight thousand disciples, and go to death, all self-explosion.

The universe is never ischemic.

They are in the universe, this ice is cold, and there is a history of echo from another song.

The universe fleet of the life of the godberg is already from the northern part of the universe, the nine major banned areas, getting closer, getting closer.

The first universe boat cabin, the sword is unparalleled, the huge ax, the blood wave supreme and others, is gathered together, discussing the problem of resettlement.

They were around a round table, and they were derived from the gods.

There are no other things on the map, only nine major restricted areas.

In the nine major restricted areas, it has been resolved in the restricted area, and the sword is not paired in four people.

"The palace master, the dragon and phoenix three families all account for a big ban, the dark devil and the Director old ancestors account for a big prohibition, now this emergency period, I am afraid that they will not let us go in.

Therefore, now in front of us, only these four restricted areas can be selected. "

Blood waves shine, and the sound said.

"Gu Yuxiang Cave!"

"The Tomb of the God!"



"And these four places, so far, it has never been truly joined and came out, how is the situation, no one knows, I am afraid that the risk is extremely high."

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