Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4601? Tianmen is extremely

The endless power is liter, the giant side is angry, "How do you dare?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the pupils are blinking golden.

I used to fight for the whole body, just to escape your palm.

Now I can use it with you with you with you. What do you want?

Huanghuang Shenwei has poured out from the door, dispersing the darkness.

"This seat is just a distinction, it is naturally able to wait for the town!"

I'm going to collapse on the sky, and the giant side directly opens the door to swallow the door, and then rush to the land.

The genk of the power is bleak.

"The trend of the antity Angngtong heavenly treasures?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the nephew begins to escape.

A gentle and powerful bunch of swords in front of the waist.

"Unparalleled brothers, I am very grateful to you can save me back, all the causations will eventually come." Dao Dan smiled, and then the spirit of pureness was unparalleled.

Then, Dazhi was sent to Xiaolian, and the vast green rhyme was straight.

The sword is unbreaking, "Dajing"! "

Countless tragents, eventually only caused enough strength.

At this time, this tragedy is going to be staged again.

The original bleak is suddenly broken, and it is a sharp-scale training to flush the sky, and the sword is unparalleled-centered. The Huanghuang Shen Wei is directly injected directly into the tenure world.

,, just as a hundred rounds of big days.

That is still just a blurred outline of the sky, and it is used by the sword where no double is used.

Caves Huang Wei, who has long, has already taken off the predecessor's warming.

Nearly the thousand sorts of the soldiers are illusion, they are linked to each other, and the pressure of the cover is sealed, and the endless god!

Then, the giant giant giant side of the earth, steeply stopped, and then refined into half.

The god soldiers were incorporated with each other, like the god penalty.

The giant giant face finally stopped in the Taoquan, and the dense crack was started.

The two-wheeled star-like pupil looks to the sword. After the last sentence is finished, it will be steeply broken.

"We will meet again."

Everything is returned to the earth, and the virtual god is broken!

It's a raspievous, and the sword is unparalleled, and the swings are like a fish, sitting on the ground, and a lot of breath.

Qing Yun converges, and there is a sword in a blue shirt.

"The unparalleled brother, Dao Yan is here." Dao Yan is to respect the arch.

The soft gods nourish the sword unparalleled meridians, making him quickly recover.

"Da Yan Dan", "swords are unparalleled straight, solemn," Don't thank me, this is what I should do, even if it is dead, I have to save you. "

Dao Yan no longer speaks, and the eye is nodded.

This battle with the virtual god is completely destroyed, and it is difficult to repair the collapse of cracks in the whole star area.

Since the movement is too large, there is already a trace name to start to rush here.

After the sword is unparalleled, it will leave this place with the Cosmic Boat.

His next destination is to refining Shenzong.

That hopper, a hundred chaotic , is also a moving man in the Shenli universe.

There are more than a month in each star area, and finally stopped in an extremely familiar star field.

That is the gender of the refining.

Re-illusion, sword is unparalleled and the road is derived into the god!

Today's sword is unparalleled, although there is a half-step invincible, but a magical power can be easily designed to kill the enemy, and if you want to hide your breath is the most simple thing.

Although Dao Yan can't transform the power into a virtual force, a rhyme has already gone to the top, and if you want to be discovered by ordinary virtuality, nature is not difficult.

A long wind scratched into the gods, awakened two guards of the door, mutting a few words, and slept again.

One place is in the bright hall of the , is more than 10,000 years.

From the sword, he has always been aware of the revision.

The incense burner fell into the wild smoke, and the long-lasting gushan of tens of thousands of years slowly opened their eyes.

In his heart, a inexplicable induction rose.

I haven't known the temple that has not been opened, it is gently pushed.

A ride dress appeared in his eyes.

And after the ride, a Confucian Green Shirt appeared.

Youth Ranger slowly pulled down the hat, smiled and said, "Move the mountain, you can go home."

Like the top of the sky, all the sounds are in the ears of moving mountains.

At this moment, he only has the shape that does not know how much chaotic discord has not met.

"Little guy, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The clear face has a smile of a smile, and the Dao Damague is dark.

"The Palace Lord - the palace master!"

The moving mountain is old and striking, and then he is heavy, and then he is heavy, and the sorrow is crying.

The past, the old man reappears, and the bottom is from the Supreme, I am afraid it is difficult to resist the hardship.

These two one don't have an ancient old friend, no one will think, the poorest life, you can still see the next side.

Two men's brunette in the first time, for the universe of the universe.

After the suffering is once again met, it has already been a year.

The sword is unparalleled, and the hall is exited, let the two are old.

"The Lord of the Taoizhan, you suffer." Moving the mountain and wiped his tears.

Taozzle wipes tears, "One more hundred million shipments, I didn't expect that we can again meet again, I will not be separated from this time."

"In addition to death, this world, I will never leave the palace master." Moving a tear.

Dao Yan no longer speaks, just grasp the palm of the mountain people.

Both old friends are in the case.

The day is oblique, the temple is slowly pushed away, and the moving people will be single knees, solemn, "Taoist Taoist see the unparalleled palace owner, from now on, let a double palace master, Word!"

The sword is unparalleled to move the mountaire, "Let's leave here, wait back to the Shenli universe and then plan."

Dao Yan and Mount Taoist Staff, with the sword without double, leaving this refining Shenzong.

Almost endless years have spent the universe in this virtual universe, and it is like this to break, even if it is the best in the battlefield outside the domain.

The sword is unparalleled on the column of the cosmapi, and the Taozzi is also awesome and moving the mountains.

At the time, the cosmic boat can leave the universe of the universe. At that time, the sword is unparalleled will take a comprehensive counterattack in this time.

"What is the existence of this group of guys?" The sword was unparalleled.

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