Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4622 ?? Town

"You have to follow us?"

In the vast star field, the universe is the head, the sword is unparalleled to look at the Feng people standing around.

"That is nature, gambling is in the body, I certainly have to supervise you in the past." She lealed, and the red fire was floated from time to time. "

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head, no longer talk.

Long Feng Qilin Sanban became the trend of Ding Li, each family occupied the most old and perfect star field, the same distance is more and more, even with the speed of the universe, the fastest need for half a year to reach the Qilin Star Field .

And on the way to the Qilin family, the degree of the country's fall in each star field is far exceeded the situation of the previous star field, and nearly ten do not save one.

The traces of virtue began to be a large quantity, and the star ruler is a lot of countless, and the number of unclear magic resources are robbed.

The sword is unparalleled. When you don't delay your trip, you start a large quantity of

Like the most cold god penalty, the waving is a town killing, even if it is three traces, the four traces are not resistant to the power.

And the more I love the Feng people, the more I look, the more I am shocked, this guy is what is the head, it is a half-step invincible, but it seems to be in the top of the order.

This guy should not be passed by the Zhen Zhen, and the ancestors of Fengzi is thinking, otherwise how can it beat themselves.

The Feng Nien's Feng people after the fire, the strength has already been steadily in the top of the ancestor, and she is in their own field. She is confident to meet the enemy of the two ancestors, and keep back.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but it is only the peak of the ancestor-level peak, she began to have a very suspicious and confident look at the sword.

I thought about it all the way, Feng Elderly ancestors finally summed up their own point of view: When and where, he could not provoke the palace owner.


One of the most vast star farces of the unicorn is also a largest star field. In this Luodu star area, the six slightly small star fields are archive, guarding the Luo.

According to legend, this town of Luo seals a mixed chaotic spring eye, the unicorn, the life of the sky, is stationed here from chaos, until today.

The star field fragmented, countless monks, the dead, the corpse floats in the broken void, flowing blood fills the crack.

Front, shouting and shocking.

It is difficult to count the waters as the tide, and the locust transit is generally crazy to attack the unrelated star field.

There, it is the rock of the Qilin.

A five trace virtue raised his hand, and the hevacity of ingredients directly crushed the middle so of several unicorn into a powder.

There is also a six trace virtuality, the arms have a shock, directly hit the huge shock in front of it, dozens of traces, the trend, the trend, near and complete the breakthrough.

There is a military array of thousands of unicorn masters, and they are the unique colorful radiopes of Qilin.

But the blanhers are like a side of the sky, and all the powers are all in it.

The main entrance of the Lotou star field, the top of the city wall, a golden army, and the old man who is full of power, and the eyes look at the battlefield of the shock.

On the side of this old, five young people who are equally gold armor stand.

In this way, there is no other war, and the Qilin people have died in such a defense war.

And the name of the dead universe, but it is like a locust, how to kill it, it is exhausted, and the hard work is exhausted.

The golden elderly have the buddies that God has dull, and I don't know whether it is always the endless resistance, or surrendered.

The declaration of the Shenli universe fell, the top power or the eagle dog, or destroyed.

The unicorn has already come to the end of choice.

"If you are resistant to the unicorn, you can listen, as long as you are all attributed to the universe of the universe, we can stop attacking, and you will be able to judge the original star area, unnecessary resistance will only accelerate its own destruction."

In the disguised mission of the trees in the sky, repeating it over and over again, I don't know why, today, the old man is truck.

For a long time, the old man slowly closed his eyes, "I do you mean."

It stands behind the five golden youth behind him, and the eyes, and then firmly, "war until the last moment!"

"But I want you to live." The golden old old man is sad, "" This is resistant to, "the Qilin is inevitable."

Several people once again looked at each other, and the eyes were ejected.

One of the slightly tender gold armor people, "do not have a father, maybe we can really stick to the day of the big brother."

The golden elderly heard the words, slowly shook his head, and the eyes of the eyes were hoped to have been pressed down.

Too long, I have almost forgot to have a son for a long time.

The shocked Tianjiao in the Qilin family was born, but after they were in the door, they did not come out again.

No one knows, he is dead, still alive.

The golden old man can't, and I don't dare to hop the hopes that the virtual is ignorant.

Maybe, it's really going.

Just when he was prepared to shout, a clear self-crushing day suddenly resinged.

The fire is yet, and a hidden feathers rise, the double wings are like a cloud, countless fires fall from her fire feathers!

Like the nine bath fire, even if it is a trace of virtuality, I touched the fire, but I am in an instant, the intestines are all rotten!

At this point, everything is bursting in the fire.

At the same time, the one-fifth of the sky is snowing the sky and the fire.

Shenwei Ying, the star field is completely broken.

Whether it is a star ruler, or the trace of virtual respect is the desire to look at it, it is like a penalty!


Tiandi color color, void hollow, the universe of the universe is extremely huge, under this giant finger, directly erased half!

The dark clouds after the sun have disappeared.

The killing is no longer, in the meaning of the virtansee, the virtan of surviving, is frightened, starting a large-scale collapse.

" -"

All the unicorn children, neatly sorely swallowed the throat, and it is still shocked in the mid-door door that just now.

Delicate the gods, the sword of the black robe is unparalleled, and it is in the empty.

"Hey!" Heaven the fire and phoenix sword has no doubles, and the British phoenix is ​​full of fire.

"The little guys of the Qilin family still have anything, is it the most important revenge?"

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