Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4591 ??? No double sword, vast sword

Stop noddao, "It turns out, but this fentender can flow, it is still a blessing."

No swords are unparalleled, and when they stop, "from the chaotic separation, the birth of the world is born, this is a sword, but really has a sword, sword, is it?"

The sword is unparalleled, which is obviously thinking about this problem.

When he wanted to talk to the Mo Luo fencing, he did not open it.

Yeah, Tara's swords typing, there is a gentleness of the star field, but is it true with yourself?

Even in your own hands are inherited, even if you can play the Tauo swordsman, it is just the swords of Tara.

When I stop the opening, "You have to clear every word I said, you have a good idea to the swords, but even if you can put every kind of swords, integrate, but they are still not yours, Each bunch of swords will only be a person who creates them. "

"From the moment you practice this Tailel Sword, it is actually a subtle sword mark in the heart, this sword is separated."

"What you have to do now is to find your own swords."

At the same time, his right hand is waving in the air, but it can feel the fluctuations in the air, so that the sword is unparalleled.

Although there is no empty thing in the hands of the time, the frustrated intangible breath has made swords unparalleled.

That is an invisible sword, which is a sword where he is stopped.

The sword is unparalleled, and when the Tauo God sword is placed on one side, with the time to feel the artistic conception in the heart.

There is no beautiful sword, some is just the most purely trick.

"I have been looking for my own swords, but I am too long, I am afraid that the swords of the real thing will be lacking, and she has been put on hold."

"Now I am no longer escaping, even if the fencing will be missing, but I don't regret it!"

The sword is unparalleled, and Jin Yunhua is scattered from the eyes.

Around the palm of the wind, began to gather the star nodes.

One frame one page, slow to the ultimate action image is a sword in the decomposition of the franca.

The complex and mysterious to the ultimate gods began in the sword.

I am afraid to leave the sword in the distance, and I am gratifying to see him at the distance.

"Integrated in all things, it is outside ..."

"With the sword!"

In an instant, floating in the , all of them are all over the palm of the sword.

With the invisible sword, the power is a sword handle, the long wind coagulation sword blade, the gods, and the handle is extremely quirky, but the long sword appears.

This is a sword, a sword, a sword, and a very different from previous, but better than the previous vast sword.

Even if he has worked in the Sarull Sword, release a sword to break the horizon of the sky, and never never in this moment, it is emitted from the power of endless power.

Long habits breaking the opening tape, when it is man dance, the light golden scorpion flows out of the crystal Yinghua Mang, like the God to come to the general, emit exhaus!

The power around the road, and the first time I have given a breath.

Derivatives, unremployed, seem to feel that this is a sword in gestation, and it is the same from the four parties to integrate from the four parties.

At the time of waving, a layer of wall is added to the outside of the road, blocking the worship of union.

Engraved golden swords hide up to the top, the sword at this moment is unparalleled to be a sword, a huge treasure occupies a half of the road.

"I have a sword ..."

"Today, please ask the old gentleman, see!"

The calm is sent out from the chest, and the hand-held sword will follow.

The huge treasure phase is also falling.

The sword full of sacred ceremonies is only a sword where the sword is unparalleled!

Endless Yao Jinqi is helping the storm, with the trend of the sword, completely bloom!


Next, the tremble was burst with the trend, and the sword was straight.

Almost unscrupulous trends actually torn out of the world, while the remaining trend was quickly decomposed.

At the time of the top of the sword, the gods reached out were almost immediately swallowed.

When the whole road was torn two half, this disappeared Yao Jin's nature suddenly turned from the bottom of the road to the bottom of the road, and eventually, the whole road was elapsed.

The most magnificent sacred dummy, the whole continued to end, and finally ended with a body shape.

Shen Li Huang scattered, the trend of such a smashing and destroyed.

There are countless contests, and the sword is unparalleled. The damaged road is like a star.

The Thousands of people below the road also sent a shammous, and it seems that it has already suppressed to show the gods.

Leaning on the power, the sword has no double big mouth, the original loss of empty power is instantly filled, but the painful meaning of the direct gods, or the sword is not a double dazzling fan.

Just this type of power, I almost put him into people. If it is a universe that God is unable to make up quickly, I am afraid it is the moment of life.

The shape of the time stopped reappeared, based on a piece of debris, and sailed to the sword.

"Is this your sword?" Asked when you were.

The sword has no double, and then proudly said, "This is my way!"

When the face of the dead, it started to show a smile, only four words, "shocked."

"Mr. Xie is advised!" The sword was unparalleled, and the color of the joy was overflowed.

When I stopped, "My advice is not too much to use, everything is your own thinking, understand."

The sword has shaken his head. "It is the teachings of the old husband. I can dare to set out that step, or I will probably I will be in front of it."

When I stopped, the sword was so shocked, and the sword was completely enlightened, and the sword made by his own swords. Since then, he will will be more and more round in his own avenue.

"What is the ultimate in the sword, do you know?" The last question was stopped.

The sword is unparalleled, and then some uncertain saying, "people swords are one? Is it intangible? Tibetan front?"

When he stopped his laugh, he did not refute or endorsed the sword.

There are countless skills to spoil, or chemical or chasing birds.

He slowly reached his palm, there is a chasing bird staying in the fingertips, fanning the wings up and down

"When is a bird is willing to stay in your sword tip, everything is become."

After that, after this sentence, the shape of the time stopped as a cloud smoke and naturally spread.

As he dissipates together, there is endless vast power.

"Mr. Old ?!" The sword was unparalleled to stand up, and he looked at the place where it was disappeared.

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