Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4586 before the destruction

The mist of the black gray wire is mixed, and the long wind blows on the sword unparalleled face.

The invisible but had a qualitative feeling, so that he realized his current situation.

The universe of the uncovering the universe in the stars disappeared, along with all the disciples in the hometown of the honesty, have no shape.

The intensive uneasiness encourages the sword to open their eyes, and it is extremely dark.

It seems that there is an extremely dark obstruction of the ancient times, even if the sword is unparalleled, it can only look at the gentlenes from the world.

"Where is it here, is I have come to the land?" The sword was unparalleled, but he remembered that it was in the universe boat, but he was in this way.

Thinking in a moment, he used his hand to hold the sand on the ground. He saw it through the Jinguang's scorpion. These sand is not black, but a rough white substance that covers a ganto.

"- ..."

The morning sound of the morning, the long sound of the morning is like a long time, and it came from the distant past.

At this strange environment, the sword is unhealthy in the heart, he quickly lows, and looks at the distant distreaming of chaos.

In the next moment, the extremely darkness of chaos is generally slowly rising, along with the extremely dark, and nearly 100 daily rises at the same time!

Such a scene, even if it waves from the sword of the country, it is also very shocked.

There is no truth, just because this scene is too shocking.

At this moment, these big days, far more than one of the big days in any place in the universe, and these big days are no longer a gloss of the red, but the bare man who exudes a purple red.

This world has been inflated into a horrible purple color by this nearly royal day.

With the extremely dark back, the morning, the morning, the long sound is more frequent, and begins like a battle.

If you cry, the sadness of the sorrow, at this moment, this ridiculous star area is more prompts.

In front of me, the sword has not actually active, and he has gourgoriously guess in his heart.

He is waiting, and the intuition of subconscious tells him that everything here will only be a beginning.

Time is here, there is no value.

As the big day of the sky, the big day is empty, the land of this ancient times, suddenly started to bloom countless gods.

By vigorous, the ridiculousness of the temples, the earth, followed by extremely pure and rich or golden, red god blood, as flooding, is generally falling.

The sword of the whole god is unparalleled. If you think so, I have been able to have a lot of cool.

The sword that has been poured, there is no rushing to show the gods to open up a transparent wall bar, hidden in.

With the blood, there are countless huge straws that are lingering in the ancient gods.

Engaged in the crushed armor of the ancient cupiology is full of blood, and the broken soldier is not countable.

The brightening is surprised, the more I am very surprised, and the heart has gouaven the true meaning of this sorrow.

When the vast land is full of broken gods, when the goddess is full, the entire grief will become a burial.

The long conflapment of God is crying, as if the world is lamenting.

The mood of swords and unparalleled moods seem to have a resonance with everything of this burial, starting to move uncontrolled.

"Everyone has a sustainable god of the imperialism, why don't you understand it?

However, it will happen even if he is unbelievable.

The gods that spread on the ground are like the clouds, and the blink of an eye is disappeared.

If the power is not until the sky is the first to support the collapse of a large area.

It was originally hanging on the big day on the sky, and I was born with purple feathers at this moment, and Intraceed into a three-legged Ziwu with sufficient sky.

There are countless power to illusion into a great terrorist existence, or by the wind, or three or five, go to this vast battlefield.

Tianshi is in their visit, was smashed by God.

This is an ancient world battlefield, which is not allowed to be in the existence of this unimaginable master!

Just just what they have emitted, they are building into that era, the most striking collision!

The heavens and the earth are trembling, and the uninteps seems to have been.

The sword is unparalleled, the level of the hierarchy, is the most ordinary in the scene of this sorrowful land.

He couldn't imagine that he arrived at the god of the level. If you will fight the charm, you have to open this battle.

On top of the chaos, hundreds of three-legged purple swayed black purple feathers, and the evil inflammation of the death was taken down.

Each bunch of fire is easy to tear the rules avenue, leaving a tyranical breath.

There is no smashing, this battle is completely started.

I can't imagine the power, even if it is just a variety of snakes, the snake god of the universe, invincible even here, all cannot survive the time.

The gods hit, strong to the old, vectors, with the most purely flesh, struggling to manipulate the people.

is full of every place.

There is a three-feet that has a long bow to fall over the sky, and it is the most purely explosive explosion with Ziwu gods.

There is a unpispentive hand-held sword with an enemy, spelling the last moment, together.

There is no generosity to die, and the avenue is laughing.

On the battlefield, there is a stronger collision.

Like the lament of the sea demon, the sorrow of the sword is fried in the sword unparalleled mind, but he plays an end, but it seems to be immersive.

He wants to close your eyes, but the pupil is amplified at a little bit.

"Madman, madman, all are mad!"

"What happened to all reincarnations, even if it is, it is difficult to escape the heavens ?!"

The sword is unblocked, and the blood is poured from each pore.

"Then the world, is it a long life, or kill ?!"

"I don't think I understand!"

Pain to the extreme thoughts inhibit the divergence.

The belief in his heart is constantly building, and begins uncontrolled collapse.

"We are all ?"

"If this is the case, what is the meaning of the final result?

The golden pupil never had a sluggish dick, starting a plurality of dumb.

"I want to sleep for a while ..."

As the Tianshi's great battle began to come to a close, all the unprepared existence times.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyelids are slowed down.

The sky is crying, the rules are broken, and the avenue is returned to the initial.

"Take a way in the Millennium, the witness of Wan years, what is it for millions of years, is it?"


Like Qingquan, all things are reborn.

One sound broke into the ear.

"Little guy, wake up quickly ..."

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