Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4608 ?? Snake God!

The sky is straightforward, the countless red gold is embossed in the whisper, and the swordscent of Shen Li is like the river of the rushing, and the rushing of the embassy is shocked into pieces.

The world is crying, the strange sound is straight, everything is like the magic barrier!

Waving the black smoke in front of you, swords are unparalleled and cold, "sculptor small skills."

The snake gods smile in the distance, "The sword is unparalleled, you will never let you live in this world, let go of my virtual phase."

The voice falls, a huge snake of the same looks with the sky, the Snake, the snake, who is almost split, is like a nine-round big day.

The sword is unlucky to show weakness, in order to flush the punch, the

Showing Tache, even if it is a calm sea, there is a wave of waves.

Next, the nine big days, the snake is easy to tear the sky, carrying endless trend, hitting the sword unparalleled!

The sky opened, one party, the sky, the same, the same depth!

Different from previous, this finger, one party, the sky, the giant finger!

The first snake first crashed into the sky, enough to kill the remaining wave of any star field country, completely burst.

Like the water mirror is thoroughly turning, it is also to swallow the sky with the high huge waves.

The sword has no double body and retreat, and the eating is full of blood.

I finger a snake, a snake, and two incompatible vast power are completely crushing together.

The sky is broken in an instant, and the stars will be lost. The stars of the stars are more than a million miles!

Extreme sea, shore.

Sitting in the universe, the Supreme and Mount Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist opened his eyes, hurriedly taught to come to the boat, see the depths of the sea.

I saw that the sky there was already broken, the star was broken, the starry sky was eradicated, and the violent winds in the void were fill this high sea area, and they were destroyed.

"There is no palace owner, I am afraid that it is dangerous." Dao Yan was frightened and wrinkled, and his eyes were looking forward.

"What should I do, do we want to help the unparallert owner." Taoist said.

"Let's wait for the first one, let's take the restriction in this virtual universe, just add trouble." Dazhi shook his head.

And the zombies trapped in the Shenli Cage, still curled up in the cage, the blood spots, which is a trace of recovery.

He also perceived the destruction of the destruction of the sea from the depths of the sea, and the shackles were unhappy.

"It's strange, why I hope he can pass, damn it!"

The Tianmen, which is broken on the sky, has been dim, and after the first after connecting to the sixth snake, the sword is unparalleled and the point of the tasting is also.

And the black fog that the black snake surprising has also been dissipated.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should die!"

Only the huge snake God of the San Snake is sent out to the sky, "I will kill you in this later, all the souls of the universe will be swallowed into the abdomen, there is no longer, ..."

The anger is instantly ignited, the sword is unparalleled, and the one-to-door, which will be defeated by the virtue!

There are countless gods, and thousands of Shenbao Bao should carry the Shenwei directly to the snake god imaginary shadow!

Just a moment, like thousands of big days together, in the extremely obstacles, the snake God is also small as the sea.

It is like the water droplets under red, and the huge virtual phase is completely never disappeared.

The Tianmen suspended in the broken dynasty is simultaneously, and the spotted star is returned to the sword unparalleled body.

He coughing, and then rubbing the blood of the mouth and the blood of the mouth.

Huanghuang Shenwei scattered, the position of the zombie is only a faint black gray, with the wind.

"Finally, is it dead ..."

The snake god is dissipated, but the sword is unparalleled.

Next moment, those who are about to be scattered, but they are steep!

A sword is unwilling to see, even the handless figure, coming! !

"The God!" The sword was in a double shape, and the mouth was bitter.

The shape of the condense is is the universe of the universe, and it is enough to kill any invincible gods in the sky.

That is the dream of the sword is still unwilling to face. His return will represent the countdown of the Shenli universe into completely destroyed.


The horror figure hidden in the black fog, it is a strong sense of immersing, and the two pairs of red do not take any feelings.

"I said, we will meet again."

The sword is unparalling, facing this ancestral existence, he knows that everything is already in vain.

Like a black iron burning black, the virtual god waves, and it is discharged in the sky.

I saw that in the majestic painting, countless star gods were destroyed by the madness, and the creative creatures were easily calm in the battle of this cataugue.

By the vendors, they are in the invincible supreme, they are died in blood.

The sword is unparalleled. His future generations have been defeated by one, six traces, and the frost fairy fumd into the mountains, and the giant ax was cut by his own ward.

The cold nine robbery is finally done in the domain battlefield.

Everything is a blood shop!

"No, don't!" The sword is unparalleled, "How can you, how can I first step!"

As with ghost-like gods, the body is like a foggy, and the low voice sounds from his mouth.

"Submit to me, I am guaranteed, your beloved relatives and friends will continue to live, continue to enjoy the glory of the past."

The long hair of the broken belt is in the air, it has been bleak the patterns, and the Huanghuang Shenwei will reach the sky!

The sword is unparalleled is completely crazy. He is red and his eyes are slowly formed.

"You are all waiting for me!" The last sound rose from the sword unparalleled mouth.

He horing the intangible swords of the gods, in order to train!

Star River Sea Sword, First Form, Star.

The sea is completely turbulent, and the huge waves from the sky are completely and broken.

A little star is like born in ancient times.

With the invisible sword, Shen Li condensate handle, the long wind plus sword blade, the patterns, itself into a sword.

That is the most ordinary, the most magnificent sword, with his ultimate sword, completely released!

Heaven and earth clear, Shen Weihe.

"Waiting for me, I am very fast, I will come with you ..."

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