Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4587, stop old

The lament of the ear gradually dispersed, and it is replaced by a slight call.

This call seems to have some kind of magic, and the sword who is nearly heart is unparalleled, pulled back from the fallen love.

He is extremely reluctant to open his eyes, and it is a clear face.

Instantly clearing, the next consciousness enables the sword to move back to the earth, be alert to the old man who looks at this white dress.

There is a pair of old people who are unfolded, and the sword is unsatued. Smile and get into the self-introduction, "Hello, my tale, I am called."

Without any paralysis, swords have no double thinking, "I have seen Mr. I."

People who can appear in this place, and non-life gods, only these two are enough to make swords unparalleled will be the highest.

At the same time, he also began to doubt, the scene of the scene before, whether it is the old man in front of him.

The old smile that claimed to be stapped, "I have seen this place here, it is a bad, big can not be restrained."

The sword is not moving. After waiting to see the scenes of the surroundings, there is a moment of blindness.

There are countless broken bones or burying or exposed on the earth, the frail, the bloody tedquy, is buried in the sand stone.

Even if the Avenue eliminates hundreds of millions of years, that is unparalleled, it is still protecting their owners, as the year.

In front of the scene, as I saw before he saw it.

However, there is no false fall.

"Here, is it true, is it true?" The sword didn't ask for a while, I don't know how to express my heart.

At the time, I stopped smiling, not in the clear pupil, reflected the scene above the earth, "You call it sorrow, in my heart, it is burial."

"All are all ..."

The words stopped were relaxed, but they finally revealed a bit of a sense of lonely.

The sword has no double one, and there is some quirky to stop.

Since I have seen the scene, the sword is unparalleled and I don't believe it, there will be no absence to live in the battle.

It seems that you can feel the sword is thinking, and the time stopped from the memories, and the mouth is open, "the old man is willing to wait here, only for those who are going."

"What is the person? I?" The sword is unparalleled, I don't know how to express it.

At the time, he stopped him, and he asked himself. "Little guy, why did you come to this place?"

At this point, the sword is unparalleled, and the universe is falling, and he is a new life, the gangster owner, after the fine calculation, prepare to raise the sharply, but these words go to the mouth I don't know how to open.

It is not too much malicious, but if you don't leave them, if you don't leave them, I am afraid that I am expeling them, or it is a light.

The risks undertaken by the risks, swords are unparalleled.

Just when this short-lived stalemate, the sword was unpaired, and the three cosmic boats carrying the whole life, it seems that there is no way to come to this side.

He is in his heart, this tens of thousands of people's disciples, but the final sustenance of the Shenli universe, if there is any loss, for the Shenli universe will be the disaster.

"No, no ..." The sword is unparalleled to turn around and want to find a few disappears.

Time to stop him, "Little guy, how many things you are looking for?"

As the voice falls, stop until there is a flat, the original dim, the world is like a water, and suddenly there is a circle.

Then, the space is opened outward, and the cosmic boat that is equal to the star is slowly saved from the crack, but the silence of the deck is uniform, so that the sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear, the intention of the dark channel leading to this tragic land, even if the blood wave supreme and others are confused, they will be slightly weak, and they are not allowed to die on the spot.

I can't help but stop, and the sword has not even jumped on the deck. After seeing this scene in front of it, I just slammed a little.

I saw that the bloody supreme and other people have rely on the boat to sleep. In the past, from the long breath, there is no danger of life.

"Their realm is too weak, resolutely enter this funeral land, it is lost to the realm, the soul is lost, and it is a nutrient for this god. Therefore, I can't let them fall into sleep. Prohibition. "

As the voice is coming, it is a straight thin strapless shape that has been standing behind the sword.

Listening to the explanation, the sword is unparalleled without being hesitant, turning around, "Thank you for the old gentleman, thank you for this."

When I laughed, I waved, "I don't have to say thank you. Although I don't care, the realm is too low, I am afraid it is difficult to flee it."

The sword has no double heart, and hurriedly urged the hike to prepare for the public, but it was difficult to wake them up. When the blood of the origin was triggered even if the blood in the body was tested.

Sure enough, there is a blood, blood wave, giant ax, blue and blue, and a few people in the cream take the lead in waking up.

"Be worship unparalleled owner!" Blood wave supreme and others are watching swords and unparalleled, and immediately turned over.

"You don't use those full of balances." The sword is unparalleled to tell them to get up.

Blood waves shook their heads, suddenly poured two lines of tears, "I thought that we can only drink hate in the dark channel, I have never thought of reaching this sorrow, it seems that the heavens are endless The universe, endless in my life. "

"Fu Jun." Cold as frost also can't rest, it is going to put into the arms of the sword and weep. "I thought you won't see you again."

The sword is unparalleled with the hair of the fairy, whispered, "I am guaranteed like you, even if I am dead, I will not meet you."

Most of the Shenqong disciples in the first cosmic boat woke up, and they came out of the rest of the lifetime.

Only after the bloody, the blue-to-body side is calm down, turning his gaze to the slightened body behind the sword.

"When I am not comforting, I have to pay all the disciples, and I should have a thing about the next thing." The sword said unparalleled.

The cold is like a frost, and left his arms.

After the blood wave supreme and other people, the sword was unparalleled to the other two universe boats.

After a while, the sword was unparalleled using the blood of the source to wake up the disciples in the rest of the two boats.

The disciple of the tragic land, with a total of more than 14,600 people, and finally there were nearly three thousand people to stay in the dark channel.

The disciples of the rest of the realm are also more or less affected.

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