Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4582 Warse Battle

! ! !

The sword is unparalleled and the rumor is a two people, just like two meteorites burning a flame, and the impact is together!

A sharp bursary came out, followed by, he saw a movie, an incident flying out, drawing a straight long line in the void, pulling out a long gully.

The person who flew out is that the sword is unparalleled.

"Is this the power of invincible?"

The sword is unparalleled with the mouth of the silk, and the tiger has a madness, and the blood is swaying.

I have to say that there is a powerful powerful, far beyond the ordinary supreme, even if it is just a hit, it is not ordinary to the ordinary supreme.

Today's sword is unparalleled, it can be said that the enemy's supreme is not too, but he only faces the random hit of the Eight Remaining, he is not an enemy.

"Want to escape?"

Early harmoniousness and slamming, seeing the life of the life of the gods, and flashing in the eyes.

He didn't know what the land of Johnsi, but the keen intuition from the six traces of the virtues told him that if you let this group escape to the land, I am afraid that I can't kill it, I have to sit. wax.

"go with."

He waved his right hand, and suddenly he was on his void, a big body, his face was green, his eyes were like a bad grape, from him behind him.

This goddess, is also a six trace goddess!

In an instant, this goddess is a pedestal, and suddenly pulled out a residual in the void, and the life of the godseng cosmic fleet of the land that is already in the land of the land is not.

The sword is unparalleled, and suddenly the eyes are squatting, and a slut is smashed, blocking the pace of the goddess.

Then, the void is located behind the sword, the Mo Luo goddess is the same, and the body is flashed, and it has hit the six trace gods!

Higher supreme breath, spread from Ta Luo NG!

During this time, the sword is unparalleled not only to the practice of cultivation, but also enhance strength, improving the strength, and has no fall.

Ta Luo Ningshi is the top-to-respect for the top, and it has not been hindered at this moment. It has reached the high-level realm in unknowingly.

I saw that Mo Luo god corpse, and the royal sword was going, the wind was rolling, directly hit the six trace gods, in their body surface, leaving a henous marks.

Tara is in the middle of the birth, can be killed in the top to respect, although it is just a goddess, but with the battle instinct, it is enough to resist the goddess of this eight harmony!

This is enough for swords!

I saw this six trace gods were blocked by Ta Luo gods, and the universe battleship of life, the city's battleship, which has been smoked, and shot into the passage entrance of the sorrowful land.

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is finally relieved.

Today, he can let go of the hand!

"Mix !!"

And the Eight Remaining, seeing this scene, and suddenly his face is a burst of iron.

How can he noted it, the sword is unparalleled, just sent this goddess, it is the sword unparalleled in the mountains, the goddess!

"Fog double, you should die!"

Early harmonious eyes, the cold is flashing, hands and one shot, suddenly gathered in his hands, turned into two groups of dark light balls, and slammed into the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, there is no fear in the eyes, and the war is extremely pole.

In his eyebrow position, a purple Sichuan word is faint, such as bloody, his eyes are more cultivated as a light gold, and the blood rolling, making a mad hammer and drums.

This is the end of the chaotic hegemony to the ultimate, the vary of the generated!


This word was spit out of the sword without double mouth, the next moment, the whole person has already turned into a sly sword, and the heavenly established line, instant, and embarrassment.

"Puzzle small skill."

Early harmonious fear is free, and the same is flying, and there is no double battle with the sword.


! !

Another roar, from the two handed out, as if there are two strange beasts in battle.



"Forever Night!"

"breaking Dawn!"

Another way to make the sword have no number of unity of the enemy, and all from the hands of the swords.

However, it is useless, everything is useless!

Early wild, the hands of the hands, it is like a hand holding two thunders, directly destroying, and pulling it.

Between the blink, the two played more than 100 tricks.

"Is this the powerful power of invincible?"

Being a palm of a palm, the sword of the road crack appeared on the body, and there was a marvel in the mouth.


He is away from the invincible supreme realm, which is always a gap!

And this gap seems to be similar, but actually, it is a short time in a short period of time.

However, the sword is amazed in the heart, but I don't know, how big is the wind in my heart!

According to the realm of the virtual universe, the sword is unparalleled today, but the second trace is virtual honor, and he is a six trace level, standing in the peak of the entire universe!

Despite the tricks of the Eight Wildness, the Eight Remaining Kill, but the power of the shot, it is already enough to kill all the virtues below the six traces!

However, the sword is unparalleled, although he is pressed, which is a half-life dangerous situation?


If this is not killed, it will become a big problem in the heart of the universe.

Thinking of this, the Eight Wildness is revealed, and no longer plan to stay, want to directly place the sword is not pair!

"Fog double, death, this seat has given you a chance to re-select the camp, but you don't cherish it, just want to blame this."

Early harmony is cold and open, in his hands, there is a small whirlpool, and there is no endless defensive force to start agglomeration.

A shares of the earth and destroyed the earth, with it to spread, crushing the void.

And the sword is unparalleled. Before that, he directly showed his current maximum kill!

Toojo's swords, fifth style · !

boom! ! !

In an instant, the thrilling swords rushed, and the world was broken, and the Wanli clouds were broken.

The figure of the swords of the green shirt, appears behind the sword, and the sword is unparalleled, with the sword of the sword.

This sword, I used to be unfavorable, and all the enemies in the world!

This sword, once destroyed, there is no failure!

After this sword, the sword is unparalleled and the results do not look at the results. Direct legs have exploded the power, and quickly plundered!

This sword, he didn't fantasy can kill the rural demon, which is not what he can do.

This sword, he only needs to make the Early Wildness and no time, enough to put him into the land of the grief!

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