Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4598? Ancestral surgery?,

There is Huanghuang's power sprinkled chaos, and the sky is turned on!

The sword is unparalleled in the air, and the gods, the eyes seem to have passed through the ancients, and locks the giant ax.

One party is like a tributary giant finger that carries the ancient power of the dismissive.

The mightyness, one finger!

It seems that the magic of the chaotic to hit the sky.

However, just just a word, thousands of cracks bloom from the surface of the sweat, and the power of the throne is pour!

The opening of the sky is hitting the sky, and even if he did not persist, it was directly broken.

The treasure is destroyed, and together with the chaotic gas field, the giant ax is directly flying away, and the breath is very wild.

However, the Tongtian giant referred to only paused, and then still rushed toward the giant ax.

The sky is large in the ground, the shape is large, and the shape is directly plundered.

A palm, the god bow started, and the sky took a thousand way of shooting, and the horrible finger was shocked.

Tianweihuang's Shen Li sent out of the door of the hole, and the source continued to moisturize the sky.

The thousands of gods released by invincible supreme, just just in the giant finger, even unable to stop.

Tongtian giant refers to the pressure of the old, the pressure in the sky, and even the giant ax and the sky are completely suppressed, the two can't move half points!

The nine robbery also saw that it was not rushing, and the footsteps were relied, and the body is not hesitating.

The darkness of the darkness is emerging from him, which is bound to the world's vast power of the top, half-step invincible.

A shirtless, emerges from the ,


The road is instantly broken, and the imaginary shadows behind the kings are bleak, and the blood is poured from his mouth.

"Give me a little awake, sword is unparalleled !!"

The gums are bleeding, and the kings are screaming.

The giant ax is supreme and the sky, and the respective treasures are also called to the sky.

However, there is an incredible scene that makes everyone.

Two invincible supreme treasures, a top to respect the treasure phase, just blocking the number of interest, and then breaking!

Unable to resist Tongtianjun continues to be crushed!

"Not good!" Blue is in the heart, plundering the broken road, directly release the power to block!

Subsequently, cold as frost also flipped.

Three hundred elements and other suits, more than 10,000 ultimate dominates, and they also pose up the same day, facing the tenth day, screwing into a rope, released their own power.

Sword is unparalleled!

He has already lost it in its own empty knowledge!

That sky, is the sword where there is no double imperiality, and the mystery of the ancestral surgery in his memory.

This is a hit of ultra-off, and will grow up with the realm of the user!

The sword is unparalleled with his own half-step, and it is the best result that is already the best result of the ancestry that should not belong to this realm.

His consciousness is in an unmanned tube.

"The ancestral - !"

The sword is unparalleled over the sky, the neighborhood is a neighborhood, like an ancient spot!

As the voice falls, the party is easily crushed with the spirit of the power of the people.

That kind of life and death in the palm of the goddess, instantly rushed.

Thousands of disciples are pale, avoid unavoidable!

The nine robbery is a bitter, looked at the sword of the closure of the sky, and he slowly closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened. "You guys, must give me a good job!"

In an instant, such as mountain winds, spring water ablation.

The deep pressure of the depression is steeply hovering in the top of everyone.

"Fast, I will leave it ..." The sound of swords unparalleled, and the sound of tasting is rooted.

It is said that the sword that is suspended in the world is unparalleled. The pupil is already clear, the arms are dragged and drop the dead.

The Nine robbery is now reacted.

After all people are separated from the dangers, then the sky is deeply pressed.

Tiandi slight discoloration.

Rumbler ...

I don't know how long, the nine robbery is slightly complained.

"Your guy, release that hit, isn't you?"

Before sitting in a giant pit, the sword was unbolded. "I, I just want to try this hit, I didn't expect power to be horrible." "

The nine robbery helpless shook his head, "I recorded this thing, you need to make this thing in the future to cancel this matter."

"The hit of Fang, truly terrible," The giant ax is awesome, "If it is on the battlefield, I am afraid that there is no invincible Supreme to pick it up."

The sword has no double reply. "That is not now I can control, if you don't want to wake me, the consequences are unimaginable, so I will not use it on the battlefield."

Tianzhu to respect the head, and then there is "unparalleled owner, let's continue in this sorrowful land, or go to the universe, fight against the universe?"

The sword is unbeatable, then said, "You continue to have a borus of this sorrow, I will go to the universe of the universe, but those who can't return."

"The attraction does not return to the person who can't return it?" The giant ax was so muttered, and the body was shaped.

"Is it, the Lord of the Taojun is still alive?" Tianzhu is also shocked.

The sword is unparalleled without a denial. "I have seen the universe when I was in the universe, I have seen the Lord of the Palace in the air, and the palace master is also the same time."

"And he passed all of his own creation, and then the soul dissipated."

"At that time, because I was soaring that I was dead with me, I didn't come to explore the traces of the Lang Damwagm, until now, the Taozhan master will still sleep there."

The sword has no sheds, "I will go this one whether the Lord is dead, I will go this, because he is a Shenli universe, even if it is dead, I have to bring him back."

The giant ax is the same as the Tianzhu Supreme, in front of the sword, the old tears.

"Thank you unparalleled owner, the giant ax, until the death from the palace master!"

"Don't have a lot of courtesy, the universe owes us, I will ask for a little bit." The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are denweant.

Nine robbery came to the sword without double, Shen Sheng, "This trip is dangerous, I will go to the universe with you, and there is a photo."

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