Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4623 ?? Indifference Qilin

A word awakened, all the kilins on the battlefield came back from the shock, and looked at the disrequisishes that did not defend the army. He has been completely released in the bottom of the heart!

There is still a Qilin family of seven or eight thousand, instantly nailing the unicorn, facing the fierce counterattack in the face of the false sport.

The golden old old man on the wall of Luodu, after seeing this scene, the bleak eyes suddenly lit, but the spin was strong, and it was a complex look.

"Father, is a Feng family to support it!" It is still the extensive briefing of the bromine, "We have saved!"

"Six brothers, don't be happy too early, their Feng people are better than the unstead of the universe of the virtual universe, I am afraid that I am not good!" The most calm and strong young people.

"No, the guy wearing a black robe is definitely not a man."

"What? It's not a Feng people, just now I saw him, I killed half a quarter army! When is our God's universe exist?"

"It's enough," the voice of the Wei Yi sounded from the mouth of the golden army, and after his eyes looked at the sword of the sky, "Let me go to the enemy before!"


The huge matters composition of several paint black, directly exploit the unicorn of nearly 50 supersties.

At the end of this collections, there were two shackles of the big black robes, and they were extremely hidden, almost every time they shot, they were able to instantly kill dozens of supreme sense.

Just these two people, it was hard to born, and nearly 10,000 unicorn hermens revenge.

" -"

A clear, Feng Er. Zhang's mouth is moving toward the two body shaping a blazing.

It is enough to destroy the land of the earth, that is, even the sword is unparalleled.

But the scene took place, but he was all surprised.

The blazing flasks tears the sky, and the two body shapes are turned into.

However, the two men have a strong twist, and the blazing of the blazing, the blazing of the blazing is not exposed into the void combo.

The sword is unparalleled, and these two people must be a half ancestral terror, and immediately pull out the Mo Luo Shenjun, and force the sky.

However, as the result, as before, the swordscent of the invincible, enough and half ancestors were all comparable to the two people, but when they were twisted, they disappeared.

"What's going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

The direction of Luou, a kilin Bao, a kilin Bao, who is in the top, colorful Huangmang is like the World Day.

The two hidden in the shackles of the black robe saw that the residual army had already quit the battlefield, even if the hair is flying away, it will go far away.

"Want to go?" The sword is unparalleled directly to the sword, and the winter cold field instantly covered.

However, it is not used, but it is just to stop the two people, and then completely disappear.

On the occasion of disappearance, one of the black robes looked back in the sword and did not leave.

The huge Qilin Bao is coming, dispersing the darkness of the entire battlefield, Hua Mang is like a sunshine, shining on the body, there is a warmer who can't say it.

The huge Qilin Bao returned, and the old man dressed in Jinzi was condensed, and the five high-strong shape behind him were like a copper wall.

"See the ancestor." Nearly 10,000 unicorn sons of knees, the sound rushed through the world.

The golden elderly nodded, and the sound sounded, "all the duties."

"No." The eight thousand sons of the sons did not stop, and only the swords were unparalleled on this broken battlefield.

"Just now, the old man and all the Qilin people thank you." The golden old man gave his hand, the sound was not humble, and there was no honest gratitude.

The sword is unparalleled, helping the Qilin family, and it is the responsibility you should do. It is preparing to turn the doctor and retreat. The Feng people beside the feathers are cold.

"I said that old things, let's help you pay the enemy, is it worth a little, thank you?"

"Let's go, how do you dare to talk to my father!" The strong young people behind the golden armor were angry, and the Qilin Bao said yes.

Originally, the Feng family ancestors were completely ignited, directly in the face of the golden elderly, and smashed on the face of the strong youth.

The crisp slamming, the strong young people are directly flying away, and the rest four people release the life treasure, so they must rush to the Fengsi old ancestors.

"It's enough!" A burst sounded, and the golden elderly slammed a few people, "I shut it down!"

Feng people the ancestors coldly, "Don't say that I dare to talk to you, even your grandfather is coming, I also called him a old husband!"

"Feng Wei, you also live your mouth, today you come to reinforce my unicorn, thank you, but I am hurt in my family, I can't accept a few more." The golden old man gaves the hand, and the meaning is very obvious.

The phoenix old ancestors named Feng Yi also, "I don't care about you, now the Shenli universe fell, I hope that your Qilin people will also go to our Fengqian, and jointly travel to the domain battlefield to the outside world. It is not a matter of aviation. "

"Hey, I remember that the Feng people didn't fall early? How come the enemy now?" The golden old old man is calm, but the words are exhausted.

Feng Xi's moon, "Qi Mountain is old, you have a daring me! I am in order to save the strength of Feng family, I will make the trial!"

The golden elderly that were aroused in Qi Mountain no longer said, and a deputy passengers were placed.

The phoenix is ​​biting his teeth, but there is no way.

The sword of the side is unparalleled, and the priority, "the elder, the late generation is the life of the goddess palace", if the outside the battlefield is tight, he will also hope that the Qilin can add one or two. "

Looking at this act of this act, there are not many young people, although there is no good sense, but it is very comfortable.

After weighing the two, he arched his hand. "If the domain battlefield is tense, the Qilin is amended."

After that, the Qi Mountain reached out, and the communication of a palm of the hand was handed over to the sword unparalleled. "When you arrive, there is no palace owner to contact our family."

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled, and the old and the old is directly turned away, and there is no slim slim water.

Feng Xi walkedly glanced at the Qi Mountain, quickly keeping up with the sword.

"Father, why didn't you let us and the demon girl!" Strong youth covered red left face, hate.

Qi Mountain looked at the back of the star field, "When you have the strength, I will not block you, now you are tied together, not enough for others."

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