Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4585 God is dead, the magical off

The quiet tragic land channel.

Dozens of cosmic boats are quietly moving forward.

In this unhappy absolute dark, even the roar of the engine is swallowed.

"Back to the palace master, other disciples have not found an exception."

Blood waves have a slight walk back.

The sword nodded and nodded. It is preparing to make the blood wave supreme attention.

what--! ! !

A scream of screaming, suddenly fell in the universe fleet behind him!

In this dark passage, this scream is screaming, it looks awkward.

The sword is unhealthy, and the figure is flashed, and it is directly toward the body of the universe.

Blood wave supimity, etc., the face is difficult to see the extreme, and quickly keep up.

After a while, in the cabin of the ninth cosmic boat, the sword was unparalleled to see the screaming disciple.

I saw this female disciple trembled, but shoulder fibrillation, her face was pale, reach out of the finger to the cosmic cabin, the tone is laminated:

"The palace, the palace master, some people outside!"


The sword is unparalleled, but the glass is dark outside.

This makes the sword unparalleled faces.

"You talk about the situation just now."

The sword has no double-sided no expression.

"it is good."

This female disciple, the face flashed a color of the recall, and started to describe it.

Things are very simple.

Soon, this original name called Suilu, is being practiced in the cabin.

When she was practiced, she met the bottleneck and I wanted to ask for questions to ask the disciples who have been treated with her.

Light consciousness, she looked at the glass window next to it.

As a result, she saw that she saw a unforgettable scene of her life!

I saw it on the glass window, a face of a face, dead sticker on the window, like a rotten grape-like eye bead hanging outside, staring at her!

Because the face is too close, the whole five senses become horrified!

It is also this sudden face, scared her directly, sitting on the ground, screaming.

After this female disciple is finished, her face is still a surprised appearance.

"I know."

The sword is unparalleled.


They are not ordinary mortals, they are the supreme dish of the universe!

The demon ghost, put it in their eyes, it is simply antic ants.

"No palace owner, come over, I have something to tell you."

At this moment, a silent blue and silent blue, suddenly came out.


There is no double brow, one step, followed by the cabin.

The two came to the deck, and the sword was unparalleled.

Lan Hao nodded and did not open, but the eyes look to the distance, it seems to be reconsible, it is half-way, and the expression has gradually gaining: "The sword is unparalleled, you know what we have not opened up, what is the birth of the universe What? "

The sword is unparalleled, and he really did not understand the things before the universe did not open up.

"But Wen Yes."

The sword is unparalleled to make a posture.

"My master has had guess, our universe is just a turn."


The sword is not a double brow.

"Not bad."

Blue and blue breath out a breath, saying: "It is a reincarnation. According to my master's guess, in this universe, this universe may have born other civilization.

Just this civilization, I don't know why, in the late destruction, the universe is also returning to chaos.

After another time, the universe restarted, giving birth to a new life, born new civilization.

That is, our current civilization. "

The sword is unparalleled, and there is everything that the blue is said is not possible.

He believes that the guess of the Zhen Zhen is not a hole in the air.

"My master came to explore these two bans, but unfortunately, my master didn't talk about this experience. Only occasionally, it was slightly mentioned in unintentional."

"According to our master, the nation is, it seems that it is buried a large-scale body body that even can't see it. This is even more than our universe."

"And this sorrow, according to the occasional files of the master, it seems to be the last fallen place in the era of universe."

"The sword is unparalleled, if this is the sorrowful place, as the master said, here is the place where the universe is falling, then they must gather countless people in the universe, they are buried together .. ..... "

Blue idles have not finished.

Suddenly, in this quiet channel, I have passed a strange song.

"God is dead ... Magic out ..... Everything is attributed to the dust

"Fostian, independent dry ....."

This song, as if there are countless gods, crying, suddenly, faint, with a few points.

In an instant, the sword didn't look at it.

However, there is no such thing as a sword, there is no double operation, go to see what it is, and suddenly, it is sad, and in his heart.

That is a sorrow of a human world, a desperate desperation of a gray, is a sadness of a lonely, alone.

Obviously it is just a song, but in this sorrow, the sword is unparalleled, but she can't help but nose.


That is the sound droplets falling on the deck.

The sword is not bilateral head, I saw the blue sky, looking up at the starry sky, I don't know when, I have already teared.

"Blue Girl?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is destroyed by the sadness, trying to call the blue.

However, the blueness is like a sluggish, and there is no peek.

Focus on, the sword is unparalleled to have a wet on his face. He reached a hand, this discovered that his face was equally covered with tears.

He can feel that this is the meaning of the sadness, it seems to have made a pair of big hands, and the dead is dying, and he is going to be dragged into it.

"Put the ghost!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the time, the tip of the tongue is slightly smashed, let him wake some slightly.

Holding this uncomfortable, the sword is not born into the cabin.

I saw the blood wave supimity in the cabin, the giant ax, the nine robbery, etc., or the ordinary disciples, including cold as frost, all are a slap in the style of the cabin, staring in the cabin.


The sword has not even tightened his fist, followed by, and no longer resists the grief, the eyes are black, as if fall in the boundless abyss.

In the narrow and quiet, the passage of the sorrow, once again restore a dead, only the song is like the gods cry, and it seems to be in the low laugh, and suddenly the ring is ringing, weird.

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