At this moment, between the world is vast, only two body shapes are slow.

One of the young body is straight, like the sharp sword to be hidden, the light is a sharp edge.

Another white old body shape is also thin shaping, like a blunt sword with the edge of the front, and the light of the sword.

There is a crushing avenue to turn around, and there is a non-excitement of the gods. It is waiting to be launched in the thick soil.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but it is unpredictable, and it is stupid to follow the time.

From time to time, there is still no bad avenue, I want to be close to the sword. There is no pair of swords.

"What is going to go?" The sword was unparalleled, and the environment of the four wild is started.

Time is there any lapse of the lapse, everything seems to have stopped at the moment of millions of years ago.

"Do you have such a person who travels here?" When the sword is unparalleled, he will open the head.

The sword has no double silence. After a while, he stops the battle between the two universe.

When I said that the Shenli's universe has fallen, the sword is unparalleled, and the mood will continue to go down.

After the end of his narrative, there was no excessive statement, just a very small sigh.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and he has already understood that only the endless breakthrough will protect everything that is guarded.

At the moment, it is a bigification!

Everything in the universe, the sword is unparalleled, no dares.

"Before I die, I have to be worthy of everything I do."

The sword has no double swearing, and his eyes become more hot.

In the next travel, even if the sword of the mood is like iron, there is no more anxious.

In such a great power of such a pound, it is a day of predecessors, but it is also the signs of the previous self, but there is no signs of the signs, which makes the sword unparalleled mood have shaken.

It seems to be able to see what I think in his heart, the voice stopped in the ear, "Is it some can't wait?"

The sword is unparalleled, awkward, "Hey."

When I stopped and smiled, and then reached my finger forward. "Don't worry, your way is in front."

It is like a moon, everything is switched in the eyes of the sword.

Without the main power, rolling up, rolling the ground, thousands of people straight, there is hundreds of millions of gods.

The ultimate vast power will directly defeat the entire chaos cloud. The people who cannot be countless seem to re-open the knowledge, and they are willing to go on the sky.

Next moment, like the thriller, the Thousands of people are like fallen, they fall straight into the ground.


There is a lot of power, and it is completely blurred to the ground.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, this is that the power of being long is, don't say it is him, I am afraid it is a top-level supreme coming, it's hard to support!

However, the scenes in his heart did not appear. I saw that when I stopped as the heavy sword. I was gently moved. Like a curtain, I took off the vastness of the ground, such as the giant sea Tianmen, flock to the sky .

"Boom! Boom !!"

There is no painting in the sky, the same is like the most beautiful picture, and the power is dissipated, and the Stars Point Huang is slow to fall under the heavens and the earth.

Sacred, absurd, chaotic atmosphere is here.

That is the charm of the ancient times, the sword is unparalleled in the original, and the inner shocking reach, caught the filament.

Hua Mang into the water, only incorporating the skin into the meridians in the skin.

"This is, the avenue of the avenue ?!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is almost like the rain of the rain, there is a different avenue atmosphere!

"And with me." The time stopped smiling, pulling into the avenue composed of thousands of people.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and it is directly under this way to make this.

Just the first step, his feet were thrown into the gun piercing.

The blood is dripped with the gun tip, but the sword is unparalleled, but the shape is just slightly trembled, and it will be firm.

His ahead of a front, the fruochemial soldiers easily tear his skin.

Yingrun's blood is continuously emerging from the feet and the calf.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but there is no feeling of stagnation, he is like the most sincere and firm worship, step forward.

After his body, on the avenue of Shen Li, he left a layer of glutinous god.

The sword is unparalleled.

The almost even the soul can also cut the soldier, leaving deep scratches on his feet, and the pain of the body is far from being cut by his soul.

The flesh and blood on the foot is cut, and the deepest is exposed to the glutinous gods.

The firm mood began to have a silk shake, and the body stopped in front, and the sword was unparalleled to be so far.

"I can't persist ... I can live ... I can live ... I am changing, even if I really want to die, it will definitely die on the battlefield."

The sword is unparalleled, and the pain that the original soul is cut seems to be reduced.

"I have said to the blood wave, I will fight for breakthrough, that is, it is the oath of myself." He seems to be a painful, pale face and squeezed out a smile.

More daugh, the sword is unparalleled to let go of the feet, and the original movement will change!

Like the lotus generally bloom on the Avenue of Shenli Huang, a thin but firm figure is running forward.

I don't know how long it took, I only feel that the sky is disabled, and the sky is returned to chaos.

Only a vast avenue is in this tragic land.

The horror of all colors is like a square column, which has supported this unknown grief. Derivatives seem to be attracted to some kinds of strength, not being rejected, but is part of the places that need them.

When a pair has no skins that have no slim flesh, stepping on this endless avenue, even if it is waiting for a long time, it is not worth it.

The gown is full of broken, the blood seems to be completely drifted, and the feet of the end is also a forest.

Only that one is still like an eye, I am touched.

The opening of the mouth, "I can feel that there is a more powerful force in your body, why not release it out, help you travel?"

The sword is unparalleled, slowly shaking his head, then he can't support it again, and fell on the ground.

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