Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4593 ?? Supreme! Supreme!

For everything breathing, I am afraid that someone can have a wretched body with this thin or even a wretched body shape.

Silent, nearly five thousand, the river spirit adults jumped high, as fish in the ground is on the ground.

In front of him, it is the first batch of life gods to the present!

During the nose, the small eyes of the river are.

It seems that it is about to be frank away from the provenance of these disciples from themselves!

It seems to confirm the guess of the river spirit, and a long-awaited hike from a disciple's whisper, and nearly a thousand moves at the same time.

The eight characters of the river are shaking, the ultimate dominance!

That is the atmosphere of the ultimate dominance.

If it is just a feeling of the ultimate dominate, it is naturally difficult to enlighten the spirit of the Daohe Zhonghe Ling, you can, this is the ultimate dominant, but it has reached three thousand!

What kind of concept is just the three thousand Shenqi disciples who stayed in the outermost layer, just to understand the five thousand years old, so as soon as he wash the leader, it has reached the ultimate dominance.

This is just the most peripheral disciple, and the disciple of one step more? !

The river is coming back from the previous shock, and the excitement of the can't rise.

He knows that the whole of the universe, the life of life is saved!

One thought and this, the river spirit can no longer fall into sleep. If the child is generally excited to rush to the deepest place, he will look at it, that is not a small guy that is growing, will give him one What surprise is.

Just, when you are ready to start, the river spirit is aware of the essential, it is a matter of heaven, if you sell, the consequence will be unimaginable.

Think of another thinking, the river spirit gave up, said, "Forget it, you will not bother the little child, wait for him to break through and say it is not too late."

After ordering the idea, the river spirit jumped on the cosmic boat, glaring two small eyes, observing the disciples who were about to wake up.

With the ultimate dominant, the atmosphere is getting more and more rich, the outermost three thousand disciples are wake up at the same time.

"Old days, this, I actually reached the ultimate dominant realm ?!"

"I, I actually reached the realm!"

"How many years have been cultivated, it has achieved such a realm, it is really terrible ..."

Three thousand disciples have not believed in ecstasy from the beginning, but they want to continue.

However, at this time, the cough came in the universe, attracting the eyes of the three thousand disciples.

"Yes, is it a river spirit?"

"I won't be an eye, the river spirit actually did not die?"

Listening to noisy voices, the altitude of the river jumped from the deck.

"It's enough! Who said that your hovel is dead? Tell you, now I will put me in the universe of the virtual universe, I can also live in the wind!" The wretched little old man is on the hands of the hands, blowing the husband.

Then he said, "Okay, I will shut up the river spirit. You are now don't want to travel now. If you have a steady, you should not bother the rest of the disciple, just promoted the ultimate domination, Be sure to be stable, don't forget, the realm of your top is the cloud! "

The rivers' words made three thousand disciples momentum, how can they don't understand, the supreme is a prominent.

In other words, there is still a war between the two universe, and now they are still just a fly-dead cannger ash, can't get any effect. Only if they are awkward, they will pull one or two enemies in front of death.

Now, it is so much, even if it is a falseness of one second, it is never allowed.

The disciples with the mood of the heart immediately sat down again, starting a new round of predecessorization, and the rest of the disciples will also enter the country again.

The Shenli universe fell, they as the final fire, the expectations and mission shouldered, will force them to grow.

All disciples are sitting, the river spirit restored the previous posture, and looked at the sky of the day.

"All all happened, when can I go back to the right track of this belonging?"

After another thousand, the second disciple began to recover, they also reached the ultimate dominance, and even a disciple of individual preambles, began to touch the local area of ​​the realm.

The river is pace, and after a test, it makes them continue to enter the sentiment.

"Hey, it seems that they are all inseparable from me." The river spirit quickly sighed, and his hands were back to patrol again.


At the same time at the river spirit, a momentum of the powerful gods raised, although this vast power is especially uncomfortable, but it is a fiery of the river.

It symbolizes the shock that will cause the supreme position, which is rising in the middle of the disciples sitting in the third batch.

Next, the second supreme look up.

The third ...

Fourth ...


The joints of the contest were so powerful, and it quickly became silent.

There is no respected thunder robbery, and there is a symbol of the supreme power.

The seven disciples who have received the Supreme Avenue first stood up, unbelievable look at the supreme power of autologousness.

"Detecting the Supreme ..." one of the older middle-aged disciples, whispering, waiting to see the real supreme force to support the wind, the eyelids are instantly red.

"It seems that God's universe is really saved." He Ling said that it is extremely unanimous with his act. It is very gratified from the small eyes.

The land of sorrow is not known, but the river spirit of boring is a day, and the number of hard studies has taken to the eighth.

And on this eight thousand lines, Tianzhu Supreme awake.

The vast power of the straight dome rushed to the sky, the top supreme power is more deep, and finally fixed in half-step invincible.

Eight thousand contained, breaking through the real Tianzhu gap.

Real invincible supreme to this will only be a problem.

There is also a giant ax in the sky to respected.

He also took the step and reached a half-step invincible supreme.

The two encouraged each other, and they rushed to the river, and they once again made a second sense.

Between this, the sword is unparalleled, and the cream has been awakened, successfully broke through the realm, staying in the realm of the first supreme.

At this point, I have not woke up from the feelings, only three people.

Blood wave supimity, the nine robbery, the sword is unparalleled.

Like derived a general, unreasonable, no longer wandering, or a hundred thousand booming floods to the supreme, or the same wave is generally flocked to the nine robbery.

But more union, it is the most central place in the whole of the ancients of the ancients!

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