Linhe Dragon Emperor and Fengzu Feng have been embarrassed, and the Qilin Luou star field is sealing a chaotic spring eye, and it is aware of the dragon and phoenix family.

It is precisely because of knowing, I know the importance of chaotic spring eyes.

Severally, they have been on the entire universe, and I have already begun to understand the rules of the power. I naturally know that the universe is not a full incompetence of countless star domain.

From the moment of the universe formed, the finally condensed place is the extreme point of the entire universe, that is, the thinnest place, is called the chaotic spring eye.

No one knows what there is anything in the mix of the mix, even if it is the Qilin family of the town, never moved over the idea of ​​exploration.

At this time, Linhe Dullet, a pair of clouds began to slow down.

His eyes looked at the unison, finally, "Dare to ask, the mixed chaotic spring eye first cracks, is it?"

In the brain, like fried and fried, the Linhe Dulling is slightly shameful, and the railing is not in the hand.

Linhe Dullets seem to begin to understand that his father, the Zulong that has disappeared how much chaotic era, it should be to go to the chaotic spring of Qilin people, it has disappeared.

In the universe boat, you will be dead, no one will speak, everyone's face is thoughtful.

At full speed acceleration, the universe booth arrived in the Qilin Star Formo.

Not close, the sword is unparalleled, and a strange intangible energy is hovering above the sky.

The power in the meridian in the body began uneasiness, and the sword was unparalleled.

Then, a few people played a look, and their respective mobility gods flooded to Luo.

Only the old respected, has been quietly open, and the eyes are stunned to stand in the distance.

"See the ancestors." The city will meet the official, and hurry to fly.

"Speed ​​speed, please see the old ancestors." He heard the sound.

The unrocked officials looked at the swords and unparalleled people, and then there was a slightly flustered low-sounding road, "the ancestors, the situation is somewhat uns, the cracks of the spring are getting bigger and bigger ..."

"That is still a fee, hurry!" He heard the road, and the figure immediately slammed into the depths of Luozu star field.

The sword is unparalleled. If there is no weird atmosphere on the sky, then it will swear to the depths.

The Lotu star field, the extremely dark center zone, at this moment, almost like a stars like the stars, and the forward source will spite the quirky energy.

At the same time, a fine crack is slow to radiate.

Nearly more than 8,000 kilin sons are surrounded by the abyss pits, and the size of the unlucky, the size of the unlucky is scattered, and it seems to be in the treasure of the whole power.

A golden unshana old ancestors are closest to the pits, and the huge unicorn treasures are screaming, and it seems to play with some kind of force.

Stepping in this area, He heard the consciousness of this situation.

And the consciousness of the unsuccessful, and the Qilin Baoxiang is bleak.


The huge amount of weird energy is straight from the abyss pits, and directly breaks through the suppression, completely gathered on the sky.

The refund of all the unrockets of unicorn has been injured in internal injuries.

Next moment, the abyss pit quickly collapsed, and the Sen Sen Slender Senior Skull in Star came out!

That kind of visiting, stirring the star field, instantly swept the entire Luo.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and immediately urges pounds.

Feng Dynasty directly became the life of the sky, such as the enemy looked at the head in the abyss.

Only Linhe Dalong Emperor, one foot is behind, and some fall fall.

The sumousone skull that explored from the abyss, it is a dragon!

Everyone's face is a passionate.

With the bone dragon, the whole forest is directly torn in the abyss, which is on the sky!

Unable to describe horror, and even surpass the pressure brought about by virtual god.

That's a huge bone dragon, it has exceeded the rules of the Shenli universe, it is impossible to exist at all!

But in the eyes, it is like the whole Luo Zu star field, and the black breath comes from each of his bones, as if it is just a jaw, you can make the entire Qilin family.


Qi Mountain burst into the sound, the bone dragon is in the extreme strength, so that he didn't think resistance from the beginning.

All unicorn children have no hesitation, and each motivation is a power to play.

Feng Wei is directly into the ground.

"Still running, do you want to die here ?!" Feng Hao hurriedly, reached out, the sword, no double, to take the road and escape.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but the hands of the phoenix is ​​pressed, and a little breaks free.

"Are you crazy? Is it waiting for death now?" Feng Wei has been a little angry, and it seems that the ancestral ancestor is already a behavior that is dead, not to mention that this seems to exceed the existence of ancestral.

The sword is unparalleled to swollen his head. "I am gone, the universe is over."

Feng Wei couldn't help but be angry. "Do you think you are, even if you can harden a half ancestral, you don't have one in one quarter! What's more, you are not saving, you are looking for death!"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Okay, you are willing to die here, the old lady does not accompany you!" Feng Wei used his feet and his body shape made fire phoenix.

I took a deep breath, the sword is unparalleled, "Seniors, can I help me?"

"Your kid, it really gave me a trouble."

The faint sigh is from the mouth of the old.

The hood is slowly pulled down, revealing a disease-like cheek, "This universe is very big for me, but it is enough."

After the words, the black water ripples suddenly turned out from the old feet, in the face of the white bones on the sky, he slowed down.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the throne is extremely, the eyebrows, the purple Sichuan, has become incomparable.

Linhe Dulong Emperor looked at the sacred dragon on the sky, and the old tears and horizontal, the power of the half ancestral peak has also been stimulated.

The black water rod is full of void, and the ink is ink, directly attracted the eyes of the bone dragon.

Next moment, the huge bones were torn, with inch detonation, squeezing to the old.

"Tianmen - Extreme!"

Brilliant ,, unmatched power, while cracking down.

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