If it is not a broken road, it is slow to build, I am afraid the sword is unparalleled, I really do everything you happen.

It is also a number of shouts, and the sword is unparalleled.

The old man of this teacher, and after a period of time, deeply branded in the heart of the sword.

Everything to stop, almost equivalent to saving the final fire of the entire Shenli universe.

In the face of the direction where the time is disappeared, the sword is unparalleled deeply.

It has been certified to his own swords. The sword is unparalleled. It is a fast weakening that faces the future. It belongs to his future. It is rapidly opening!

And when the sword is unparalleled, you can't help but exclaim.

It turned out that in this case, I don't know how to disappear, and it is disappeared in the middle, such as water to the line, directly promoting the highest supreme peak!

That even needs a thousands of tens of thousands of era to break through, actually get a breakthrough in unknown.

Coating the palm, feeling the strong strength of the recurning, the sword is not a double one to sweep, quickly sit down and stabilize the realm.

Direct breakthrough in the complete realm, this is never before, he has to deal with it.

After the high supreme peak, it is the top supreme!

When I am sitting, I am willing to reach the floating in the water.

In this way, Tianfu's general cultivation environment is simultaneously built for the sword. While easily stabilizing the realm, it can also consolidate the just who just sent it.

Since childhood, the sword is extremely sensitive to the sword, and I have already made my first style, how horror is.

The gesture of the first style is the last gesture of the last Mo Luo, which is a lot of the swords.

The two are comparable, even more than the Mo Luo's swords, and the sword is unparalleled. It is no longer imagining the upper limit of his own sword.

"This is my own sword. It is natural to be called unparalleled, but how is the sword to name?" The sword has no twisted. After a while, there is an answer.

"It's called the Xinghe Lake Hai Jingyi," The sword has no double eyelining, and the name of the unparalleled unsuccessful swords will be shocked.

After re-evolving the swordway, the sword was unparalleled to sleep.

Higher Supreme is not his goal, even if he did not enter this sorrow, the minimum requirement for himself is the top supreme!

He said to his blood wave, but also listening to himself.

Originally the top to respect is the goal of his pursuit, and now he has set this goal again in the realm that is almost afraid.

Only it is possible to win, and you can win!

Everything is done now, he will return thousands of times!

Broken Avenue With the vast power in the slender sword, there is no double week, and sometimes there is a Ding point rune into his clothing.

On this endless look of the sorrow, a humble but tenacious breath is constantly thriving.

Everyone's disciples are falling into sleep, but they can be seen from the hidden brows, they don't relax!

If the humiliation of the dog's dog makes everyone do their best to break through.

Only one of the universe boats arrived from time to time.

The short river is sitting on the railing and looks at the vastness of the vastness. It is watching God. I don't know what is thinking.


The northern zone of the universe, the silence.

Millions of years have never had a starry sky, which is full of nearly 100 superstability.

In these strengths, there is a snake god of nine heads, and closely stare at the site wrapped in Chaotic Weili.

"This is the forbidden place in the embarrassing ants in the universe?" The weird voice of the glory from the mouth of the zombie.

On the side of the refining god, the Lord is a nodded, and the face is ugly. "On the day, it will escape."

"Since their anthrassic ants can enter, why can't you go?" Zombie looked at the Early Surveying, yin, "Is you really can't go, or you are going to go to the enemy?"

Early harmony is more ugly, the face is more ugly, and the virtual power is directly released. "What do you mean?"

The snake god is angry, and more horrible is directly crushed, just like the realm of Shenzi Shenyuan almost kill.

When the Eight Remaining is amburoped, it is a strong body shape with a strong black smoke, and the Shen Zi and the Qi Zunzun are directly pressed.

"It's you, I am angry!" Snake God is anger, nine heads are shocked, "You really want to be right with this seat ?!"

The black smoke dissipates, and I look at the snake to the snake. "Stupid! You still don't help me with you, now the two universe is a battle, you kill the universe Shen Zongzong, the whole virtual universe is you Say it! "

"You ?!" The snake god dumb, and he was brought on a high hat, which made him have a difficult statement. After cold and cold, it is no longer talking.

'There is always one day, this seat should be striped your head as a slag! 'Snake God is secretly resentful.

I don't say more, my eyes have changed from the opposite of the opposite.

"I want to kill all possible or impossible to kill in the bud, all of them will die in my hand!" I was cold, and then I was first, and the three and others were in turn behind him.

"If you want to make it, you will follow me, go to the ancient ruins!" After you said this sentence, he took the initial epic to the .

The nature of the Eight Remaining is still ugly, he doesn't look at the snake god, directly with the emotions of the mail.

The remaining virtual honor is moving, but the scruples are not dare.

Finally, a two trace virtue drums played, and did not speak, directly by the snake god into blood.

"One day later, I want to slaughter you of the gods and down!" Snake God, and then the remaining virtual honors straight to the temple.

The battle between the two parties, even if the Zhen Zhen and the virtual god disappeared, there is no sign of the disappearance, and it has kept the ancient resentment. It is like finally have a venting, and it is unable to clean up.


Five thousand years old is long and lost.

The land of the traggest is constant, and the infinity of the power is still vast, and even derived non-ownership is more complete.

Under the outermost strength of this tragic land, there are three thousand static movements such as sculpture.

Each of them is as good as five thousand years ago, even because of the refinement of the realm.

The interests of these disciples are completely closed, even for ten years, they call out a touch of turbidity, followed by reciprocating, and perform a complete transformation.

Lying on the railing seems to have entered a sleeping thin body shape, suddenly the same.

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