Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4596? ??? Is the invincible? (Medium)

Time flies, in the river spirit, a day after a day, and the dedicated records, the one thousand two thousand carrier indicates.

All the sleep of the life of the life of the gods, and the disciples of the gods.

In this bigification, remove the disciples who died in the passage, the remaining more than 1,000 disciples, and did the ultimate dominance!

In addition, there are nearly more than 300 disciples, successful, promoted to the supreme!

More than 300 suits! Even if the dragon inherited the dragon, can there be such a hand? Such a bottom?

This is an unimaginable scene!

Tianzhu Xun and the giant ax were at the beginning of the scene, the old tears and horizons, when they stopped, they were stopped three times.

All the disciples of all the gods of the life, they really become the ultimate card of the whole god universe.

Although these three hundred supreme are just just primary, as long as it breaks through the supreme limits of the cloud, then the medium, the high level is like water to the stream.

Since all disciples are awake, the giant ax is to steal all disciples, and help them firmly.

After the war of the Supreme of the Supreme, the Nine robbery was re-attached. After two thousand, I woke up after two thousand, the power of the original front is beginning to be restrained, and there is a big temper.

The stream in his eyes is even more, the most difficult breakthrough, and it has begun to have diminished signs.

Everything is in a flourishing side.

Only two people still have no signs of wake up.

One is the sword is unparalleled, and the other is a bloody supreme.

To this end, the giant ax specializes in the twelve disciples, specializing in observing and swinging, there is a movement, and immediately communicate.

"Three brothers, you said that our palace is still going to wake up, there is already a thousand years old, I am afraid ..."

This young disciple's voice has not fallen, and his head has a chestnut.

"There is a lot of mouth, this is over 10,000, you can't help it. In the future, how do you get to the respect of you dozens of chaotic courses?" It is known as the middle-aged disciple of the three brothers.

The young disciple kneaded the brain, and he didn't dare to say his mouth.

This twelve people consisting of patrol teams, only middle-aged men are the first supreme, and the rest of the people are the ultimate dominance, and natural observation swords are unparalleled.

Start, the one who does not have the owner of the people naturally holds up the middle-aged disciple, plundering the most central vast road.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled, and it is a thick golden mood, and it is unclear.

For example, the middle-aged disciple has turned around to leave after peek through the gap.

He stepped on the power, ready to fall, the sky is suddenly shock!

Subsequently, his feet did not worry, and uncontrolled backwards.

Since the incident suddenly, the middle-aged disciple has no preparation from the high altitude, and the red dog is falling.

"Three brothers!" The rest of the eleven disciples rushed over and helped middle-aged disciples.

"It seems that these power is not so good!" He helpless his head smile, the next consciousness looked up, and suddenly fell.

I saw the huge tremendous farmover hovered in the air, and I started to fall into the bottom of the air!

"How, how would this?"

Next moment, countless golden water is like a star river, suddenly rushing.

"Fast, leave this place!" Middle-aged disciples first responded, immediately released the power to promote eleven.

The golden water is rushing, and it is imitated that the sky is opened, and it is crazy to pour the land.

And the big tremendous farmland, until this moment, crack!

Stars scattered, treasure flows.

Thousands of silence of the gods are also singing at this moment, as if they are waiting for their master.

The golden water silver river vent is touched to the ground to condense into the Shenli Avenue.

The huge road is broken, and the Wei Yongzhi is vibrate.

I am guiding the giant ax in the people who meditated the Supreme and Tianzhi Zun. Qi Qi looked at the land of Jin Weihuang, and immediately turned into two power training.

The blueness is immersed, it is incredible to look at the position.

The nine robbery king slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of smile, and he went to the road.

The river that is screaming on the deck, this is directly old, "it has changed the sky ..."

After seeing this scene, the other disciples have seen each other, and they are rushing to rush.

The Shenli Avenue constructed by the thick pound gold water is full of Huanghuang, and there is Shen Li's illusion, and the magnificent sacred is incomparable.

Broken Shenli Dynasty, like a thousand stars slowly falling.

Everyone's eyes are staring at the sky above the day, the most dazzling of thousands of stars!

The naked upper body, was covered by countless golden temples, and Huang Huangzhi was revealed from each pore.

This body, only a broken paint black pants left in the waist, but even so hardly, he seems to return to the most originated.

Pure golden mood integrates with a purple, showing a lightning in his permanent.

He is a sword.

When the feet touched the ground, the Xingmang on the sky, Huang Huang gold graphic is yet.

The size of the lotus is blooming, Huilian is blooming in the avenue.

The purple will be refused from the pupil, and the sword is unparalleled as if you wake up from a dream of chaotic that will open to the world.

Every step, his god is clear.

The long hair dragged to the hairpin is dragged into the avenue, and every step is rigs.

All people are breathing, even if they have achieved invincible giants and two people, I feel a pressure that cannot be said.

That pressure is the most purely suppressed, regardless of the realm, is another hierarchy of more mysterious.

There is no confidence in the eyes of the nine robbery, and there is no embarrassment, some are just happy, and the mosttefather hot, that is, it is only the nine robbery, his own pride, can't be distressed by any distortion.

How will I get the king of the sword?

The giant ax is the first to react, in the face of the avenue, facing the sword is unparalleled, he does not hesitate to sing, "Welcoming the two palace owners!"

Thousands of disciples kneel at this moment, drinking in Qi, "All disciples of life, gods, welcome the palace owners!"

The sound shocks through the whole sorrow, and the sword is unparalleled here.

It is a long-awaited smile to a thousand disciples, and long-lost smiles are on his face.

There is only a big new life, it will only be a big freshman.

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