Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4597? Is it invincible? (Below)

Countless stocks are scattered in the wind, with the breeze to everyone.

"Don't be restrained, all of them get up." The sword laughed.

Thousands of disciples only feel warm, and a soft force will hold everyone.

"Thank you no palace master!" All disciples are Qi.

The gods flowing in a rogue, the gods flowing in the body, he fleses to the giant ax and the sky.

I looked at the shape of the same day. The giant ax was a little moist. I only called a palace owner secretly tears.

The sky is full, and he smashed with his elbow. "I said that the old man, there is no palace, you should be happy, how do you cry?"

"Do you manage the old man? How do you think about how to cry, no one can do it." The giant ax respireed the little child.

Tianyi Supreme Helpless Head.

The sword is unparalleled naturally understands the depression of the giant ax.

Then he put his palm on the shoulders of the giant ax, solemn, "the giant ax, you and rest assured, how to make them in the universe, I will let them roll back, their owed debts, must use Blood comes back! "

The giant ax is full of words, and quickly wipes the tears with the sleeves, arches the hand, "The giant ax in the life of the gods, is willing to dispatch with the neighborhood!"

"The life of the gods is supreme, willing to disperse without the Double Palace!" Tianzhu Supreme said.

The nine robbery king smiles, arched, "the life of the gods, the nine robbery, is willing to dispatch without the Double Palace!"

The sword is unparalleled, looking at Wan Yu's life, the brother of the gods, and high spirits.

"There is no palace owner, this feeling practice, this palace will be more than 1,000 disciples, there are three hundred disciples to Jinmate to respect, the remaining disciples are the ultimate dominance, for this war battle, there is no longer left and right Ordinary battlefield. "

Only in this tragic land, the giant ax is analyzed by the rough situation, "but there is no war between the victims of the six traces ..."

The giant ax did not followed it. As early as the war of the catastrophe, the universe of the universe was almost around the battlefield for nearly forty six signs.

The high-end combat power cannot be balanced, then the trend of this war will still be tilted to the universe of the virtual universe.

What's more, the virtual universe has the horror of the snake god to surpass the invincible.

The sword is unparalleled, "Snake God is given to me, as for invincible to the dollar, wait for the sorrow, and then raised one two."

The giant ax is nodded, and then it is a real thing, and it is shock.

The nine robbery is also a step, and a bitter is exposed from his eyes.

Just this 10,000 years, swords are unparalleled, will he grow like this?

He thought that he was universal with the sword without a double, but everything has changed.

The goal of the sword is unparalleled, it is already the zombie of the universe!

"Now I have a half-step invincible, and the zombie of the universe the universe, I don't have a big problem." The sword has no double supplement.

The shocking from the eyes of the giant ax and the sky, the sword is unparalleled to kill the spirit of the world with the ultimate dominant. He will always kill, create a miracle. Now he has been half a step, is it true Can you cross the sky?

"However," swords have no pairs of sinks, seeing to the giant ax, "I should have to worry about the giant ax."

The giant ax is supreme, and it is promised.

"Blood wave supreme him ..." The sword is unparalleled, in a mighty power, the blood wave is still sitting.

Tianzhu Supreme shook his head, "He has not woke up from the realization, and it is necessary to have a large machine style is waiting for him."

There is no double point of the sword. When the blood wave is still unshable, it is already a half-step invincible, breaking the invincible Supreme is not difficult, can have been in the same time, I am afraid he has developed more immersive realm to that layer.

After a while, all disciples of life, gods, were surrounded by swords, and they waved their huge roads under the sky, and they were so hiring.

"You guess who can win?"

"I, I guess the giant ax to win, after all, it is invincible, and waving the existence of ordinary supreme."

"I guess no palace owner can win, you don't forget, when there is no palace owner to kill the spirit in the ultimate dominance, now there is no harmonier on the world, but the invincible Supreme is not Easy? "

"It seems to be a matter ..."

Tens of thousands of disciples are noisy, and they are talking, and they are so respectful, and they will save all disciples.

Only the sky is hunting.

Wan as a natural sword is unparalleled in the original place, and the vastness of the vastness will spread the gilding of the hair.

The giant ax is on the spot, and it directly called out the god ax.

For swords, he will not treat it as an ordinary half-step invincible.

So in a pair of arrays, he immediately pulled its own power to invincible.

"There is no palace owner, you will be officer." The ward is sustaining, and the murderer is already spent.

There is no double point of the sword, and it belongs to your own power. It is quietly emerging from the ground.

Seeing, the giant ax is swinging directly, enough to eat the blazing wind!

However, when dozens of hurricanes are touching the sword, there is a unparalleled power, it is like the ice and snow, directly in the nirvana!

The giant ax is awkward, knowing that ordinary tricks are untrocged to the sword.

Deep sucking a sigh of relief, he put the watter circumference, all the existen gods began to be restrained.

As Shen Li contraction is restrained, the giant ax is beginning to illusion.

Twenty way ...


Thirty giant ax, each has a giant ax being complete.

"This is the" I am in the invincible ", I am awesome, one-on-one battle, and I have the same supreme, no one can stop!"

The giant ax is gone, and his way is the same, one hits the power of the day, no one dares to fight with it.

" - !"

Endless God is attributed to one, the total 30 treasure phase is a line, the sky is chaotic in the road, only a huge sweat ax is vague, and the sediment will tear.

It is like the original, and any God ghosts, the demon, and you must listen to the decree, the turbidity is sinking, and the purity is rising.

Chaos sky is easy to tear, open the sky ax straight sword!

Everyone slammed breathing, that shocked to the extreme, and even the disciples who had a strong sword won, they turned to the giant ax.

Next, Wan Many Zijin gods, like silver river, Soviet, raised in chaos, and a magnificent door is over this chaos!

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