The sword has no double slightly, shook his head, "No, the two people goals too big, there is a possibility of being discovered, and I have the secret to completely disguise the virtual universe of the universe, I want to come. "

The Nine robbery did not force it, and he was not open after being careful.

The sword didn't have a double point, and then I will start the giant ax and the Tianzhu to respect.

"Fu Jun, now I can't help you, so be careful all the way." Cold as the frosty eyes showed a bitterness.

"You are in my side, it is the greatest help for me. If you are not your years, it is a true body." Looking at this no regret, there is no regret, always accompanying the woman, the sword is unparalleled, hug She, and behind the body, the Changhong, go to the export of the sorrow.

"With such a pure and good, there is no future of the palace owner, I can't see it more." The giant ax looked at the sword unparalleled, whispered.

Re-step into the dark channel, all kinds of heart-catching mourning disappeared, even if the resentment of the ancient resentment is also dissipated.

The sword is unparalleled to faintly feel that this party is buried, it seems to dissipate slowly in some form.

Originally, there is a long-awaited passage, and now there is a meditation between the swords, and the end.

Step in the quiet channel, the cold and dead star field appears in front of the sword.

Ten thousand years later, the starry sky, and there is no difference in the stars for 10,000 years ago.

The only difference may be residual in the galaxy, and the silk is solely dissipated.

"People who have a virtual universe have been here?" The sword didn't have a double brow, and the eyes were looking at another emperor site.

The ruins that exudes the fog, the universe, and the independent existence of the universe, as previously changed.

Slightly Suso, the sword is unparalleled to call the cosmic boat, and go to the distance.

After a few months, before the cracks of the universe, a young robe, a faceful and beautiful young river, stopped in the twenty-third crack.

Since the two-party universe is still in the battle of the catastrophe, there are time to come out from the crack from time to time, and go to the Shenliang universe that has opened to the portal.

At the same time, each of the cracks that lead to the universe, and also strengthened the patrol reside.

Nowadays, this twenty-three cracks arranged nearly 15 four four-scale virtual embassies, while smashing a terrorist atoms belonging to the Zigui Zun.

The youth who dressed in the youth ride is naturally a sword.

He is like Shenquan, and he came to the crack step by step.

"Who?" A dark fog emerged, and the three four four-scale virtual respects the patrol team blocked in front of the sword and wary.

"Dear people, allies." The sword didn't smile, and looked up his hand.

"Which a star field are you in response to the god of God?" One of the captains of the four four scorpion, still alert.

The sword is unparalleled, "" From Yang Xing Domain, Yu Zong Zong Zong Zong Zhu Zhao, "I went to the Shenli Universe since I was 300 years ago."

"That why are you returning alone?" Four traces Xu Zun asked, "Don't you take advantage of the gods in the battlefield?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the raising hands will take three black boxes from Qiankun Rings, hand it over to the captain of the head.

A textiler is floating from the box, and the four traces that are looking angry are seeing, and the robe sleeves will be incorporated in the arms.

If you have a few coughs, the four traces of virtue are high. "It turned out to be home, and you will go home, and the family is worried."

The sword is unparalleled, and the foot is ready to enter the crack.

Next moment, a rumored voice resounded from the darkness.


At the time, a faint crisis is full of hearts.

"Is it still, is it found?" The sword was unparalleled, and immediately in the deep crack in front of him, stirred up a pound of imperiality.

As the virtual power is there, there is a middle-aged man dressed in purple golden suit.

The original still happiness, after seeing the people, suddenly squatting on the ground, "see, have seen the nine to refer to the emperor!"

A middle-aged man in Zijinhua clothing stayed in the sword and there was no double, and then she looked. "You are not the universe of my universe, because of the attempt,?"

"Six traces virtualizes?" The sword is unparalleled, and there is a hunting in the body.

The success of the patrol team is also observed, and when it is surrounded.

Nine refers to the emperor and smile, "It seems that it is not a person who is not a virtual universe. Are you voluntarily given your head, or let me screw?"

"Heads here, you can take it straight to take it straight!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Good gall!" Nine refers to the great explosion, there is no impression that it is crushed.

The sword is not passionate, and it is pushed.

It seems that the palm of it is, but it is directly shocked.

Nine refers to the Great eyes, this looks at most of the guys who have only two traces, actually waving their own virtual power?

Here, the nine refers to the big emperor, and the emperor that contains the awkward emperor appears in his hand, and then struggle!

Contains the fullness of the six traces of virtual respect, the swordsman is !

"Specuier small skill!" The sword didn't smir, and immediately gave crushing.

There is no gas to arrive at the sword, and the unstoppable swords are bleak, and they will dissipate.

The sword has no double one pointing out, the momentum is not reduced, through the imperial protection, directly pressing the right shoulders of the nine-point emperor.

Into the intravisible gas, and then torn the whole right arm!

Holding the right arm of the emperor fell into the stars, and was shredded by the wind.

Only one hit, it is easy to destroy the six traces of virtual respect, which makes it originally prepared to sneak the three four-scale virtual respect, and there is no trace from the war circle.

The nine-nin of the arm was broken, and it was incredible to watch the sword.

How can the ant antity destroy the giant?

Being negative, the sword is unparalleled, and the palm of the palm is like the Gods.

At the time of boarding, there was no great appointment to make a huge palm printing toward the nine normally.

The horror between life and death, the nine referred to the gods of the earth, and he didn't even turn around, and he was crushed by the giant palm into meat!

The big emperor of the country, this is in the hands of the sword.

Take a half-step invincible supreme roaming to kill the six marks, which is probably over the two universe of all the respects cognition.

Putting, the three four traces virtual respect, neatly clarify the sword unparalleled in front of the sword.

Adhering to the principle of sending Buddha to the west, after raising the hand, the sword is unparalleled to step into this virtual universe!

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