Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4620 ??? Feng Yi

The sword is unparalleled, "Don't listen to my dispatch, we have the same enemies, Dragon and Life, the godberg, can be resistant to allies."

"The soldiers have nothing to do." Linhe Dulong shook his head, then handed it to him, "This is my true order, you and harder, there is this order All dragons. "

The sword is unparalleled, and after the truth is included in the Qiankun Ring, he said, "Now the dragon is re-returned, I am also returning to the domain battlefield deployment."

Linhe Dulong nodded, and later, "Xiaoyou, as far as I know, Feng Enshi has completely surrendered to the universe of the virtual universe, and you must be a two."

The sword is unparalleled, and the brow is wrinkled. "Feng people, actually surrendered, the unreason?"

"The Qilin, from the beginning of the battle of the Holocaust, it is hard to resist, I have sent Dragon children to support them," said Linhe Darle.

A deep breath, he son the road, "Now, I have to go to the Feng nationality."

Linhe Dulong Dynasty wants to say, and finally and the sword have said something.

From the dragon family, the sword is unparalleled in the high altitude, and finally leaving the old star field.

I learned that an ancient secret, as well as the return of the dragon, and the sword is unhealthy.

With the Dragon family, the high-end battlefield can pull back a lot in an instant.

The universe is not the universe of the god of life, but all the universe of all the people of the people, if there is no rest forces, it is difficult to pay hard.

From Wan Ye's star field, the sword is unparalleled to go to the star field where the Feng family is located.

Since the fall of the Shenli universe, the forces of the universe have almost seepage, and the down to the star is beginning to win, and countless star fields are destroyed, and they are not lacking in the dead, and returned.

It symbolizes the strength of the power of the universe, just three ancient people, there are two surrenders, how can this be unbeatable?


One of the most ancient super-star fields of the Shenli universe belongs to the jurisdiction of Fengcheng, and he has rumored that there are thousands of sunfield in the gear field.

It is more than half a year in one year, and the sword is unparalleled to the Red Joy.

The size of the big star field on this road is more or less the forces of the universe of the universe, and only the phoenix and dragons are similar, there is no stationary respected station.

As the main entrance of the Red Due, ten elements are suspended on the star field, exudation of burning flames.

The sword is unparalleled, not feeling discomfort, draws out the god sword, and the previous destruction of the Dragon Wan Metallic star field, a sword destroyed the Red Million River!

The fruit of the Feng family who came to the Nirvana was in the sword.

The only thing that makes the sword is unparalleled, and every disciple of the Feng family will trigger the fire, and trigger the strong fire, thus re-resurrection.

After completely solving a few Fepture disciples, the sword is unparalleled to enter the Red Jossar.

"Whoever dares to blame the red jam!"

Above the red sky above the nearly 100 rounds of the sun, a fire phoenix is ​​coming to the sky.

The sword is unparalleled and slightly smashed.

However, imaginary rushing scenes did not appear, the huge fire phoenix carried the momentum of the Trien, and after the sword did not double the top of the plate, it fell into his face in front of Junyi youth.

"You are the people of life." Junyi Youth looked at the sword unparalleled.

Sword is unparalleled, but still nod.

Junyi Youth Wen said that there is no more to say that it is directly biased. "Let's go with me, our old ancestors have been waiting for your life."

After the words, Junyi Youth is researched into fire phoenix. The top of the top of the soul is rushing, and it is turned to a displacement of fire.

Although the Harmony of Life is still a top forces in the Shenli universe, it has always been in contact with Longfeng Qilin Third.

At this moment, this has surrendered the Feng people of the universe, not, but did not care as the sword of the life of the godberghan, but it is like the arrival of the god of life, which makes the sword unparalleled. .

There is no more speculation, swords are unparalleled and old respects the traces left in the fire phoenix, and go to the depths.

The more you go forward, the big days above the sky are getting more and more, until the last depth, almost all the day is occupied by the big day, roughly see more than one.

Rao is a sighfulness of the sword and feels some dry.

When arriving in the deepest place of the Red Dragonfield, a smashing giand has appeared in a smashing, and nearly a thousand Fengzi subgrade grace team on both sides of the Giants, like waiting for something.

The feet are landing, feeling almost the blazing temperature of ordinary supunization, the sword is naturally looked naturally, and the circle is a hundred feet in front of the sky.

" -"

A long-awaited enthusiastic in the clouds, the hundreds of feathers rushed to the sky, and the total ten magnificent tail feathers left a stream of flow in the air and shocking.

It's just a wing, a hundred feet fire, and the sword is unparalleled, and the fire flowing on the feathers almost spurt him.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it is just calm.

" -"

The magnificent fire feathers flowing with the fire are retreat, and a beautiful and elegant cheek has emerged in the eyes of the sword.

"I said, why don't you hide, you will not be afraid that this seat will burn ash?"

Although it is a phonetic, it is thin.

The beautiful cheeks, the most fascinating, Hedu is a very hot body hidden in the upper half of the fire.

"Wear clothes, the province has a cold." The sword has no fun to remind.

The Yingying's cheeks, spinning the fire, "Good guys, I thought it was a nerd, I didn't expect actually, I dared to play this seat!"

The sword is unparalleled with her nonsense, directly, "I found your old ancestors, I have something to ask."

"Why, don't you think that this is so skinless? This is not a Feng people?" Junmei woman smiled.

The sword is unparalleled. He didn't think of it, and the Feng people of one of the top ancient people of the Shenli universe, his old ancestors were such a young handsome woman.

"It's a stupid home that is beautifully confused. Is it so superficial?" Junmei woman sighed.

"Are you really a Feng people?"


The sword is unparalleled, "that is, it is you!"

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