Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4609 ?? Old Supreme (on)

Directly, never had a bit of breath, and the vain treasure is a huge sword, and it is easy to break the stars for ban!

With the virtance of the god, the sea was separated from the sword to the middle of the abyss, and the water shielded everything.

Huanghuang's patterns rushed to form countless mangchi bursts.

Any breath is in this sword, all in the fast nest.

The virtual god still stands there, just like a picture, it is gradually disappearing, only a pair of red, in the moment of being disappeared, it is completely dissipated.

At this moment, the Heaven and Earth Shaccoucked the sea, all chaos.

It is completely evacuated with the sword that is unparalleled, and the body is cracking, and a pair of eyes scattered.

Then, his body fell straight down the sea abyss.

In the abyss of the Tianzhu Swords, the Xinghe Lake Hai Jing, countless water flow suddenly rising as a thrilling, and a huge black virtual image.

The shape of the sword is unparalleled, and eventually falls in the palm of the huge black virtual image.

A drop of crystal water drops slipped from the virtual eye, and finally dried on the forehead of the sword.


The coastal side, all of the mountains and rivers, the cracks of the gully, shocked the mountains.

It is going to make a riser and unparalleled unparalleled swords with the road of the universe.

Due to the rushing of the sea, the violent huge waves are directly poured on the shore, almost overwhelmed a lot of prisoners.

Originally dying Zombie, after I felt the black water that was surging, I got on time, "Heaven and help me!"

Pure black scales are eager to grow, and the eight brains that are pulled off will be growing at a very fast speed.

Just at this moment, the turbulence!

Originally broken Tianzhou, suddenly ranked a layer of ripples.

The three shaped shapes came out from it.

If the sword is nothing more, it will certainly recognize these three shapes.

The first thing, is hidden in the black mist, only revealing a red-red blood.

Two, two, and the neighborhood of the previous Zong Zongzong Zi Zun.

Dao Yan, who has not stopped, the mountainee man in front of seeing this scene, stopped, and suffering in his eyes.

And the snake god of black water is being crazy. I saw the three people when I was scared.

He first looked at Dao Zun, and later got a snake god who was bound by Shen Li.

"He is there, you will absorb him, and the half ancestral level can be completely stable." The indifferent voice came out of a bite.

Early Wildness Respect respectfully, and then stepped out, an unprecedented horror that surpassed six traces.

Feeling the kind of mysterious special realm, rushing to zone.

Everything is a big man, I am also when I returned my big people ...


"Where is this, is this the world after death?"

With the broken sky, countless rushing winds, broken into powder-shaped stars, and also appear to be mysterious.

Just when the sword is unparalleled, a low and low calm sound.

"Feeding the child, you have woke up, I still plan to continue to die?"

I played a spirit, and the sword didn't jump.

He entered, I saw it on the dark water of the infinity, I wore a shadow of the corrugated black water robe, and the surface of the water was turned out, and finally launched in front of the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, the next step is taken, but hits a wet object.

Then, ten, 100, a thousand moves, still dripping the body shape, reaching out together, pushing the sword unparalleled to the black shadow.

" ..."

The sword has no double weight drying, and the meridian does not know when there is an abundant power, and it is not used in half.

"Don't intend to use your previous moves, although it is gorgeous, but for me, I can't resist my sneeze."

The silent sound came out from the shadow of the black robe, and the taste of the disdain was overflowed in the words.

The sword has no double, and the horse will not be gone.

Is it not as good as a sneeze? Your cowhide is too big.

However, then, the shadow under the black water robes slowly raised his head, only a light, so that the sword was unparalleled to close his mouth.

That means that there is a difficult look, it contains everything, the universe is silent, the floods of the wild, and the world is alone.

It's just an eye, the sword is not double.

The kind of silence that did not appear in the initial life of all life, so he felt an unfortunate.

Only one look, the negative emotions are crazy.

Required, the black water robe shadow once again opened again, and there was a few interest in the tone. "Next, tell me the most direct ideas in your heart. If your universe is about to be completely destroyed, how do you do? "

The sword is unparalleled, and even the existence of this existence has exceeded his cognition.

Trying to calm the heart, sword is unparalleled, "as long as I still save, my universe will not blast in my body!"

"Oh, huh ... If you find that it is finally in your own strength, but everything is so weak?" Black Hugar Shadow is a bit of irony.

"Then I will blame with the whole universe." The sword is unparalleled. "

The black water robe shadow, did not speak again, it seems to have been a long time, his slightly lazy voice sounded again.

"If you give you three choices, one is derived with their own strength and the universe, two-way hostile universe, can protect their own love friends and relatives, three to help the help, lend their universe counterattack, until killing the enemy universe Don't leave anything, which one would you choose? "

Three options, echoing in the sword unparalleled mind, no slight hesitation, he slowly opened, "I chose three."

"Interestingly, interesting." The black water robe turned into layers, he seems very excited, "But you can know, once you choose this road, you will love your friends and relatives, and even the whole cosmo, you will not understand you to cast asreath. What about you? "

Deep sucking a sigh of breath, the sword is unparalleled to the extreme, "even if I have a lord, I am suffering from the world, I don't regret it!"

The black water robes are completely surging, and the endless water waves are retreating, and there is a width black robes appear in the eyes of the sword.

A federated palm protrudes from the black robe, slowly pulling down the hood, revealing a young and coincided with the old face.

Without the eyes, the eyes are like the most pure source, he looked at the sword and then squeezed a smile like a laughter.

"I have no name, but I have called my old."

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