Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4581 arrived in nine major restricted areas

Three months later.

The universe fleet of life, gradually arrived from bustling, came to the Nibei zone of the universe.

The temperature plummeted at the cliff type, and the whole cosmic cannate of the deck of the cosmic boat has been knocked with a thick layer of frost.

In front of it, it is a cold and quiet starry sky, nine as the galaxy like a grinding disk shape, quietly circulating in front of it, exudes a cold cold.

Nine major banquets, Longfeng Qilin three people have already occupied their three, plus the bismuth family and the dark devil descendants, and only four restricted areas left.

And the Tomb of Gu Xiang caves and the gods have already been eliminated in the expectations of swords.

Therefore, there are only two options in the emperor sites and the land of sorrow.

The sword is unparalleled to see these two restricted areas, and the light flashes, and begging.

These two banned places are formed before the universe, and what is in the end, no one can know.

Therefore, the degree of danger is nothing to distinguish between swords.

"The palace master, I think we went to the emperor site."

Blood waves are sucking on the side.

"Oh why?"

The sword is unparalleled and asked.

Blood waves and smile, shook his head: "I don't know, I feel the intuition, I feel this emperor site, as if there is an opportunity to make."

"Well, then go to the ."

The sword is unparalleled, and then he said.

The cosmic boat sent a roar and drove toward the ancient ruins.

Just in the universe entrance to the universe booth to arrive at the neighborhood of the , a general disciple, suddenly fell to the ground, and the stomach was aunt, and Zhang Wei vomited.

Hide ~~! ! !


In an instant, countless blood shreds, spit out from this disciple, there is a black corpse of a finger size.

"Makino brother, what happened?"

"What is this?"

Suddenly, many disciples next to this disciple were shocked, and they saw him, a mess.

Nowadays, now, all disciples are tight, and the breath is condensed, nervous to the extreme.

And suddenly appeared, suddenly let them panic.

"Well? What happened?"

The sword is unparalleled, look back.

I saw the corpse on the deck, and suddenly made a black marty, stabbed to the galaxy in the emperor site.

Nine bustling, the small world opened independently, and the passage entrance is the central center of the galaxy.

At this moment, the central office of the nervan ruins, a back shadings wearing black clothes, walk on a meteorite, shirt hunting, the whole person is filled with indifferent temperatures.

call out.

The corpse, automatically falling on the shoulder of this black dress, and then closes the gap, slides into the body,

The sword is unparalleled with this scene, and the brow gradually wrinkled.

This back shadow gives him a familiar feeling.

next moment.

This black dress slowly turned around, watching the sword is unparalleled, and there is no expression in the face:

"Fog double."

As the voice falls, the face of this black dress is also exposed from the shadow.

This person, is it, it is the landlord, and the riped!

In an instant, the sword has no double heart, and the pupil is shrinking.

How can this person appear here?

I saw that the rumors of the Eight Wildness were indifferent to the sword, the sword was unparalleled. "Fog double, I will appear here, didn't you think? As early as you disguise it into a red whale to help the Lord, mix into the 87th At the time of the crack, this seat was invisible to the heart, and after the thorough play, this seat was finally confirmed, it is you. "

The sword is unparalleled and silent, and there is no answer.

Nowadays, he can already guess, the reason why the Early Wildness is here, it is the time when it starts, this is the rumor, he doesn't pay attention, secretly put a corpse, tracking him. Trail.

"What's wrong?"

"Who is this person?"

Behind the sword is unparalleled, a shower.

The sword is unparalleled, and the disciple of life, the disciple of life, the brother, and immediately lift his head.

"Eight wild, what do you think now?"

"What do I think?"

Early harmoniousness and smell, the face suddenly rushed to anger, anger:

"Fog double, this seat has been recognized to you, you killed the old father and son of Shenquan, this seat did not pursue, this seat also personally sent you to the Lord of the Gods, let you get the peak, should give you There are a lot of this seat, but I give you, but how do you refine the gods? Do you still remember the long life? How did he do it for you? At the beginning, he did not hesave you in front of this seat! "

"I am refining the gods, why people have died?"

"But you, set the whole refining god and don't care, sell the universe of the universe, this seat asks you, you can have a breeze in your heart?"

Speaking of the end, the sound of the Early Wildness is like the thunder, rolling, and oscillating.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is silent. I have been separated, I took a sigh of relief, and the opening replied:


The Lord of the refining God heard the words, the light flashed, the opening replied:

"Fog double, now the Shenli universe has lost the north, no more, this seat is now given you a chance, as long as you abandon the Ding, kill your sect, this seat can forgive all the behavior before, you Still I am refining Shen Zong Xinyi, how? "

At this point, the refining god of the gods stared at the sword and unparalleled, as if the sword didn't have a double, he immediately violently.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is slowly holding the sword handle of Ta Luo Shenjian.

"Eight wild, more than a good, one battle."

This, has already representative of the sword unparalleled answer.

"Mingling, stupidity!"

Early harmony is a cold, and the eyes flashed a cold.

"Fog double, then you will accompany the universe!"


In an instant, the Eight Wildness is a pedestal, and the meteorite in the foot is pulverized.

And his whole person, has already turned a stream, moving towards the sword!

The magnificentness of the six trace is all the release, and it is like rolling the sea and shines.

"Blood waves, I stopped him, you bring your life, the brother of the god, enter the land of the sorrow."

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is equipped.

After saying this, the sword is unparalleled, and the martyrdom running through the heavens and the earth is going to the rumor!

Early harmonious, six trace, the universe, it is invincible!

This is the sword is unparalleled, the first time has invincible supreme!

"Fu Jun!"

Cold as frost, suddenly changing, get up and want to rush out.


A big hand, caught the cuffs of cold as frost.

Blood waves are dignified, shake the head: "Mrs. Palace, this battle we can't insert your hand, stay here will only drag the palace master, listen to the palace master, let us go to the sorrow."

The voice is falling, the blood wave is directly to the universe boat, and the bow is turned, and a roar is shot from the sorrow of the.

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