"Press the past?"

When the sword is unparalleled, after the words of the life, the life of the life, the brother of the gods, is also shocked.

"Palace, Palace Lord, big, don't let them board the ship, directly press the past, don't it be good?"

A disciple of life, there is some stakeholder.

The sword is unparalleled, but he is dead to stare at the old man who is headed by the refugee, and the expression is indifferent.

"Ha ha."

And the sad old man was suddenly smiled.

"Small doll, talk about it, how do you see?"

This old man stood slowly, the grief of the face on his face has come, but it has reversed his tongue and licks his mouth, and it is a greedy color.

With the show of this old man, the refugees behind him, they got up and stood up, and the face rushed.

"Alliance, don't talk nonsense with this little doll, kill them directly, grab their space warship!"

A refugee stands behind this old man, laughing in the cloudy.

The sword is unparalleled to see this old man, faintly open: "If I have not guess wrong, have you just laid a person? The blood on the body is someone else, I don't want to look hard."


This old man squinted, looking at the blood of his body, it seems to be, he said:

"There is a couple of husbands just now, I just need to invest in us. But I don't know, the old man has only playing the man's face, killing her aesthetics, and then crushing the man in inch At the end, this man is actually unable to withstand, and die from explosion. "

Speaking here, this old man lifted his head and said in the sword unparalleled and the cold as the frost face, showing a slice of obscene, and said:

"Little doll, want you to be a smart person, will not be so unhappy?"

At this point, there is no double action, and the cold as a frost next to it has been furious. The long whip in his hand has appeared, and the voids are detached directly, spread to the old man.

"Hahaha, your little girl, it is pour."

This old man laughed, actually rishes, and scattered.

A half-step invincible strength, it is crashed.

He only fell a bomb, and he fated the long whistle of the frost.

"Halfway invincible supreme!"

Suddenly, the blood wave is sinking.

You know, with now, it is the highest in the cultivation of the whole life, but it is only a short-term blood wave supreme.

The blood waves to the respect for half a half-step invincible Supreme Soon, and this old man, look at his breath, such as prison, obviously the old half-step invincible supreme.

"The palace master, let me shoot,"

Blood waves suck a sigh of breath, and the expression is dignified.

"No need."

The sword has swayed his head, and he looked at this old man, spit out two words:


The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is turned into a sword, and the old man will kill.

Wanli clouds, all cut!

There is only one line in the world!


Feel this spontaneous sword, this old is a thrown, and you don't want to say: "The neutrality of the district is in front of me."

"The palace is careful!

Blood waves, the sword is unparalleled, the heart is also shocked.

The sword is unparalleled in the universe. The impression of blood wave supreme to swords, is still the first supreme realm, and its strength is also the top to respect.

Nowadays, sword is unparalleled, although it breaks through medium supreme, but I want to come to half-step invincible supreme, still getting a line.

It is also cold as frost, and the heart is tight.

The sword is unparalleled, and the universe that left the universe is too long.

For many people, I have forgotten his war.

In the audience, only the nine robbery of the kings is indifferent, and it is not worried about the sword.

He is a unparalleled force of the sword. Today's sword is unparalleled, not to say that you can hit the enemy, because I haven't tried it, but I am looking for the world, if there is no such thing as the supreme, there is no existence, I can have a ten trick.

Even the five trace of the universe of the universe, the hell king, also killed in the sword without double ten strokes.

What is this old?

"Hahaha, small generation, since you don't know, you will blame the old man."

This old man laughed, and didn't wait for him to finish, this laugh is abrupt.

A head, instant, with him, neck, high «fly.

Then, his body is like a mirror that falls on the ground, fragmented.

"You, how can you ..."

The old man's head, the rums of the pole, and the sword is very frightened.

"Adult, small, don't know Taishan, I don't know how people face, you have a lot of people, high raise hands, spare ..."

He is crazy asking for mercy, and he is like a green garlic.

" ."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a slap in an instant, and he is emitted from him, wear his hole.


Next moment, this old man is like a frying watermelon, and the dead can no longer die.

Seeing this scene, the blood wave supreme, the action is hysteresis, and the eyes are also flashing in the eyes.

Half, half-step invincible supreme, is it so unparalleled in the sword?

And those who follow this old man, the appearance is first dead.


"Mom !!!"

These refugees were screaming and fled.

The sword is unparalleled to the waist. Suddenly, the Ning sword is instantly out of the sheath, just as a white dragon surprised, one flies, will kill it one by one.

After a while, the Ta Luo Shenjian automatically returned to the sheath.

The sword has no double body shape, which has been in the unbearable void, returning to the deck of the universe boat.

Blood wave supreme This is only hitting a spur, and I grabbed the sword unparalleled arm, and I have never had a disappearance:

"The palace master, you are now there is not much different than the invincible supreme difference?"

"I don't know, it is estimated that I can have a battle."

The sword is unparalleled.

This is not his mad, but confident.

Today's sword is unparalleled, not only has broken through medium supreme, repaired to skyrocket, and then seal the land of God, and got the main road of life, the main road of life, all the practice sent.

His daily refining this sentiment, the strength is almost doubled, and the water is high.

The reason is uncertain, but he is now, there is no chance to truly and invinciate the supreme battle.

The hegemony old ancestors, the Supreme, the Supreme, the sword is unparalleled, the gap is very big, but the Dawu Temple is the powerful, the powerful invincible, the sword is unparalleled, it is true, can be A battle.

"Okay, let's go."

After a while, the sword was unparalleled to the cabin.

The fleet of the whole life, continued sail, a shuttle, left this place.

In the stars, they are more approaching toward the north of the nine major restricted areas.

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