Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4619 ??? ancestral air transport

After a slight shock, I went back to my heart, and the sword was unparalleled.

The huge dragon's head slowly nodded, and the spotted Golden Head started from the dragon body.

The middle-aged woman saw it, hurriedly, "the old ancestors can't."

The whole dragon body on the huge column began to illusion, and the moment was condensed out of the old people.

Two huge dragon angles seem to have confirmed his almost endless life.

"Old ancestors, you should continue to nourish, how can you do it again." Middle-aged woman worried.

The old man named Linhe Dulong is huh, "" Yes, the old man's old disease is not one or two, and there is no more. "

The middle-aged woman was helpless, did not say anything, followed by the old man.

"Little Friends, you have seen the outside of the non-dragon family since then," Linhe Dulong Emperor, belonging to the Dragon and the later arrogant, it is a matter of man, it seems to be a The ordinary older, the invisible is pulled into the distance of the two.

The sword is unbelievable, and later, "Is it the first time to fight?"

"It can be more than the long time." Like the remembrance, Linhe Dulong shook his head smiled, "The war is the war of our Longfeng Qilin Sanban, my old disease is also left in the war. "

"Little friends, you know before me, the universe air transport does not only have a ancestry?"

The sword is unparalleled, slightly confused, "Don't you only have a birth?"

Linhe Long Emperor smiled and shook his head. "At that time, I was still at the youth. My father was a ancestral, just in front of the three national war, suddenly did not know, give me a ancestral Qi Yun. "

Brief, Linhe Dulong Emperor's palm is exhibited, a single dragon unique but more mysterious breath.

As the mysterious, there is a sword dance double, and the power of the body has a trembled pressure.

That is the real gas transportation that belongs to the ancestral.

Linhe Long Emperor looked at the ancestral air transport in his hand, "I wanted to leave the fat ship left by my father, but the Three people came, my body also left in the war. Dark illness, the world can no longer break through the ancestral. "

"Now," Linhe Dulong Emperor looked at the sword and unparalleled, waved the ancestral gas transport to his hand, "he should have a master."

The sword is unparalleled, almost in the same way with middle-aged women, "10,000 can't."

"The old ancestors, that is, our dragon's foundation!" Middle-aged woman was eager, "You gave an outsider, what should we do!"

"Live mouth," Linhe Dragon Emperor is not happy, "Don't say more."

Middle-aged women don't dare to talk again, just use force, and look at the sword unparalleled eyes almost swallowed him.

The sword has no double-sided and laughs, and then firmly said, "Seniors, this is too expensive, no matter what I will not accept, if you reinitely send it, I can only refute your face."

Linhe Dulong Emperor has no statement, but said, "Little Friends, can I say something to you alone?"

The sword is not a double point, and then the old is waiting at the original.

The middle-aged woman hated the sword unparalleled, and then launched out of the temple.

Subsequently, Linhe Longdon took the sword without double.

"I don't understand." After a while, the sword was unparalleled and asked.

Linhe Darlew heard that, "Know"

The sword is unparalleled.

Linhe Dragon Emperor said, "It is because our family of three people will find a grand air transport in the time, in order to compete for the air, the war is inevitable."

"The most powerful dragon family in the Three are, this should easily get the gas transport, but my father suddenly disappears, let the dragon have fallen into the passive situation."

"Even so, temporarily become a long, commanding the entire dragon, and pushing the war to the highest wave."

"At that time, I have already entered the kind of realm. I have a self-cultivation of Feng Zi, and the Qilin Qilin Wangzhong, and the dead illness is then left at that time. This war is in a hurry. "

"I am still alive, just the serious illness at the time, until now, I still affect me, I have been there."

Linhe Longdi said that he had a meal here, and then the road, "But my dragon is hurting, even if it is not fully recovered when it is today, the children and grandchildren are more mediocrity, and there has not been one person in that step. "

"And Feng people and Qilin have already recovered, and that a ancestral air transport can almost assertion in the hands of Qilin."

"I am alive and I am jealous. Once you have, I am afraid that the dragon will be overwhelmed."

Linhe Dragon Emperor is a bitterness, "So surrender the universe, it is my instruction, I just want the dragon to have a might of live, but from now, I should be wrong, big fault "

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled, and it is fully understood that he does it, is sinking half of it, or is firmly pushed into the hands of the ancestral gas in the hand.

"I can't guarantee anything, but one thing, as long as I am still alive, the dragon can only die on the battlefield."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is like a vow.

Linhe Darlew heard the words, the dragon is instantly red, the bending knees want to give gifts, and the sword is unparalleled to stop.

"The old man took a small friend's feelings, this air transport today, if the little friend will postpone, I have no more than half of the face." Linhe Dulong Emperor gave his ancestral atmosphere.

The sword is unparalleled, he really doesn't want to accept it. After all, he has been very far away, so resolutely accepts, let me not say that it is big for yourself, but it is the same as the dragon.

In this way, it will take over the dragons and the rest of the family.

But looking at the face of the Linhe Dulong Emperor, the sword is unparalleled can only be temporarily acceptable. "This is just a temporary, if he still has no arrival of the day, I will still be returned."

Linhe Dulong Emperor clearly understood the meaning of swords, and flashing in the eyes.

"I have said ago, as long as I live, the dragon can only die on the battlefield. Now that the universe of the two parties has been completely unsatisfactory, and the common resistance is the thing that is the best thing." The sword said, "I came again." The purpose is because of this. "

Linhe Darlew heard the words, solemn, "until this moment, the dragon" of the children, let the little friend dispatched, with the universe of the universe to the last moment! "

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