Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 459, Wujian

I don't know if it is a dream, still in an illusion.

The avenue sentiment in the Swordless Swordless is opened by him.

But at that moment, I suddenly woke up.

"You woke up, the little guy." Time to stop standing on the road of Shen Li, gratifying the sword unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled with one hand, and it is instantly standing.

"What is this place?"

Looking at the huge square built by the vast power, the sword is not reacted.

"Here, you should have the place where you should feel it." When I laughed.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just a mention, instantly realize that the building of this square is, and there is a tyrant who has no legacy.

"Thank you, Mr. God." The sword has no double holding boxing, and it is more admirable in the eyes of the time.

When I stopped, "this is just the most suitable place, but the final practice is to see your own creation."

"Yes." The sword was unparalleled, but when I was prepared, I was stopped.

"Little guy, this practice is to make you," stop slowly, and then he lifted his right hand gently.

At the time of the time, the Mo Luo Shen sword behind the sword was rushing, as with the gods, hovering in his head.

"Practice is a constant seek, the process of the proceedings. You have vaguely touch the layer, I will give you a feeling."

The time stopped in the words, but the word is like a hammer, and it has entered the sword unparalleled mind.

"Since the chaotic is not open, the sky is still in one, the chaos is the way. Chaos is turbid two qi, this two gas is two."

"Until the big world, the poor is very ancient, and the road will increase."

"There is no justice, but there is an ultimate, some people look like the mystery, they have their own, but some people are poor, and they can't touch the meaning of that layer."

"Little guy, although your body has a complete way, it is not yours, but you can realize the meaning of that silk with your present realm."

"What I can do now is to keep you in the heart, stabilize the mood."

In just a short thing, the sword is unparalleled, but it is too long. He is almost thinking about it. step?"

Not arrogant in the sword, the word is stopped, "there is no existence."


The knowledge is like exploding the thunder, and the sword is unparalleled and can't be calm.

He directly reached a trick, Ta Luo Shen sword started, suppressed the weakness of the disappearance.

Holding the Junjian, the sword is unparalleled is like an sharp sword of the sheath, and the front of the front!

"Yes, Shen Rui, it seems to have some insights in the swords." It seems to be a little satisfied.

The sword has no double slightly, then it is firmly said, "Mr. Old Mr., I think I have already understood the mood of the inner heart, I am determined to enter the sword!"

When I stopped nodd, I showed that the sword was unparalleled.

In this vast power of the throne, the pain of the self-loss can be added almost instantly.

Sword is no longer retained, directly open the chaotic body, and the eyebrows are purple.

"Forever Night!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the first style of Tara swords, the blazing black gas is poured out, and the black ball is poured to stop.

Have the vastness of the power, just the first style, the momentum and power of this sword, and the previous quadch.

When the black ball is about to stop, the space is slightly marked, and the latter black ball is divided into two in the center.

For this situation, the sword is unparalleled and unintentionally, and the third fencing dusk is directly made.

In the moment, the pits that should be broken in the case of this should have not appeared, but the protrusion of the talents will be unpaid.

There are dozens of feet after retreat, and the sword is unparalleled with swords.

Sweet in the throat, he slowed down.

The fentender dusk is not there. However, there is no impact on the time, but the excluded damage has been fed back to the sword unparalleled, which makes him extremely depressed.

At the time, stop until the end, standing in place, and even one step is moved.

Seeing that he is light and light, it is afraid that there is no effort.

The sword is unparalleled to adjust the mentality, deep sucking a sigh of breath, quietly promoting the fourth style.

"four seasons."

Sneakless cold and self-swords, the fate of the sword, there is a villager, with the vast power of the road, almost instantly swept the whole road.

Under this formula, even the power of the support of the road to operate.

It's now!

The sword is unparalleled, and the Shenli is fully infused into the god sword, in the air, it stops.

It is almost easy to tear the universe of the universe, but only leave a shallow trace in the air of the tragic land, when the sword mark is stopped, there is almost the shortest inch.

When I stopped out of the food, I only gently greened the sword marks of that, directly to the neighborhood!

The sleeve stopped, the landless sword was not docked, and the feet stepped on the ground, it was actually running directly.

When the moment, a self-contained Tauruobao phase, the sword is unparalleled behind the sword.

The previous all the moves are serving this at this moment, and the huge treasures are like the mountains. With the sword with swords, they are depressed!


A subtle collision sounded quietly, and the time seems to be stagnant.

The virtual image of Ta Luo is even in the future, and the sword is unparalleled. The whole person is still in the air, and the long sword in hand stops the distance, but it is difficult to enter half.

Stop still standing in the same place, the right hand palm lifted it on the top, and it seems that the sword generally blocked the strongest hit of the sword.

"People who created this set of swords, they are very experienced. If they are refined, they are really round." When she stopped softly, it seems to be a little sorry, and the right hand pushed up.

When you are in the same time, you will not double click on the sword.

At the time, this shot seems to be like the wind, but truly plundered in his body, almost lost its ability to resist the resistance.

Turn over, the sword is unparalleled to spit out a big mouth of the blood, and the Naro Shenjian that has never been separated from the side.

An unprecedented feeling of feelings, and the last time this kind of unfortunate, it is still a virtual god that breaks the universe to calm.

When you stop your hands, you will slowly go to the sword.

"Who is the swords you use?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a Survey to stand up, "It is the senior in the universe in the universe."

"I can realize this sword, it is a Tianjiao, but why don't he refined this set of swords?"

"That's because this predecessors who have created a sword have long been there." The sword has no doubles.

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