Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4595? Is it invincible? (On)

When destroying my little power, the two invincible Supreme Double-double, the power of the power is also in the body.

"It's so fast, really is really hurt!" Tianzhu respected the goddun laughed.

The giant ax is also nodded frequently, proudly, "now, even if it is the six trace, this seat has a battle!"

Collapson, two people fall to the ground.

"Congratulations to the two to enter the invincible." Blue is the front step, arched.

The giant ax is the first, "Thank you, the blue girl, I can promote the invincible", and it is also the heavens. "

Not 10,000 years old, the giant ax and the Tianzhi to respect the doubles to promote invincible, except for the heavens, and come to this major, there seems to be no other adventures ...

Tianzhu is a smile, "I think our invincible supreme should be soon will then add one more."


Several people look at the blood waves to the far away.

Around the blood wave supreme Shenli Dao as a huge golden scorpion, completely wrapped his body shape, the outsiders can only see his rough shape.

The giant ax is so eyebrows, self-prone, "blood wave is a half-step invincible, and the immersion invincible has been a long time. It should be more relaxed than me in this reason. How to now There is no trace of breakthroughs. "

"Do not worry, after the blood is successfully promoted, I am afraid that the strength will be much profitable than you." Tianzhu Xun should have a relaxation, almost infinite years, his strength, the strength of this, never suspected .

The giant ax nodded, "I hope so."

Only the blue eyes, when you look at the path of blood waves, you have a fine and uncertain change.

On the side of the white hair, the white hair is slightly lonely, the eyes are watching the sword unparalleled road from beginning to end.

He urgently wants to see this ancient prizard, will appear in a kind of posture, and how far it is.

Even he is afraid that it is not clear, when is it to make the sword without double as a chess, becoming an object that is a chased.

"The giant ax is supreme," the Nine robbery king suddenly opened, "watched the heart," Can I invite the giant ax to be inspected? "

The giant ax is unfair, but it is more appreciated to look at the nine robbery Wang. "Of course, I can also see how this is the same as the world, will bring me how to surprise me."

The nine robbery, with the giant ax being lifted to the sky.

These vast times in these ancient times, seem to be very sensitive to the war, but also to watch the audience who is not too suspicious, and strictly considering the way to make a way ...

"I have a supreme, I will not leave it later." The giant ax smiled and said in his hand.

"Xie Zhaowa Supreme." The nine robbery is the hand, belongs to the top supreme gentle moment, and it is like a wave of water.

The giant ax is steep in place, and it is a big horror power that is invincible to be invincible. It is like Tianmen Tong Dynasty, and the giant sea frenzy is accessible.

Just a photo, the nine robbery is the top of the top supreme prestige.

He only feels like a leaf boat in the huge sea, and it is possible to cover it, and even the movement of our respective power is much slow.

The giant ax is the foot of the foot, the magic ax in the hand rises, countless patterns from the axle, completely packaged.

Gently, it is enough to tear the ax tempering the sharp edge of the aroma, and the three-blade is to the nine robbery.

Even if there is any invincible suppression realm, the performance of the nine robbery is still a bit.

He completely wrapped the top of the top, the top of the top is directly, and he will quickly rise to the half space. It will be stagnant. It is also a hundred and the cold and temperament from him.

Every cold man has a top-ended power, covering the sky.

The giant ax is not a way to swim, but I have to stop.

The cold and hystead of the giant ax only left a faint white point on the ax.

The nine robbery king from the sky, the body exudes a unique white man, the virtual treasure is in the same way, just hit the huge ax.


The pounds of the power broke into a line of stars, as if the Galaxy did not fall, Hong Zhong Da Lu's sturdy self-axished.

The stars scattered, this hit, the anti-shock of the nine robbery, directly made it fly out, and a vast blood came from his mouth.

And the giant ax is supreme, and it will end backwards afterwards.

The nine robbery kings wipes the blood of the mouth and slowly gets up.

"It can be the top to respect the invincible, and the fruit is really arrogant!" The giant ax is so waved, and after the long ax is standing in the body.

The nine robbery Wang Yizhen, I immediately seriously, "I hope!"

The giant ax is not in a variety of words, the gray white long hair is broken, and the silver-white giant ax in the hand starts to reflect the golden mood under the blessing of the power.

The pounds began to be restrained, as if they were in the midsting.

Nearly ten and giant ax appeared quietly, they refused to be on the upper body, with your back ax, like an ancient giant, wake up Qi Qi!

"This is my uncommon of the invincible," the united 11th body shaped. "

" - !"

In an instant, Hua Mang has a lot of bloom, and the 11th body shape is in the hands of the big ax.

Eleven shank, synthesized a huge ax in which to break the treasure, falling.

Looking at the ax on the sky, the eyes of the nine robbery seems to be realized.

He seems to have returned to the listening of Ling Xi Palace, across the lotus peak, Xiangruitao is turned, and the green smoke is long.

"What is your understanding?"


"What is the way I understand?"

"The way I understand is ahead, although I still don't regret nine deaths, it is the way to celebrate ..."

"This is my way!"

When the day, the giant ax, the nine robbey opened his eyes, countless cold and temperament, and it is not afraid!

The coming is a long time.

When the lights fell, the giant ax was on the wind, and the nine robbery in his arms fell asleep.

"The Supreme of the Supreme, and the road in the future, he has been able to understand." The giant ax smiled.

"You this guy," Tianzhu is shocked, "even the evidence is so rude, even I almost think that is your full blow."

The giant ax smiled and smiled, waved into a small road, put the nine robbery kings.

Then, everyone's eyes look again to the depths.

'There is no palace owner, but it is time to wake up. '

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