Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4602 ?? Hidden boy son? (On)

The god is sealed so far, it has been more than 10,000 years, and there is no breath with any episodes.

Take this time, there have been Dao Dawn to the Taozzi of the Battle of Holocaust to the town, plus the invincible supreme joining in the Star Sword, and the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin three people should be able to barely hold the quantity of the squad of the universe.

The sword is unparalleled. Nowadays, although they can't kill the zombies, they should be dragged should have no problem.

In this way, the high-end battlefield is flat, and the ordinary battlefield has a great universe, and the hard drag can also drag the ordinary virtuality of the virtual universe.

As long as the power of the universe as possible, even if the god is returned again, it will be an extremely long time.

In the coulus of the sword, only the mysterious blood, is a very large variable.

He personally understood the horror of the organization, if he did not have a good hand, I was afraid that she had already fallen in the hands of the tissue.

'What kind of organization they are, what kind of purpose, what kind of purpose, is their desire to consistent with the things that the universe needed? 'Sword is unparalleled, the more I feel that the headache is extremely.

"There is no palace owner, what is upset, can you say that I have a two." Dao Yan asked.

The sword is unparalleled, and then jumps on the deck, ask, "Dao Yan is old, you can know that this virtual universe has a name-oriented existence?"

Dao Yan to the respective light is condensed, "Is there a battle of the catastrophe?"

The sword is not a double point, "" has been shot, and from the perspective, I am afraid that the strength is not weak in the half ants. "

"Half ancestral level, are they growing like this?" Dao Daw is bitter in the Dao Dynasty, "I will knew the organization."

"In fact, in the first beginning, my organization is the first appearance in our Shenli universe. At that time, I have organized the emperor of them," "

Recalling the memory of a long time, Dao Die slowly said, "Only, that, the scene was finally unhappy, and after they left the Shenli universe, it became the universe of Shenli, and waved nightmare."

"Do you know what you need? What do they need? Is it true that the air of our Shenli's universe?" The sword did not ask.

Dao Dawdo shook his head, and later, "he and his blood organization seems to be a very contradictory existence. In that medacer, the emperor promised to help our Shen Li's universe, but he did not ask for any favorable own conditions. Just only one requirement, it is to kill the universe the universe, do not leave a creature! "

"I didn't agree with him, even if the universe of the universe invaded, but slaughter every soul, I can't do it, he will leave the universe, joining the universe."

"If he talks to his or his blood, why can he help the universe, I am afraid it is because of the gods promised his request."

The sword is unparalleled, and the emperor of the mopoli is like the special existence of the two universe. Their purpose has never been competing for the air.

Instead, the universe to be defeated is completely dead domain, and does not leave anything.

The two universe seem to be a play in his hand, to the dead.

Silent half, the sword is unparalleled, "said the old man, if it is the kind of situation, in order to the universe, I should make a transaction with them."

"You have to ..." Daquan did not follow it, and the eyebrows showed a heart.

"There is no palace owner, is it, the poorest universe, all the souls are just a piece of chess?"

The sword has shaken his head, halfway, "Total one day, I will find the master and ask a question."

Among the ambitions of the ambition, only the universe boat is traveling.

After half a year, because it is a bustling star field, it is no longer possible to shuttle with the universe boat.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three people who move the mountains are dressed, try to save unnecessary trouble.

But this is true, the road is also extremely dangerous, and the light is killing the virtual respect in the sword. It is no longer twenty.

"There are still more than March, we can leave here, reach the universe." After completing the country, the sword has said unparalleled.

Although Dao Yanzun and Mount Mountairee although the face is light, but inhibiting excitement, it is still exposed their hearts.

I have been away from home. For a long time, I have to even have a dust, not to mention them.

In order to avoid too many unnecessary troubles, the three rides try to go back from the silence of the star field.

Perhaps the twenty-third crack door opening, causing alert universe of the universe, and it is rare to see the virtual respect, but also appears in each star field.

At the countdown to leave the universe of the universe, on the sky of a bustling star field, the sword is unhappy, and it is very familiar with the feeling of weak but extremely familiar.

That kind of breath is only the power of the Shenli universe.

Dao Yanzhi and the moving people also observed the power of the power, and then the sword was unparalleled.

In view of the fact that the two universe is still in the hot battle, the sword has no double thinking, and the two will make two people hide in the country, and they only have one to find out.

After a little careless, the sword is standing on the starry sky.

I saw that in the endless star air, the cosmic boat of the four or five virtual universe was broken, and the slight power came from the first ship.

The heart is moving, and the sword has no double shape, and there is a deck of the first cosmic boat between the first space.

"Who!" Low drink, a four trace virtue came out from the bottom, and the sword was unparalleled.

"The road is far away, I want to ask the adults to give a bowl of water." The sword said, while in front of the foot, I was caught.

At the time of the board, the four traces of virtue were bound by the giant force, and the mouth could not speak.

"Tell me, is you caught? Is it a person who is universe?" The sword was unparalleled.

The horror between life and death makes this four traces of virtual respect, such as backgoes, no hierarchy.

"Yes, it is caught by one, but that is a child woman who doesn't have much power, my big person looks at her life's lips and red, ready to pick it up ..."

The voice did not fall, and the sword was unparalleled directly into the meat, and the soul was found.

Rotary, he refunded steps, watching the wooling of the deck.

A shares is more invincible to give a pure tolerant power.

"What is the little girl, dare to come here?"

The tightness of the hegemony will tear the entire deck and pilot the purple blue god.

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