Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4579 Select the penalty area, refugee

Gu Xun caves!

The tomb of the gods!


Ancient ruins!

These areas, but there is still four banquets that are still inadvertently!

The sword is unpacking, watching the map of Shen Li derivation, the four remaining zones, not talking, but quick thinking.

For these places, he already has a preliminary understanding.

First of all, it is ancient cave.

It is said that the formation of Gu Xun caves is that when the universe is beginning, Hongmeng's gas is divided into two, the clean gas is rising, and the chemicals are the dome, and the turbidity is heavy.

However, this turbidity did not exhaust.

The rest of the countless turbidity is gathered together, and the foundation of this ancient cavity is formed together.

Lales, in this ancient cave, there is a lot of turbidity day and night echo, make a huge roar, enough to scrape the meat, annihilated the soul.

Even if it is invincible, he can't hold a fragrant time in it.

It is because of this situation, so the ancient cave **, no one lives, has always been the most open space for the universe.

Second, it is the tomb of this god.

In the tomb of the gods, they buried many undead.

And these undeads, most of them come from the universe of Longfeng Qilin robbery, and the war erupt of the war of the subsequent universe, death in the battle of the catastrophe.

Therefore, the tomb of the gods is full of shocking warfare before the death, and all kinds of moods such as unwillingness, anger, sadness.

There is these emotions, even if it is invincible, in it is time for a long time, the mind will receive an influence, become a complete madman.

I thought about it, the sword was unparalleled to wipe it.

Nowadays, the life of life is not invincible to sit in the town, and these two forbidden land are too dangerous.

It can be said that the sword is unparalleled to take the life of the godberg to step into these two places, almost as long as the 10 honey is not arrived, the whole life is not covered.

And his sword has a unparalleled ending, but it is just to perseve a little bit of interest.

Seeing the sword unparalleled action, blood wave supreme, giant ax supreme, etc., could not help but nod.

Sword is unparalleled, almost consistent with them.

"The palace master, so can be banned by our selection, and only the land of joys and the descent site."

Blood waves to respect the sink.

"Ok, I know."

There is no double point of the sword, and the last two places on the sand table map is reversed.

The land of joining and the ancestral site is the most mysterious two of the Shen Li universe!

Two invincible supreme mutually chasing each other were escaped in this emperor site, and the two people did not come out.

If it is said that the Tomb of the Gods and the ancient caves, everyone is still known.

Then, in the face of this sorrow and the ancestral site, it is a darkness of both eyes.

Just know the only information, it is rumored that these two are forbidden, and it has been formed when the universe has not been opened.

Chaos is not open ...

What a long time is it?

"The palace master, which we choose?"

Blood waves asked.

The sword is unparalleled, and shakes the head: "For us, these two banned sites are similar, etc. Thoroughly, they will take a step."

"I can only have this."

Blood waves are waiting for, and they are not hilarious.

I want to live in the god of life. As a result, when this disaster comes, they don't have any resistance, even if I want to find a hiding place, it is extremely difficult.

Just when everyone is disconnected.

Da da da.

On the deck, suddenly came from a rush of footsteps.

Then, he saw a disciple of the life of the godberg. He stepped into the cabin, and said: "The palace owner, the chief supreme adult, the boat has refugees, I want to seek help."

"Well? Refugees?"

The sword is unparalleled.

Blood waves explained: "The palace owner, you don't know, the universe of the universe is killing, many disciples who have been very forces or long flowers, floating in the universe, want to seek attachment and help, they It is a refugee. "


The sword is unparalleled, and there is no rush to let it receive this group of refugees, but said: "Let's go, let's take a look."

After saying, the sword has no double got up, with cold as frost, walking towards the cabin.

Blood waves, giant ax, heaven, the four chiefs of the nine robbery, the sword is slightly behind the sword.

Go to the cosmic boat, the sword is unparalleled to look at it. I saw a piece of people who were in front of the universe boat.

These people are ragged, and they are scattered, and they will show a wolf.

Amidant, the head is full of white hair, and it is blocked, and it is blood spots.

At a glance, these people are only afraid that they have experienced a tragic killing, and they escape.

"Adults, olders are obliged, the past is the old man, but please pay!"

The old man headed, I saw the sword and walked out, and I suddenly took a slap in the sword.

Behind it, from the five seas of the five lakes, because the refugees gathered in the refugees, they have been squatting, and the words of the detention.

"Fu Jun, they have pitiful, and they will pay them."

Cold as frost, not from heartbeat.

The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are closely staring on the oblique horse who claims to be the old man of Tianyuan, and it has seen the nearly 10 hike, and the eyes are reversed, and more than 100 refugees after they are.

"Sorry, our ship cabin is full, and there is no such thing."

The sword has no double-sided no expression.

After finishing, you want to turn around to return to the cabin.

It is a cold as a frost, she knows that there is still a lot of positions in the cabin.

But she always trusts the sword and unparalleled, and there is no more saying, but look at the refugees carefully.

At this point, she suddenly shocked, seeing some different.

And the old people headed by the refugees, seeing the sword without double turning, suddenly the eyes were blind, and the eyes were revealed.

Then, he shouted:

"Adult, save us! We don't have the universe boat, the people who are empty, will kill, we will die!"

"Ask the adults to kiss one hand, save us!"

After he shouted, the refugees behind this old man shouted.

The sword is unparalleled.

He re-turned his head and looked at this group of refugees, faceless faces, gradually indifferent.

"Press the past!"

The sword is unparalleled, looking at this group of refugees, I causing three words.

At present, the old face changed.

Next moment, his face of the grief of his face, replaced it is a vicious.

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